Life by the Page 1
Like anyone in this state of mind he was completely focused on the negatives. he thought of how she ignored him as he told her about new ideas he had.
Shadows Returning: Preface (Reboot!)
Men and women alike fight constantly to find this balance between these two states of mind, and as such find 'the harmony in discord' and the din in perfection.
Not your grandfather's science fiction
"i once noticed that when i was in a certain state of mind, my head kept twitching to the left every time i thought of something, showing there was a link between idea-generation and the vestibular system.
Come With Us To Gomorrah, Opportunity Knocks But Once
Gomorrah changes you--see--it's not a place, or a city, or a nation--but a state of mind, a kinship; choosing to be something that maybe normal people: maybe your brother or your sister, or your mother or father, or the next door neighbors, your coworkers,
This has no title. But read it.
They watch with skilled and practiced eyes, and learn to read with great accuracy, the state of mind and heart of the victims. there are many signs i noted in myself and sadly, my victims, that may give clue as to when this uprising will occur.
Over in that Meadow (ch 2) The Madness of restriction and the deer story
This state of mind felt like space, like some sort of limbo, she was in the blank nothing of empty space. _" what?_ she spoke in her mind. _" that smile on your face, why is it there?"
It jarred me out of my semi-sedate state of mind, and kicked me into reaction-mode. my hands found my rifle and my pack in seconds, and i flew from my vehicle towards a hardened outpost building.
Digidestined-Prologue: A New Destiny Unfolds
After a long but rather balanced four years i was finally able to live in a peaceful state of mind. i live in the city of pittsburgh, with a decent family who are helping me out in getting my own apartment with a friend of mine, whom also is a......
He started practicing with his guitar again, this time hitting a few more happy notes in tune with his state of mind. granted, he was still worried about what was to come.
1:12 Two Betrayals
When one was in those states of mind, one does things they wouldn't ordinarily do. regardless, when she took his paw, for some far off reason, she felt like she was making the right choice. besides, what other choice did she have?
D.E1 Part III Prologue
For a second it seemed that her true feelings were back, but the deaths of many and probably her own soon made her go to her emotionally blank state of mind.
In the Shadow of Life-Prolouge, Part 2: Going Downhill
To evolve into an umbreon, you must achieve a very happy state of mind at night time." she explained. "can you think of any way to do that? because, to be honest, i'm not too happy these days." she grinned. "i'm sure i can arrange something.