Gemini – Chapter 5: Confession
#5 of Gemini - Book 1
The fifth part of Cloves adventure.
I don't own My Little Pony.
"Why am I doing this?" Clover thought to himself as he walked through the town that was bathed in red from the recent sunset. "Spike's probably just going through a phase, why should I push him like this?" No matter how many times he tried to talk himself down, see things in another way or just say no, his legs would keep on moving towards the library. Before he could come up with another argument against his newfound cause, he had found himself standing outside the red, candle lit door.
"I've already come this far," He sighed. "Might as well go through with it." He muttered to himself as he brought his hoof up to the door and knocked upon it thrice.
He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as the door was coated in a strangely familiar aura. His heart had stopped, the door swung open to reveal... nothing, no pony, no dragon, just books. "You do realize that this is a library, right?" Said a female disembodied voice.
Clover poked his head in and scoped the area to find one area lit by candle light and a purple alicorn mare with a book covered in the same aura that had been on the door moments ago, who was obviously the origin of the voice.
In fact, Clover knew this mare; it was Twilight Sparkle, Spike's adoptive older sister. She looked up to see the polite intruder. "Oh! Clover it's you, well this is unexpected. It's usually I who visits your store, not the other way around." She chuckled to herself, proud of the little joke she made.
"I'm not here for business." He began. "I'm here because I saw spike today." He could visibly see her emotions shift as her smile faded from her face. "I don't know what's got him so bothered, but I wanted to see if he's O.K." Clover expertly lied.
Twilight's warm smile came back. "He's just upstairs." Clover turned just as she said, "it's so nice to know spike has such good friends." Those words stung like a knife to Clover as he remembered the time when spike confessed but all he could do was try to run away.
When he had dragged himself and his heavy heart up the stairs he saw two beds; one for a pony, and one for a pet considering the size. Clover then noticed that the latter was shaking, he then understood.
Sitting down next to Spike's bed, Clovers hoof rested upon the blanket. "Hey buddy." Clover could now hear sobbing from the basket. "(Sigh) Listen, I have been thinking about what you said. I think I know what you meant, I'm not sure but I think I'm starting to feel what you feel." No sound came from the bed now, even the shivering had gone.
"I'm so sorry to interrupt such a touching moment." The soothing voice echoed from within Clovers head. "But must I remind you of our little deal. Soon the moon will rise, and you will become what fate had intended for you to be. Now come, we must be off."
"I'm sorry Spike, but I have to leave now." Clover said, saddened, he walked off until he reached the stairs, he heard a sound of shuffling sheets and he turned to see a smiling, bloodshot eyed spike.
"Thanks Clover." Spike spoke sleepily.
As clover headed downstairs he noticed that Twilight was no longer present, however, he could not ponder or explore this further as he began to feel a strange feeling welling up inside, similar to that of the nightmares so he bolted off home.
He slammed the door of his house behind him just in the nick of time; he collapsed to the ground, darkness enveloped his vision, his body went numb. He had become the monster once more, no, this time he was no monster, this time he would be the saviour of ponies from injustice. With that thought he pounced out of a window, and onto the street.
Clover, or whatever he was now, found it wise to stay hidden in the shadows as he stalked two familiar stallions that were completely covered from head to hoof. Clover felt more powerful than he did before, so much so, that he got another horrible idea, "Why don't I just end these two now." He thought to himself. "They have already committed a crime, who's to say that they won't do it again. I could end this cycle here and now." So lost in his own dastardly thoughts he failed to notice that the two had continued on, only when he heard the shriek of a mare did he realise this.
Bounding through the tight alley ways, towards the two thugs. At arrival he growled and snarled, the two strong stallions fled like little fillies. He dared not turn his head towards the victim, not because she would fear him but because he could feel an extra set of eyes on him, that set came from the roof of a nearby building and only one pony would be there, his saviour. As to make himself seem less like a threat he turned and went back the way he came, in fear of Mare Do Well following him he took an overly convoluted path back home.
His job for tonight was done, and he was now safe.