Journey to another world ch12

A little later the nurse and the chancy took the riolu that was laying on the stretcher through some double doors and the syringe sign over the doors light up. i found a chair near the doors and placed my pack down in the chair next to me.

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Attack (Kreet 10)

He might manage to survive, but it would be a chancy thing. the other fighting seemed to stop as all eyes turned towards the two. even the bandits backed off to see what would happen.

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Ember Tails, ch2 (pt.4)

Besides, since i'm at eleven weeks already, it's far enough along that it's not so sensitive and chancy, we're past the critical period of development..." "and they could just tell that with a simple examination?" keith asked.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes.

Nurse joy hands the vulpix to a chancy wearing a nurse apron and it quickly takes it to an emergency room."... why would a vulpix be in this part of the woods?" "i don't know... will the vulpix be alright?" hakuzo asks nurse joy.

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Ean Vasht Th'Err

Effective but still chancy, the mp's he preferred emptied all thirty-six rounds in one burst. ean liked his own gv-4, better. it had better control longer range and didn't empty as quickly.

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Beyond Mundane Horizons: A Change of Pace

"that seems a chancy sort of existence," the vixen sniffed, "to have no den in which to sleep warm and cozy or wait out the rain and snow." she had to find something to criticize, because she was so taken with the horse's graceful appearance.

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My New Best Friend Chapter 2: The Theater fight

Alex gave nurse joy his trainer id and some money for the check out, as she indicated her chancy to take riolu to the examination room.

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Roi des Voleurs Ch. 2: Question and Answer

"chancy, he's a clydesdale. worst punishment you ever received?" "the bent maiden," blink said with great heaviness in his voice and sorrow in his now distant eyes. "what the hell is that?" "it's a device that holds you in a..... presenting manner.

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Dreams which may come true...

Walking down the creaking stairs and out of the building, making sure to hold the door for old lady chancy who was carrying a bag of groceries, alex smiled to the small bespectacled human before watching her enter safely into her home and heading into the

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[c] A Hefty Champion

It was far from a stronghold of dangerous bandits or outlaws, but it could still be chancy for the average pokemon to wander in. for a zacian like dokei, however, it was child's play.

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STar Tiger, Moon Girl, Chapter 4

But asking a female about her appearance was always chancy business, they could be touchy about it. would it be rude? "rarity, this is stripes. or no, wait... he who stalks the night, yes?" he gave luna a smile.

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Collar 16 -- The End of Summer

Fletcher was slowly meeting more people in the immediate neighborhood, including one slightly chancy visit to the recovering mrs. sudbury. the old kinkajou was to be housebound for at least one more week, although no longer commanded to stay in bed.

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