After the war: A rough journey

**Hey everyone** **Ok, let me start by saying this chapter is lazy. I am current working my ass off for so many other things right now it is difficult to write anything decent. ** **But this one leads to the next chapter, and i promise that the...

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New year, new life chapter 6

**Final chapter! I hope that this will finish the story off nicely in your eyes. Just as a note i do use a lot of swear words so if an admin or whatever you are called here is reading this and you think that it is too much for a clean rating please...

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A redemption of the soul Chapter 2

**Two stories in 1 day... aren't i awesome?** **No i'm not, but remember if you think it is rushed or could use some fine tuning TELL ME!! But i'm going to keep this section short.** Enjoy. He walked back to the dragon city, his wings couldn't...

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New year, new life chapter 5

**ZOMG hit the 500 views mark! My own little goal achvied (Win)** Anyway i really wanted to stick this chapter up and the last one got 100+ views so I win again! (as a note to all those with crap loads of views i have been on this site for 2-3 days so...

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Beneath the stars

**Hey, it's been a while.** **This is just a quick One shot between Spyro and Cynder to get me back into writing. It's been bad for me for a while and i've lost so much confidence in everything i do, so i really needed to just get something written...

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Fullhearts eve

Hey there! This story was originally supposed to be published on valentines day, but circumstance got in the way, so you get it now! It's rather long, in fact the longest fanfic i've written in one go. It's just a one-shot, but I felt that I might as...

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A Redemption of the Soul - Chapter 8

Hello again, it's been a while. Now I'd like to make something clear. This chapter was written because someone requested me to, I won't name who. I've turned all my focus into something beyond the fur realm. This chapter is set about a month or so...

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A redemption of the soul

**As a note i re-uploaded this chapter. I thought i could put more in so i did... Anyway it's just something i feel that made it a bit better as the first upload was a tad rushed. I promise i will never do it again.** **Still here's my new story, i...

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New year, new life chapter 2

**Chapter 2 of my shitty story... just for all you XD try and enjoy** By the end of the lesson almost every single dragon had the same question, why? They waited for Spyro to leave thedusty old room before then they swarmed him. Cynder watched him...


New year, new life

**Hey everyone! My first story on this site... or any site even. So i'm hoping it will go well! This is just something i thought of in a couple of days so if it's bad tell me why it is! I need the feedback to improve! Enough from me, read it and...
