Gemini – Chapter 2: Realisation

Story by tsjca on SoFurry

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#2 of Gemini - Book 1

The second part of the action story following Clover.

I don't own My Little Pony

On clovers third aimless lap of Ponieville he walked past the town hall and its clock, which had just struck 03:30, with the constant question of what was that black substance and did it even exist, did he go back to bed and dream it up, "No it seems to fresh in my mind to be a dream, and what about the meteor, that's real." He muttered to himself.

"What's real?" Asked an unexpected voice.

"Wha? AHHH!" Clover screamed, holding a hoof to his chest as he whipped around to see a bright pink mare, staring intently at him and being too close for comfort. "O-Oh, umm, nothing just, err, thinking out loud."

"O.K." she said before jumping away as clover reclined against the tall building, trying to get his heart back into a steady pace and breathing deeply.

After calming down he decided to try to take his mind off of his most recent bout of bad luck and get something to eat. Finally, it looked like good luck had struck him at last as there was a cake shop nearby, but as he got closer to it he saw through the window and to the counter, the pony behind the counter was the same pink pony that had just invaded his personal space. "Every time, every freaking time!" He moaned as he slumped to the floor.

"Ting" went the bell, he ignored it. Tapping at the cobblestone behind him, he ignored it. A pointed digit tapped him on the back, he ignored it. "Umm, Clover, are you going to be alright?" A worried voice asked.

"(Sigh) I'll be just fine spike." Clover grumbled into his fore-hooves.

"Then why do you look so, I don't know, down?" questioned the purple dragon.

"You know the comets you wanted me to see?" Spike replied with a simple nod, "Well, one of them crashed into my back yard last night, and now the guards have told me I can't go back home until 5pm, if not later."

Clover turned to see a look of shock on the dragon's face that would have been humorous in any other situation. "But, what... why?" A dumbfounded Spike stuttered out. "I mean, I saw the ponies outside your house this morning, but I just thought that Pinkie Pie was holding a party there."

"Who?" The confused stallion asked.

"Oh, she's that pink pony over there, behind the counter." Spike pointed towards what best could be described as the 'ginger bread house' from old stories.

Clover only grunted, not wishing to voice his disapproval of the mare and what she would probably do to his home.

"Hey, I'm going to the store to get my comic book, wanna' come?" Spike asked.

"Sure, I got nothing else to do." Clover replied in a rather lacklustre tone as he got back onto all fours, following behind a happy Spike.

After a short journey, they reached the shop and Clover saw that Spike bought a magazine with the giant tittle of 'POWER PONIES' emblazoned on the front of it. "So, what's that about then?" Clover Questioned.

"Huh? Oh this, it's about a group of mares with superpowers who fight crime." Spike replied.

"You know what; I might buy myself one of those, Sounds like a good read." Clover commented idly.

On their way back from the shop, Clover and Spike were talking about the superheroes and which one would win in a fight, that's when Clover looked up once more at the town hall's clock. "Sorry Spike, I've got to go and see if the guards have finished yet." Clove said as he dashed off home.

"Oh, O.K. see ya' then." Spike said as he slowly made his way back to the library.

As Clover came closer to his house he noticed a royal guard standing outside of his house. "So then, what happened? Did everything go alright?" Clover asked.

The guard simply stood there staring straight ahead at nothing and said as if pre-recorded, "I have been left here to inform you that the meteor has been collected and the area has been declared safe." Then he just galloped off.

Clover opened the door to find everything where it should be, as if untouched. He sat down at his table and began to read the comic he had bought that day. Once he reached the end he looked up, out of the window to see that it had become night without him realising prior. "(Yawn) I think it's time for bed." He said to himself as he stumbled off to his room.

It was as soon as he collapsed on his bed that he notice that he was running a fever and panting heavily. After a couple of minutes he began to heave before he started dragging himself off to the 'little colt's room'.

Just before he had reached the bathroom did he start to bring up a liquid, a black liquid, a black oily liquid. Realising that the night before was no dream; he panicked and flailed until his right fore-hoof connected with it, which at that point the strange substance latched on and pulled itself towards him and him towards it.

It happened again, the same as last night but this time the pain was not as brutal, in fact he didn't even feel the pain but he could feel the movements his body made, it's as if his body had become completely numb. It then became apparent to Clover that the pain wasn't the only change though, as he could now keep himself conscious and slowly his eyes began to open, however this was not of his own intentions, it was more like something told him to do it. What he saw terrified him, more than the meteor, more than the black ooze seeping from the rock, more than the oily substance he had just brought up moments ago. It shocked him to his core.