Gemini – Chapter 9: Greed (Part 1)
"Well, that could have gone better." Clover sighed to himself as he sat with Spike in the upper level of the library. "I know right, I mean I knew that Apple Jack would have been honest about her opinions, but jeez. That was too far." Lamented Spike,...
Gemini – Chapter 8: Arguments
"(Sigh) I missed this." A contented Clover exclaimed as he relaxed on his bed for the first time in the week. "Oh Celestia, I could just lie here forever." No matter how much he wanted to, tiredness quickly overcame him and he fell into a long, deep...
Gemini – Chapter 7: Understanding
It happened again, like the night before, blackness covered Clovers eyes before he found himself back in this strange new form. He flung himself out of his house and back into the dark alley ways to search for his prey. Clover had eventually made his...
Gemini – Chapter 6: Clashing Opinions
Clover fell to the floor of his bed room as his body started to change back to its normal dimensions. "(Gasp) oh Celestia (Pant), wow. I can't believe I did that." He was in awe of the power he wielded. "What do you mean?" said the irritated voice...
Gemini – Chapter 5: Confession
"Why am I doing this?" Clover thought to himself as he walked through the town that was bathed in red from the recent sunset. "Spike's probably just going through a phase, why should I push him like this?" No matter how many times he tried to talk...
Gemini – Chapter 4: Contemplation
From deep within Clover's sleep a faint tapping could be heard, and the volume of this disturbance grew louder and louder with each set of three taps until he was roused from his slumber. Waking up to find himself, lying upon the floor of the living...
Gemini – Chapter 3: One Body, Two Minds
As clovers eyes began to open he saw two big, oily black limbs in front of him. Still in shock from the events that happened just minutes ago he galloped away as far away from the as he could or at least he tried, he stumbled over himself and landed on...
Gemini – Chapter 2: Realisation
On clovers third aimless lap of Ponieville he walked past the town hall and its clock, which had just struck 03:30, with the constant question of what was that black substance and did it even exist, did he go back to bed and dream it up, "No it seems...