Draco - chapter 6

kyo baissa les yeux. - je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé. mentit kyo, j'ai perdu le contrôle. le principal le regarda et sourit: - tu ne sais pas mentir kyo. ils se regardèrent pendant un court moment puis kyo baissa les yeux.

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Draco - chapter 7

Demanda kyo. - kyo. appela le père de cynder. kyo tourna la tête vers ce dernier. il lui fit un signe en indiquant le côté de sa gueule. kyo porta sa patte à ses lèvres et sentit quelque chose d'humide.

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A New Life Ch.7

kyo looked and saw icewaver smiling at him as he brought kyo close and wrapped his arms around the human. he picked kyo up and tossed him over his shoulder as kyo yelled and was plunged into the water.

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Draco - chapter 2

kyo le regardait lui aussi surprit. l'homme se rapprocha. - bonjour kyo tu vas bien. demanda-t-il kyo répondit mais l'homme ne comprit rien. - je suis désolé kyo, dit-il gêné, mais je ne comprends rien de ce que tu dis.

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Draco - Chapter 3

.** **il y eut un long silence pesant, kyo regardait ses griffes.** **- kyo qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?

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A new start Chapter 4: The First Relationship

kyo nodded, and rayne left the room. he had returned ten minutes later to see five pocky sticks lying on the table, with kyo's back to him.

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A new start Chapter 2: Friendship

He yelled, as he ran towards kyo to knock him down. kyo dodged cyrus's futile efforts to knock him out.

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A New Start Chapter 3: First Kiss

As he continued to stare, kyo felt his stomach knot. "kyo..." the black cat jumped to his feet and bolted for the door.

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Draco - Chapter 5

Dit kyo un peu déçu. - qu'est-ce que tu comptes faire? demanda cynder. - sans doute rentrer chez moi. soupira kyo. - à demain alors. dit cynder. kyo s'approcha pour l'embrasser sur la joue.

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A Boy and His Lucario Part 11

This pokémon had no reason to help kyo, but she did. she helped him and stayed by his side. "kyo, this is amazing. she had no reason to help you." kyo shook his head.

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Lemon Tree - A new beginning

I fell to the ground sobbing, i heard kyo jump the face and race over to me. "its okay, john, its okay." kyo whispered. his embrace was comforting, warm, and it felt safe.

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A new start chapter 1: the encounter

"kyo muramisa." two words. what an accomplishment. "kyo, why isn't anyone else sitting with you?" "i hate people. everyone around here knows that." ouch. "you're new, aren't you?" "yeah," rayne replied.

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