Gemini – Chapter 3: One Body, Two Minds
#3 of Gemini - Book 1
The third part of clovers adventure.
I don't own My Little Pony
As clovers eyes began to open he saw two big, oily black limbs in front of him. Still in shock from the events that happened just minutes ago he galloped away as far away from the as he could or at least he tried, he stumbled over himself and landed on his back in a way that should have been impossible. That's when he noticed that there was something different about his body, apart from the fact that his body was covered head to hoof in that same oily substance that covered the two limbs, which were in fact his arms, it was the shape, the size and the structure of his body it was all wrong.
His hind-legs were essentially the same, the only difference was that they were slightly bigger and covered in the goo, but his mid-section was a different matter it had gone from an average, soft, pony barrel to a firm, large, truck of a chest. His fore-legs had also seen a change, like his hind legs and chest had been bathed in ooze, but they were also thick and gangly, however this was not the only change to the strange stallion, his knee joints had somehow turned in the opposite direction.
"What... What am I?" He said in a voice far from his own, sure he heard it mixed in there but there was another, more raspy than his own that spoke with him and their voices melded into one horrible distorted sound.
After much stumbling in attempts to bring himself back onto his hooves, he finally managed it by primarily using his hind-legs for walking, having a somewhat straight vertical back but with a hunch at the shoulders, allowing him to use his long fore-legs as support. Now able to walk, he made his way to the mirror whilst curiosity for what he might see fought against the fear of what he might see. Still unsure whether or not this was a good idea he had already made his way to it, he was standing in front of the mirror, debating if he should run away, it wasn't too late. "No, I have already come this far, and what good would running away from myself be?"
Clover looked up at the mirror, at himself. Right at the top of his head were two giant pointed ears, moving down he saw two white, pupil missing, glowing eyes, his gaze moved down to his muzzle, he tried to find his nose but he couldn't, he didn't know if it was the oily substance obscuring the view or if it didn't actually exist at all, at this point he wouldn't have been surprised if it was the latter, now to his massive jaw and oversized, razor sharp teeth.
He looked like a monster, a freak of nature that should not have existed. The more he looked at himself the more depressed he got, but soon that depression was converted into anger at himself, at what he had become. This strange new presence within his head returned, it was encouraging his anger and he felt good.
"You are nothing, worthless and completely useless to yourself and all those that inhabit this place." The voice said within his head, "but I can make you powerful, I can grant your greatest wishes, I can make your deepest desires become reality. All I need you to do is submit yourself to me, to my power and we could rule this planet, just give in and everything you could ever want will be yours. Think about it, I'm sure you will see it my way in time. Goodnight."
"GGGAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Clover screamed as he jolted out of bed in a cold sweet. Panting, he looked down to see he was still his earthy brown colour, he decided to put the events of last night behind him as it was clearly too surreal to have actually happened. Putting his collar, tie and saddle bags on, he walked out the door and to quills and sofas.
Finally he was able to take his mind off of all of the 'excitement' that had happened recently, he hoped his friend, spike, would come in and take his mind off of his problems like he usually would, but no, it seemed like he wouldn't be coming today.
When closing time came he hesitated in leaving out of fear for what the night had in store for him this time. "Wait, its night time already and nothing has happened. Maybe it's finally over." And with that he left.
With a bounce in each step from the realisation that these problems of his might have gone, he trotted on home. A hoof slid over his muzzle as he was pulled into a dark alleyway. His back hit the floor. He was looking up at two completely covered up stallions. "Hoof over all your Bits if ya' know what's good for ya'." Said the one that threw Clover in.
"Yeah, we don't wanna' have to get violent" said the other one.
"Use my power, quickly." Whispered the voice in clovers head, "I could use them as a demonstration of my power to you, besides who would miss these two lowlifes anyway."
Before Clover could even contemplate the deal that the vice had just made, a shadow formed above all three of them. It was impossible to tell who it was as they were in complete darkness, but quick as a flash, the mysterious pony dropped from the rooftop and knocked out both crooks. Now Clover could see who it was, it was Mare Do Well, and as quickly as she had arrived she vanished in a purple flash.
He decided to think about what he saw later as he ran off home, heart beating at impossible speeds. He slammed the door behind him as soon as he got in, fearing that another criminal may have followed him. "No, no, no, no, no!" He cried to himself, all of the stress had finally got to him as he broke down in his living room and cried himself to sleep.