Digimon: Destiny? - Chapter 2

He had known for several leagues that robbie was very distracted and distant, withdrawn in his thoughts. he turned around, concern written on his face, with ears flattened. "robbie, are you ...well? you seem distracted."

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Steen's specimens helped, kept her mind distracted, focused.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 20

Again he was distracted though by a message sent directly to him, and the commanding officer of the vessel.

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Burdens - Chapter 15: Recreation

There was a lot of time in the day left, and he figured that much of it could go by easily enough if they were distracted.

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 2

Even in her distracted state she was able to push back the thought and if not lock it away completely, cordon it off from the normal thought traffic in her head.


Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 8

He was still distracted by kghron. rhynsa was waiting for a moment when artios stopped moving. he knew that if artios was not distracted, he would not be able to have the time to discharge the bullet.

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Writing Advice: Before You Write

I write on a laptop so i don't get distracted by games, social media, or instant messages. i keep distractions to a minimum, and usually listen to some lofi to help me focus.

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Brother Light, Brother Dark: In Which Jaqaran is Made an Accomplice

He patiently waited for the distraction jaquaran was going to make before he took his shot.

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Surprisingly Interested

Or maybe he would find a different distraction. going into full stealth mode, richard slipped into the shadows of the concrete jungle.

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Candyland Isn't For Me

"i can do that, can i borrow a quarter pound of that for the distraction." "the rest of that is for your distraction," i say as i grab my .22 m4 and glock and hop out of the car.

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ULTRA random-ness

Flare calmly assured him that most legless puppies sneeze before mating, yet legless puppies usually flamboyantly panic \*after\* mating. she had no idea what that meant; she was only concerned with distracting sky. why was flare trying to distract sky?

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Adept Paws Interlude: Rea

Bakers have so few people to talk to in the dawn hours, so the elder fox became quite distracted by his own yips and tips. distracted enough, that he failed to notice her slipping a little perk-root extract into the half-batch of bran muffins.

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