The gutpunching home - Sidestory 2
Not that it stops some pokémon from joining the club without a partner - after all, new faces are welcome every week. one example of a pair of such members would be gliscor and marowak.
Dragon Storm: Chapter 5: Rio's Resolve!
This process repeated for the next week. one day rio woke up to find himself on the dock again. he decided that in order to push himself further he was going to start earlier in the morning and end his training later at night.
On Colonizing Part 3
I shall lay within the week. one of your number is already gravid herself and not too far behind me. already i feel the urge to nest is growing almost unbearably strong. gregory: what kind of chamber do you feel driven to find?
Chapter 8 (Todd)
"well, we only went out for two weeks. one reason i broke up with her: she wanted to have sex with me. reason two: she would try to sneak into my room at night to try and get me into trouble doing crazy stuff.
A Labor of Love
weeks, one injured finger, and lots of cursing. she had made sure to thank father every day until he grew sick of it. "what's this?" the badger asked. arms around the dresser, he was scooting it away from the wall.
Lovin' a Vixen (A Moonlace Story) Chapter 2
The next meetup then happened a couple of days later and by this point it was now getting closer to the end of week one since the book had been delivered to mocha.
Crashing Into Fate
See you next week." one week later.... so now that a week has passed josh was standing at the coffee shop and it was precisely 6:20. maybe he forgot about me thought josh as he sighed.
Grayson 1
Writer's block is a genuine phenomenon and not merely petulant griping of writers who simply don't want to work today, or tomorrow, or next week.
The Coffin: Part 5
"of course they were made of wood, so as not to chop ourselves to pieces, but they were weighted to match their more lethal counterparts, and could leave welts that'd have you wincing for weeks.
Kage's Camping Trip 3
The black wolf asked leaning over the table slightly after she'd put her phone away, "because if i'm not terribly mistaken you just told your father you were staying with a man for a couple weeks, one of those on another camping trip."
: CH 5 : Where things went wrong
We set as many places up as we could, should keep them busy for a week." one of the weasel brothers, jake called out as he entered the warehouse from the side door. stopping at the barrels, he turned to look across the now mostly empty space.
Extra Curricular Activities
"and she had phone sex at least once a week, one time while you were studying for a midterm?" after a long and nasal sigh, piper said, "i was writing slash."