Savannah Blues Part 1

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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#2 of Savannah Blues

Savannah Blues

By Roofles

Chapter One

Isaac wasn't sure why he agreed to this whole ordeal. The chore alone of getting out of the dorm was a task in itself. Getting dressed after an extra-long shower, making sure to scrub even between his toes, he found himself standing in front of the body sized mirror attached to his closet door.

The gray spotted fur was clean and almost glistening in the dimming light as the sun began to set. His fur was naturally coarse but the shampoos he used softened each strand until they were as soft and smooth as silk. His amber color eyes had that bored droll that had crossed his face as he put the button laced coat over his chest...before going back to the simple swampy green sweater. Isaac wanted to look nice but the hyena didn't have the gull to bring out his only real nice pair of clothes for such an 'stupid' thing as this. He thought about it for half a second before tossing the sweater on the bed and hanging up the coat.

Five nine, one eighty Isaac didn't think of himself ever as a bad catch. Sliding the sweater over his head he turned back towards the mirror. Scuffing up his hair and straightening out he mane that ran down his neck he grinned toothily at his reflecting. He could look in the mirror and be happy with what he saw, in a none arrogant kind of way. That in itself allowed him to get up each morning and go day to day through his daily life.

He tongued the ring poking from the corner of his lip and fiddled with the his earrings and the bars sticking through an eyebrow. Maybe he had gone a bit overboard over the years but he liked what he got. On another it may be over the top but he was satisfied with what he saw. He been neglecting the gym of late but his cardio still held strong every Tuesday and Thursday night. Even with a sweet tooth he was disappointed with the hyena belly he found himself with. His paws rubbed the gut beneath the sweater with a frown.

His dad was the one with the pot belly; genes had cursed him with almost the same fate. Even lessened it wasn't something he liked to think about. No matter how many hours he spent in the gym trying to grind the gut away he still found himself with it the next morning.

A soft whine escaped him as his ears drooped and whiskers sagged. Ok, I like almost everything about myself he thought turning away from the mirror. Hyenas weren't exactly the stars you would see in movies or models in magazines. Several hyena's had made it big in the sports world but even so it was the lions and tigers that were on the magazine covers, cereal boxes and endorsement deals. This hyena on the other hand couldn't focus on such matters. He had more boring, trivial things to contend with.

The clock was already six past eight and Isaac tapped a finger on the cold glass of water he found in his paw. The water trickled down the edge and along his finger before dripping down and soaking up on the table cloth. The restaurant around him was bustling with life and he found himself being the only table with one occupant at it. From families to newlyweds, collage boys and a group of gaggling chinchilla's Isaac found himself alone.

'This is worse than going to a movie alone,' Isaac buried his face in a paw embarrassed over the ordeal. The waiter had come by four times- make that five as Isaac shooed him along yet again. The ringtail's nose stuck up high as his tail curled around the end of the hyena's chair leg, brushing along his leg before vanishing with the ringtail as he hurried along into the back.

Though this whole thing was beginning to get on his nerves, never being comfortable with such situations, his thought began to linger elsewhere. His friends, the 'kind' souls that they were, set him up on this esteem shattering nightmarish outing. A blind date they said. It'd be a hoot they said. Have some fun, able to get out and live a little without all the studying and work to worry about. If nothing else "to get your rocks off at least once this year." But thinking about it he was wishing more and more that he had stayed coopt up and finished up the season of the walking dead.

If some 'twink' walked in right now he'd get up and leave before he was spotted. IF some emo fag approached him he'd feign ignorance and make a speedy retreat. Thoughts floated about as he watched a few more diners join them taking a table nearby. His hopes began to fall as his ears drooped, a blunt nail tapping his glass as the bored expression came across his face as he watched the doorway.

Isaac looked at his phone again. Fifteen after. Five more and he'd be gone, pick up a half pint of ice-cream and head back to his dorm for a night of solitude. He'd get double strawberry delight or possible mint chocolate on the way back. Pig out and eat away his feelings. In return he'd add another hour to his routine and maybe even start working out over the weekends. It's not like he had anything better to do.

As it happened though such a distraction arose. A lumbering lion tossed the door opened, snow raining down behind him. He shook his light hazelnut mane sending flakes of snow in every direction, showering the waiter in droplets of frozen water. This disgruntled looking ringtail was about to throw him out when he spoke. His voice was low, deep and in almost in a snarl asked for his table. His presence alone made the 'lemur' shrunk away. That presence was both awe-inspiring and intimidating. He captivated those around him that were both enthralled and frightened. A true king of the wild.

Isaac didn't need to wonder why society chose the lion as a symbol for strength and magnificence. It was hard not to see one in film or on tv. In a magazine posing for some article of clothing or another named brand item.

That golden fur shined even from the dim lighting the candles on the table provided. A mane of hazelnut flowed around him as he shook his head of the last rain drops as the ringtail gestured towards the table. Isaac could feel a shiver run down his spine and to the tip of his tail, the fur standing on his back standing on end, as golden eyes locked on him and a large grin spread across the lions face.

"Colin Mckarnil," the lion offered with a smile as he caught up to the ring tail, his eyes never leaving Isaac. "Rory said you were cute. Pleasures all mine," he rolled his tongue as he took his seat. "Sorry for the delay. Had a few strings I had to wrap up first."

"Isaac," The hyena said regaining his cool as his fur settled down. He was half amused as he watched the ringtail attempt to do the same. The waiter straightened out his vest and wiped off his shoulders before addressing the two.

"And what shall we be having this fine evening?" The waiter asked with his nose high in the air.

"Take it easy, kid." Colin laughed as he shook his head side to side. "I'll have the fish burger." He practically purred as he thought of the meal. "Extra ranch, monsieur."

"Chicken strip salad, please. Extra ranch as well." Isaac said as he looked at the waiter with his classic jaded expression.

The ringtail took their menus with an utmost disdain before hurrying away, cutting his tip in half as far as Isaac was concerned. "Guy takes his job way too seriously," Colin laughed a bit shaking his head again. He took off the sodden scarf he had been wearing and draped it over a nearby chair not even concerned with the occupants at the table.

"Dude needs to take a chill pill or a good puff puff." Isaac smiled gestured with his fingers.

Colin nodded as he leaned back in his chair. "No kiddin'. A salad tho?" Colin nosed turning back to the hyena giving him his full attention.

Isaac wasn't sure why he had been intimidated by the lion. He seemed friendly enough and was just any average guy as far as he was concerned. At least he was a guy and not one of those fru fru fairies they had tried to set him up with before. Those captivating golden eyes locked him in an almost hypnotic stare as he answered with a smile of his own.

"I happen to love salad. Can't complain about the chicken strips smothered in ranch either." He licked his lips at the mention.

"Like the creamy white stuff too, huh?" Colin chuckled.

"Can't get enough of it, how else is a boy to get his daily amount of protein?" Isaac nodded as if to reassure his statement.

"Growing boys need protein." Colin agreed scratching his chin as if he was truly thinking about it. The fur on his chin was longer than the rest, trimmed. The pink pad of his index finger trailed down as the nail protruded scratching the tip of it.

Isaac smiled but kept his laugh to himself not wanting to draw a scene. He couldn't help but study the man across from him. The golden fur was rich and lustrous shimmering in the light. Isaac wanted to take a paw and trail the outlines of it along his muzzle. Lighter brown fur was under his muzzle that snuck down into his shirt and most likely along his belly. Isaac resisted the urge. He always did try not to molest the guy on the first date. Though this felt more like an outing between friends than a date he had to admit. The tension in his muscles had long sense seeped away.

"So..." The lion asked after the silence had lingered long enough between the two. "What do you do? Rory wasn't very specific; at least he got the cute thing right." He added the last part with a sly smirk.

Isaac could feel a flush take under his gray fur, his ears falling back and his eyes drifting to the table. "Heh, well he gets most things wrong. He was bound to get something right eventually. He didn't give me any specifics about you either though."

"Ah," Colin nodded as if things were beginning to click together. "But I asked first." He teased the tip of his tongue sticking out the end of his muzzle.

Isaac smiled at the small gestured. He was a handsome devil that was for sure. "I'm still a student. I work down at a local café kind of coffee shop near the bus station. To make ends meet." The lion nodded waiting for him to continue. "I'm a biology major." Again the lion waited for him to continue. "The finals for last term were easy enough but this term I got double the work load and been taking extra shifts...I happen to love strawberries, long walks on the beach and Irish folk dancing." He joked as he couldn't think of anything else.

"Small world, I happen to be Irish. Partially." Colin smiled.

"I well...had Irish?" Isaac shrugged but at the look that crossed the lions face he chose to reword his words. "As in the drink," he tapped his glass. "Adding alcohol to it." He chuckled uneasily as his ears drooped.

"I'm sure you'll have Irish soon enough," Colin said simply as he sipped his drink. A flush took Isaac's face again and he did his best to hide it. It wasn't every day a guy could make him abashed more than once in a single day.

"I work down in an office. Boring as all hell," Colin went on after watching the hyena. "Stuck in meetings and dealing with the opposition the whole day. I spent a few years taking courses at the University. The only one that stuck was the elective cooking class. I spend most my free time cooking these days. Relieves the stress after a long day's work."

"I know a few other ways of relieving stress," Isaac smiled as the lion's lips curled and his tail flicked back and forth at the tip. "Back rubs can do wonders." He joked as lion leaned forward.

They joked and teased as the meal dragged on and time continued to slip by.

"And so Sebastian thought it would be smart to try and sneak his paper out from the teacher desk. Well Ms. Riley caught him in the act and you can assume what happened next." Isaac shrugged as the cat laughed before taking another bite of his meal. Ketchup slurped from the edge of the bun and landed on his chin.

"Don't you hate when the buns bigger than the meat?" Colin asked as he licked his chin clean.

"True, too much meat and not enough bun is fine. But when you got big buns and little meat that always tends to be a problem." Isaac joked as a paw trailed up his leg. The shoeless cat's toes trailed back down his leg resting on top of his own foot. Colin's toes wiggled every now and then as the cat continued his meal, giving him a wink before biting into the burger again.

Isaac had a familiar blush cross his face reiterating him with guilt as he moved his paw back enough for their toes to touch one another. The cat was all too eager to comply, playing footsie with him as they continued their meal. His big toe bumped against his, pressing that soft pad against his rougher one, the claw extending from the end and brushed against the side. Such a small gesture plastered a smile across his face for the rest of his meal.

It had been a while sense he had such a thing. Such a simple thing made him feel on top of the world. It had been a while. A long while. His last several 'dates' had been nothing more than quick flings to get his rocks off. Same for them he had wagered, what with not even getting a call back, text or any other kind of reply. He was surprised that he actually had been 'surprised' that they didn't. That they hadn't. That he was nothing but another pair of paws for the pleasing.

But this was different. Was a nice change. Someone that seemed to enjoy his company. What he had to say. But with the physical contact that he desired. Yearned for. And this cat provided that. With a friendly smile, warm demeanor and a nice body he couldn't help but to admit to. Plus they clicked. Something that hadn't happened in itself for a very long time.

A hand rested atop his as they continued to converse after the meal. About school and work, various escapades throughout collage and remedial 'chores of life. How drunk they got on some outing after a midterm, a final. Where Isaac chose to only do jello shots one night, unaware each had been dosed with 151.

"They were supposed to be 'mystery shots'." Isaac tried to explain after explaining what happened after he woke up. "Vodka, rum, tequila. You weren't supposed to know which was which." He shrugged a the cat regained his cool holding his side.

"Wait so what happened with the chicken?" He asked, his foot pressing a bit more into his.

Isaac shook his head simple shrugging again. "What else could we have done? We returned the chicken physically fine, but emotionally scarred. Alan insisted that we kept it and deep fried we had planned...too..." He trailed off embarrassed about the whole thing. "I guess we were hungry?"

Colin smiled as he recounted another of his own stories. "That's nothing. One of my good friends thought it was a brilliant idea to start skipping. Down a dark, greasy alleyway. He didn't even get a foot before he broke his ankle."


"Skipping. One step forward and on the return snap." He gestured breaking a fry in half. Tossing a piece into his muzzle, he continue offering Isaac the other half. "We were laughing the whole way to the hospital. The idiot broke his ankle and he was worried about us the whole time. 'Are you guys ok?' 'You're not hurt are you?'" He did his best to mimic the source as he smiled widely.

And the night continued. The constant mentioning of drinks must have promptitude the waiter to bring some. They drank and laughed as they went on. Talking over one thing after another. Somehow finding themselves with the meal paid for and out on the streets. Walking in the snow drift along the sidewalk after flipping several coins to see if they were sober enough to drive. Neither managed to catch any of the coins and deemed it reasonable that walker was a safer option.

Colin stumbled to the side landing on his back in the snow covered grass giggling like a school girl whose crush winked at her.

"Your hopeless," Isaac smile offered him a paw. Even before the cat took it he knew it was a mistake finding himself nose first into the snow next to him.

He sat up shaking his head and grumbling a bit before jumping as Colin poked him in the side.

"You're a hyena yet you don't laugh much." He concluded looking over at him after giving him a playful push onto his side before he could regain his footing.

"That's a stereotype," Isaac grumbled but jumped again as the lion poked his side again.

"Everyone laughs, some just a little more than others." Colin pressed poking him in the side again.

Isaac jumped keeping his muzzle firmly shut. A sly smile crossed Colin's face again as he poked his belly and brushed his side. Tickling him again as the hyena rolled away. The lion rolled over and drunkenly crawled on him trying to keep him down as he continued to tickle him. Isaac playfully tried to push him off giving him a fake laugh or two but to no return as the lion just pressed more. His fingers tickled his side electing a laugh from him.

Isaac clamped his paws around his muzzle keeping it in as the lion pulled back, taking one of his legs in hand and doing his best to tickle his toes. The chains broke as the hyena laughed. A loud stereotypically laughs that echoed around them between fits of giggles.

Colin joined in as he watched the hyena keel over holding his belly and continuing to laugh.

"Problem is," the lion purred. "Some stereotypes are true."

"A-and," Isaac laughed trying to get a hold on himself. "You didn't have to pry it out of me."

"You never said stop." Colin said only a few inches away from his face, their noses almost touching.

Isaac could feel the flush take his face as he abruptly stopped laughing his ears folding back as his whiskers tensed up. His amber eyes half closed as their muzzles locked in a tight kiss. Their paws wrapping around each other as they rolled over their muzzles sealed together.

As their lips parted he found himself in another fit of giggles as the lion looked down at him with a drunken stupor.

"You taste like strawberries." He said before another fit of giggles.

"I didn't order a strawberry tart for nothing." Colin answered as he slumped down onto his chest. The lion began to purr loudly as his paws wondered, his tail flicking back and forth. Trailing along his side to the edge of his sweater and underneath, rubbing his belly lazily as he continued to let out that low earthshaking purr.

Isaac had several more things to say but didn't have the heart as the lion curled up on him cuddling up with him in the snow. The action of having another body with him, near him, on him was without words. The feeling of the warmth and contact was something he had forgotten, missed. Needed. Hours of studying and working had left him very built up. Not in the physical need he had thought, had burned through a few nobodies. The need of the emotional connection with another.

And the warm tongue that slurped up his belly was just a nice touch.