C'est ici que je suis né et que j'ai grandi._
il s'arrête là, ayant envie de continuer mais gêné d'en avoir déjà tant dit.
French Language, Kangaroo
**average lifespan:** they are designed to last a 1000 years before their ai degrades from age.
Androgynous, Armor, Character Development, Character Sheet, Clean, Cyborg, Electronic, Future, Introduction, Machine, Military, Other, Power Armor, Robot, Robots, Sci-Fi, Science, Science Fiction
j'ai donné un grand coup et j'ai entendu un bruit sec. j'espère que j'ai cassé un bras à celui qui me retenait ! mais pourquoi toutes ces questions au fait ?_
_- ce sont des créatures du mal.
Bat, French Language, Kangaroo, Vampire
"any updates, ai?" alex asked, now through his helmet speakers.
"the attacks are coming from within some of the ships but there is also ship to ship weapons being exchanged," answered the ai.
Alien, Battleground, Character Development, Female, Male, Science Fiction, Ship, Story Progression, Story Series, Wolf, pack, survivors
- non je l'ai mérité. dit l'autre dragon. et encore moi je l'ai échappé belle.
- en tout cas merci. dit sincèrement kyo.
- de rien. dit l'autre dragon en tournant les talons.
deux autres heures de cours passèrent sans aucun incident.
Cynder, Dragon, Dragoness, Flame, French Language, Kissing, Kyo, Love, Plot Development, Spyro, Story Progression, Story Series, Young Romance
There was a reason why no other ship in the entire fleet had such advanced ai's. the only way to have advanced ai's were to copy them from a real person, and when the ai learned that they weren't real they grew dangerous.
Alien, Arctic Fox, Investigation, Kit, Male, Mustelid, Mystery, Prodigy, Science Fiction, Story Progression, Story Series, admiral, marten, pine marten
The ai replied.
as she did, chase grabbed his stinger 9mm handguns from the compartment beside him.
Cadpigv2, Fanfiction, Female, Fox, Krystal, Male, Starfox, Story Progression, Vulpine, chase, writing