Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 4

Story by Unscforces on SoFurry

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#23 of Scales and Honor- Night Rising +

Infinity leaves the safety of her small cave she found. Curiosity lurks within her bones as she spies a male dragon flying overhead.

Infinity belongs to (c)

Lyyreth belongs to me (c) Unscforces

Chapter 4

Infinity peered cautiously out of the safety of a small cave she had found over the last few days. It may not have been large enough for her to stretch her wings, but it had provided safety from the world, and everything else. She was startled by a large magical explosion in the sky, that in a flash lit up the countryside. She watched as multicolored lights spread out across the air. One by one they would rise from the tree line as a brilliant spear of light, shrieking out in the night like a banshee. The colored light would then explode in mid air, showering the sky with sparks. I wonder what those are about? She tilted her head to the side as her curiosity got the better of her. She left the safety of the cave to get closer, with her tail swishing behind her.

Probably some sort of mortal party or something..She stopped to watch another of the magical explosions, causing her eyes to widen as the fading lights drifted back down towards the earth....They are pretty though. Her gaze went from the lights to what was the clearly the shape of a dragon flying overhead. She lowered herself towards the ground, creeping towards the safety of the trees. She shivered beneath her scales as her eyes traced their flapping wings. Did the lich get dragons now to hunt me? She watched the hovering dragon tilt their snout towards the lights, with the next illumination she saw that their scales were green. She went rigid like a statue as she recognized the scales. Is that Emerald Lady? She twitched her tail, cutting some of the grass around her as she did so. She found her breaths involuntarily growing short. That dragon looks too small to be her...but if it is her... Infinity thought back to her time in the lich's lair with the towering, intimidating dragoness that had taught her magic. She had been helpful, but unpredictable. She was never quite sure if the dragoness was going to help her, or snarl and bare her teeth. Best avoid her if possible, don't know what to expect.

She watched the dragon fly through the air, turning and avoiding the magical lights that were exploding around them. With every passing moment she felt the urge to freeze up fade away. The sensation of dread lost it's grip on her hide, and she carefully placed a claw out from the safety of the treeline. She quickly and silently followed the green dragon, darting from tree to tree until she watched them land in a clearing of grass. So it's not Emerald Lady. She thought as she recognized the tell tale signs of a male, and finally caught his scent in the air. It was clearly dragon, but it reminded her of the smell of pine. She gave a small rumble in her throat, as she found the smell comforting in some way. Interesting. She crouched low with curiosity in her chest as he kneaded the grass with his claws. What are you looking for? Me? The green dragon turned his head towards the next explosion of light and sound, that echoed across the countryside.

Infinity moved closer towards the unaware male. He seemed to be lost in thought as she managed to slink to an overly large bush. She quickly hid behind it, keeping her eyes trained on him and his viridian scales. She suddenly watched his body freeze, and his snout snap towards her direction as his nostrils flared, and he sniffed the air.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" The green dragon spun the rest of his body around, his head scanning from side to side. His bright yellow eyes glanced over the bush containing Infinity, but they did not linger there.

Infinity crouched lower, trying to remain deathly still. She could feel her heart beat faster as she started to regret her decision to get closer to this green male. What were you thinking? He could be working for the lich! She took a silent step back, her spines standing on edge. She stopped when she was sure she was in a gigantic shadow, trying to blend her scales in with the lack of light.

"If your going to attack me." the dragon crouched low, and backed away slowly. "Get it over with, I'm terrible at waiting!" the green dragon then suddenly spasmed, throwing back his snout and letting out a loud sneeze.

Infinity mirrored his movements, taking another step back away from him. Away from the unknown, away from possibly of the lich. Get to a safe distance, get away before he notices you...and takes you away. She felt fear start to creep back into her scales, staining her scent as she remembered the tower. She remembered all the torture, and the tests, and the pain, and the death. She shivered once, taking another step back. Never again...please let me get away...if anyone is listening.

"Why are they hunting you?" The green dragon shouted out, "I heard quite a number of things on my way here."

Infinity widened her eyes. The hunters were here? They followed me? She bolted away quickly, scattering earth with her paws as she bounded across the ground. This was stupid, why did I stop. She shook her head, trying to shake the feeling of dread creeping back into her heart. It's going to be just like the other times...I'm going to be dragged back.....than Axton would have died....for nothing.. Her breath grew short as she continued with all her strength to sprint across the earth.

"Wait up! I don't mean you any harm!" the green dragon shouted from behind her. She could see he was gaining on her, clearly faster in the forest than she was. She cursed her clumsy paws as she caught herself from tripping over a root. The male avoided it easily as he gained ground on her.

You won't capture me again. She looked away and focused on her claws carrying her through the forest. She avoided a tree, her tail briefly brushing the bark as she passed.

"Wait up!" the green dragon shouted. He was closing the distance with every bound, and closing fast. If she was going to do something it was going to have to be now. Otherwise the dragon would be on her, and she would have to fight, or be dragged back to the tower.

Infinity raised her left claw, twiddling her talons as she let the word "vonuze" escape her maw. To her relief the spell worked like it always had done, shrouding her in an invisible field that should protect her from the green male's eyes. She dashed into the thick underbrush, hoping to lose him that way. She stopped after several moments, breathing heavily as she crouched low. She made not a noise as she heard him pass close by, his head held high and scanning for her. She stayed silent as her ears twitched, and she simply stared in fear at his graceful movements.

"I know you're there." The male sniffed the air. "You may be invisible, but it does not hide your scent....I know your scared." The green dragon swung his head around, his eyes passing over her hiding spot. "Perchance we got off on the wrong claw?" She watched him take a deep breath, and his voice lowered. "My name is Lyyreth, you don't have anything to fear from me. It is true that I came out here to find you."

Infinity swallowed the despairing whimper that threatened to claw its way up her throat. Never again. Stubborn as always, she silently backed away, her muscles tensing as she prepared to resume her sprint away. How long can I keep this up? She asked herself as her claw touched the earth. How much longer till I am too exhausted to do anything? She thought to the hunters, the wyverns, and then to the lich.

"But I am not with those wicked dragon hunters." he folded his wings against his back, and took a seat on his haunches. He curled his frilled tail around his side, and taped it once against the forest floor. "Would you please come out so we can have a conversation like two civilized dragons?"

She bolted away, feeling the spell that had shielded her from his eyes fade away. She ignored his next shout to her as she willed herself to run faster. Maybe...just maybe I can get away.. She peaked a glance only to see that he had resumed his chase of her, and was gaining on her once again. Than there is no other way. She whirled around, tossing her head back and flaring her great wings wide. She crouched low to the earth, her spines standing on edge as she let out a loud threatening hiss. Her tail flicked behind her in preparation for combat as he claws kneaded the ground. Leave me alone. She hoped there were no wyverns around, for she was sure if they were, she had just alerted them to her position.

"I just want to talk." Lyyreth did not make any sudden moves, his eyes watching her movements as she started to pace around him like an animal. "I could have shot spells at you by now."

She sucked in a breath, once again flaring her wings to appear to be bigger.

"Why are you so scared of me?" Lyyreth took a step back, his eyes going to her wing membranes. "I am not one of those hunters."

Infinity took two steps back, ignoring his words. Alarm flared in her eyes as she cursed herself. But you could be working for the lich...getting my guard down.

"Why are the hunters looking for you?"

Infinity froze with her next step, her spines folding onto her back. She shivered as she imagined herself being dragged away, back to the tower full of nightmares. She watched him once again calmly sit down onto his haunches. Why is he not attacking? For someone who was working with the lich, he was being surprisingly tame.

"Do you want me to go?" he asked softly, with concern lingering in his voice.

"I..Uh." her voice came slow, and sounded hoarse. After all had been quite some time since she had needed to use it. She quickly closed her snout, words failing her as she stared into his eyes.

Lyyreth's eyes suddenly widened into yellow slits as he tapped his tail on the ground. "Go on." he said with a low voice brimming with patience.

Infinities thoughts whirled around in her head like a storm. What am I supposed to do? She took two steps back from the calm male. He did follow me, chase me down...But he wants to talk?..Maybe he would be alright to...She shook her head with a snout. _No you can't trust him, you can't trust anyone...not with the lich out there...He could be another trick..waiting to snare me..._She took yet another step back. "Leave me alone. I can't trust you." she finally said, spreading her wings wide. She pounced into the air, her wings carrying her high into the air. She looked down with the next pounding of her membranes to see that thankfully the male had not followed her this time. The one called Lyyreth seemed to smack his tail on the ground, and throw some dirt angrily with his claws.

She carried herself higher and higher into the air, spreading her wings wide and hoping they blended in with the star filled sky from above. She closed her eyes briefly as the wind caressed her snout. Despite all that had happened, despite the fear still lurking within her chest, she felt a small bit of relief come to limbs at being in the air. She angled her wings and began to spiral as she kept her eyes trained on Lyyreth, watching his movements as he began to walk away. I wonder if he was sincere....and I was too hasty..._She flew for a time, until she finally made her way back towards the safety of her small cave. Her eyes went to the aged leather pack sitting on the worn dark grey stone. _Is this what you would have wanted for me? She sighed, curling herself around the little brown thing. She tore her sight away from the satchel back towards the night, gazing out to the twinkling stars above. Next time...don't be so scared...She set her head onto the stone with a snort of air, closing her eyes and letting sleep take her away.

Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Lyyreth woke slowly, blinking his eyes and casting the grogginess from them. He was sleeping on his fours, cuddled up next to his brother. _We have not rested together like this since we were but hatchlings._ He let out a pleased sigh,...

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Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Lyyreth checked himself over as he stood outside the large wooden building that was this villages inn. He had transformed into a human male, roughly twenty eight of their years. He was wearing a thick earth brown wool jacket, and dark...

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Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 "Let's get out of here." Cordenth spoke in a hushed whisper. "I even spy a pitchfork on one of them, I assure you that's the start of an angry mob. I say we take to the sky and get out of here." The green dragon extended his wings, and...

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