Bounty Hunters pt 2

Korban made certain multiple times that he wasn't being followed before racing back to the R.V. There, he found Kieran waiting for him, the gray cat already in the process of tending to his wounds. The gray cat looked up when Korban rode his bike into...

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A Dragon's Dilemma

." \*\*\*\* "the matriarch doesn't want to see anyone," said the sentinel, a gruff-looking nightstalker. the black-scaled drake noticed quinn and harold hadn't budged and snorted, his long tail slapping the floor. "come back later."

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Children of the American Dream

"You did _what_?!" Avory squarked at the three males, agitated. "Why did you go alone? Surely you didn't think you could take him on alone without the _smallest_consideration that he could get away _again_?" "There were three of us and one of him,"...

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Who would win ? Machine city Matrix or skynet terminator

the sentinel wins melee and can overwhelm a terminator long range weapons with numbers. the matrix against skynet. again the matrix seems to have the edge. ability to launch a cyber warfare attack on skynet.

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 32: Places Both Known And Unknown Part I

the sentinel responded. "perhaps, i should take you out just on principle." "um, that won't be necessary, but if you don't mind could you please cover up? what you are wearing is um, quite inappropriate."

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 38: The Colony (Places Both Known And Unknown Part VII)

I said to the sentinel. "i see. are you three alright?" the fennec asked. "we took some lumps after the prototype fell from the sky. we also encountered a weird family. they tried to dispose of ursa." "goodness! is she alright?!"

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New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 1 - "It Comes Soon"

In the 1970's he was at his peak while leading his team, the sentinels, and watching over the south-western portion of the eastern seaboard with steely determination and a since of unbending justice and morality.

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Everwinter Ch34: Benefits of Reuse

Doros snapped and glared at the sentinel looming near him. the obelisk remained silent. "please! master! stop!" doros pleaded with his eyes glaring at the sentinel's silent reflection. something surged within him. like a switch waiting to be flipped.

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[COM] Star Wars: Right vs Easy by Kajex Surnahm

However i decided to give this story a try, if its not obvious, it was "path of the sentinel."

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Old Souls: Ch 1, A Thief and a Knight

"then there was the honest wolf and creative fox, respectively the sentinels of the light and dark, kairyu and douryu." i see rick shiver visibly. "i don't like the sentinel of the dark, he scares me.

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Grimscale the Druid.

Rising to full height, leg muscles relaxing and stretching, showing the true tone of the power they contained as his head lifted toward the sentinel, subtle movements guided by a careful gaze.

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Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 12

Night was falling as they reached the sentinel, an ancient statue that acted as the second waypoint to pale pass.

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