destatis ýralans
tidális' mes
in gaikal, bryna
destatis díelans
destatis diatrymans
ad um taiválum ita
estes naïthria, mes
destatikil díelans et ýralans
tidális mes in gaikal, nos
destatikil ýralans et díelans
Day, Dusky, Hail, Heaven, Moon, Nacht, Night, Poem, Power, and, destatis, engulf, gedicht, himmel, infinite, mond, pracht, sentinel, splendor, sun, wonne, wächter
Music: destati kh2
"lately, weird dreams have been coming to me during the night. what makes them weird is that fact that they come in sections. normally they have come in threes.
Digimon, M/F, No-Yiff, Renamon