Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 6
#25 of scales and honor- night rising + lyyreth takes flight looking for infinity once more. infinity watches the green dragon as he scans the forest. than something forces her claw into action.
Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 4
#23 of scales and honor- night rising + infinity leaves the safety of her small cave she found. curiosity lurks within her bones as she spies a male dragon flying overhead.
Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 1
#20 of scales and honor- night rising + we start off the tale with lyyreth the green dragon, as he and his brother are flying away from the forest of despair. they engage in some fun, and have some lunch. lyyreth and cordenth are mine.
Scales and Honor: The Shattered God: Chapter 2
#113 of scales and honor in which a dragon goes to visit his dear old mother. how could things go poorly? yet they need her help to decipher the visions, and offer her expertise* chapter 2: the visit travel to the forest of despair right now?
Mother's Fury
#2 of scales and honor: worldbuilding spoilers ahead here we have a story set in the same universe of scales and honor. it details an incident were the indomitable aegis was consumed in a fury.
World building: Time in Sethera
#10 of scales and honor: worldbuilding figured i would type up the months, days and time in sethera while i was at it today. telling of time in sethera this is a record of days of the week, months, and time found in sethera.
World Building: Nations of Sethera
#11 of scales and honor: worldbuilding some of the nations found in sethera, with distribution of races. also some little stats about food, drink, colors, and animal.
Twisted Night: Prologue
#35 of scales and honor- night rising + night rising began as a small way to introduce infinity to the world of scales and honor. soon it blossomed into a dragoness befriending a human mage and trying to escape with him from a creature most foul.
Emerald Secrets: Prologue
#25 of scales and honor in which we start the mechanization of another story. we get a brief glimpse into a green dragon. one within the forest of despair.
Darkened Skies: Chapter 27: Deep Fae
#98 of scales and honor in which the path into the deep fae is started. scales and honor: darkened skies chapter 27: deep fae in not too many words, fremra explained the multitude of dangers that might await them in the mysterious deep fae.
Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 18
#111 of scales and honor in which cordenth explores deeper into the uniter. he meets a familiar face, but he doesn't know why... chapter 18 cordenth's claws found purchase in one of the uniter's many spires that adorned its armored walls.
Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 24
#75 of scales and honor in which little vishta takes a tour of her new master's home. she finds a familiar face... chapter 24 by the time she was finished, _satisfying_the needs of her new master, vishta pulled herself from his slumbering clutches.