Kaiju on Macro Action
There were a few kaiser buns with deli meats and slices of cheese, sauces on the side, and a few potions - just in case. he pulled out one of the buns and took a big bite, not bothering with the sauces. "how is it, hon?"
Rabbits in Trouble: Part 2
An older bun who had likely served many years under the queen. his face was slightly saggy and there were grey patches coming through his light brown fur.
Johnathon, part 2
bun and let out another contented sigh. just as i was lost in euphoria, michelle held up my shorts and asked, "do you still want to wear these?" i was snapped back to reality.
Cobalt Amps up! By Starforge!
The earth was shattered as the titan bun launched into a skip, the trail of posts and power lines ravaging her cratered wake as she neared her destination, swelling up into the skyline with each ampere of power...
Cobalt Amps Up - Commission for MeisterLi!
The earth was shattered as the titan bun launched into a skip, the trail of posts and power lines ravaging her cratered wake as she neared her destination, swelling up into the skyline with each ampere of power...
A Sip of Coffee
Her pale fur, combed; her black hair, pinned back into a bun; her charcoal suit jacket, sitting crooked on her shoulders.
Savannah Blues Part 1
Ketchup slurped from the edge of the bun and landed on his chin. "don't you hate when the buns bigger than the meat?" colin asked as he licked his chin clean. "true, too much meat and not enough bun is fine.
A Place to Belong - Chapter 15
I wish i'd known that this was going to happen sooner, i'd have made you your favourite, frambos buns\*."
A Father's Love, Chapter Thirteen
Will touched my bun. i think he was trying to make me laugh. it wasn't working but i smiled a little anyway, and will helped me take out my bun. i shook my head to free my hair and lay back against the pillows.
Clarity - Chapter 18: Through the Cracks
Enjoy your blushing bun in the meantime, 'kay?" "a-ah, hmhm... i think i will. i hope it goes well, miss clover."
Not really a terribly horribly bad day.
He wiggled it at her, and then flopped it between a pair of well toasted buns, then proceded to liberaly violate it with several juicy condiments for flavor before handing it over to her with a smile.
Summer Rains
The fox won't trot, the bun won't hop nor birds chirp gleefully. the clouds release their ashen haul to make the sky a sea. a nest, a den, or burrow found inside a hidden glen. seek shelter from this wash until the sky has fallen.