Emerald Secrets: Prologue

Story by Unscforces on SoFurry

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#25 of Scales and Honor

In which we start the mechanization of another story. We get a brief glimpse into a green dragon. One within the forest of despair.

Scales and Honor: Emerald Secrets


The sun rose on the forest of despair, casting a warm, honied glaze to every speck of bark and leaf that showed its darkened form. It was a magnificent painting that rose out of the land, a treasure trove of nature where no man dared tread. For it was here that folks told stories of twisted trees with wooden fingers that could speak, monsters that would gobble up those unaware, and a dozen other mis-shaped things that would rip the weak of heart to ribbons. They wouldn't even fly above such a place, for rumors circulated of thousands of little hands that would spring from the emerald canopy to snatch you from the very sky itself. But this place was far greater than any myth that could be attributed to it. For within this place lurked something greater. The Emerald Lady.

Dragoness with no equal. Said to have walked the land for thousands of years and seen what came before recorded time. Beneath her shadow carried the greatest of protections and to find yourself in her gaze almost brought about your destructions. Every branch, rock, winding river and berry covered plant could be considered hers. One giant kingdom of nature to rule as she saw fit. To which she did so with chilling efficiency. It was her influence that kept the Lumarian's at bay. Made their flying vessels of hardened wood and steel seek other avenues of travel. It was here within this woodland domain that dwelled another dragon. One with bright emerald scales. For this was her son, Cordenth.

He was laying on his belly atop a great grey stone rock, one almost the size of his very body. Bright yellow eyes like that of a sunflower peered downwards towards a winding creek, the water bubbling and filling the air with an all too pleasing ambient sound. He dared not move from this spot, too lost in the enjoying warmth that was flowing into his onyx underscales that dotted his frame. Segmented plates that ran from his neck all the way to the tip of his frilled tail. He leaned forward to the mirror like waters, admiring the same scales that protected areas of his snout. Right between his eyes and below them to be precise. He grinned at the handsome reflection glancing back at him. Showing off his numerous pristine teeth able to rip through any creature he chose.

Today was just like any day he spent here. Trying to not drift off into a heat induced sleep, while focusing on his spellcasting. Something his twin brother was always better at. Though he had to take pride in what he was better at. That was of course everything else. Faster, stronger, better looking. He swished his tail proudly, swelling his chest to take on an aura of regalness. He even rose his wings, flaring them out so he could glimpse the yellow zig zag lines that ran along the base of them. His frills along side his head ruffled in the morning breeze, joining that of the ones lining his head all the way down to his tail. The perfect image of a green dragon starting adulthood. Yet despite that he found himself under the shadow of his mother. His snout wrinkled as her eyes appeared in the waters. Two lavender spectres that mocked him. Insisting he was nothing more than a whelp. Not ready to face the outside world.

"Enough admiring of yourself?" Came the voice of his brother, the near identical green male swooping overhead with a throaty chuckle. He landed a short distance away with a swift back-wing, his neck curling down to inspect the satchel wound around his neck. Making sure the parchments within were all still in place.

Cordenth scowled. Of course his relaxing time would be interrupted by a green snout. "Oh Lyyreth. How naïve of you to think I was admiring myself. What do you think I am? Some egotistical sack of scales?"

He dipped an onyx taloned paw into the water, enjoying the cooler sensation as he splashed it around. "I was simply practicing a spell to control water! You know me better than that."

"Indeed." The chipped horned head of his brother tilted, striding over with pinned wings against his back. Unlike Cordenth, Lyyreth had a yellow, wave like pattern at the base of his lime colored wing membranes. Suspicious eyes narrowed, traveling over the course of Cordenth's body from snout to tail. "Though I'd consider it quite odd that you're practicing spells. You've never done it quite like that before." A smirk grew upon his brother's snout, one that got right under Cordenth's scales and made them itch.

"Yes, well I was getting to it before you decided to poke in your snout." He preformed the symbol for control water spell. That would wipe that smirk from his brother's snout. "There's plenty that you don't know about me. Ample bits that would astound you." He uttered the command phrase with a hiss, letting the magic he'd practiced since he was a young age of ten spring to life within him. Like a river the icy sensation traveled from his heart to his paws. Weaving its way out of his talons.

From the water rose a winding tendril of water. Nearly the size of a standard human. It sparkled in the afternoon sun, separating from its home to float over the running water. Within his scales he could already feel the strain, the cold shifting to a growing warmth. He was losing his connection with the spell. His muscles tensed as he held onto it, focusing his thoughts into keeping the water aloft. He wasn't going to look like a fool in front of his brother. Not when today they would set out from this forest forever. "See?" He smirked, trying to hide the apparent strain upon his brow.

"Hmmm." Lyyreth sat upon his haunches, tilting his head to the other side. For a moment Cordenth thought he'd seen the quiver about his foreleg, but he said nothing about it. "Turn it into a dragon then if you're so good."

Of course he'd ask that.

Cordenth's snout wrinkled. Did he know that he was just holding it up? "Why bother?" He let the spell collapse, the water returning to the river with a splash. "Why make shapes with it? I'm not an artist." He rose up, pinned his wings against his back and began to stroll towards the familiar forest. Lyyreth followed him, almost like a loyal dog.

"Ones that want to travel beyond this forest. Isn't that what mother has been trying to instill into you for years?"

"Yes yes." He hissed, remembering her words of only leaving when she deemed ready. But that had been for countless years now. Each time an irritating affair. "But I am much better at _other_things." He rolled his eyes, padding along as his brother repeated numerous talks she'd given them in the past. Each one making his frills itch. They'd just strolled around a great oak when he'd finally had enough. "I get it!" He snapped his jaws before his brother's startled face.

"Well, what else are you better at?" The green's innocent tone was ill prepared for Cordenth's growl. Even less for when the green pounced upon his brother like they'd done all their lives. The same thing that'd chipped his brother's horn.

"Fighting for one!" He hissed, tumbling out of the forest to a grassy clearing in a flurry of paws and teeth. He swatted any rebuttal by his brother with his paws, easily pinning the dragon beneath him with a fluff of his wings. He warbled his victory. "See?" He announced proudly, grinning at the wiggling dragon beneath him.

"You jumped me." Lyyreth's eyes narrowed. "Hardly what'd I consider fair."

"Things are not always fair little brother." He released him, chuckling to himself. He only stopped when his brother snapped with a snarl.

"Hey! You're only about two minutes older than I."

"That's because I was unafraid to leave my home." He countered, recounting how the green wyrmling had stayed safe within his egg. Even when his mother's snout had come down to coax him out. "Just like now. You don't wish to leave. Finding any excuse to stay within this forest." He gestured around with his wings, earning himself an ire filled look.

"I want to leave just as much as you. It's rather unfair of you to question my resolve."

"Some days I wonder." He snorted, eyes drifting to the deep blue sky. They traced the many clouds that dotted it, white and ever so bright. His paw found his way to his chest, a swell of excitement brimming about his heart. "But I? I have the drive to see it all."

"So you say." His brother grumbled, "But I still say it ends the same." The dragon shook, discarding any loose dirt or grass that'd clung to his scales in the scuffle. "It's only been that way the last three times."

Yet again his snout wrinkled. His mother's lavender gaze appearing in the recesses of his mind. Glowing, piercing, and always demanding. A ghostly image that made the green dragon grind his teeth, savagely snorting on the air. "We're ready this time." He pounded the ground with a paw. "I'm not letting her weasel her way out of this time." When his brother offered yet another protest, he snapped mere inches from his snout, not even minding when Lyyreth's frills turned a darker shade of green.

"It's just that we don't succeed each time-"

"That's why we must this time." He pulled in the green with a wing, plopping their rumps onto the ground and waving a foreleg out to the blue expanse above that practically shouted their names. "Out there is a grand place that's ripe for adventure and exploring. Magic, treasure, females. All of life's pleasures just waiting to be experienced. Does not the lure of adventure call your name? I can feel it wiggle about my scales like an eel. Seducing me into it's embrace."

"You sound so corny right now."

"Still though." He snorted, licking his nose.

"You just want to get a big net like mothers. A whole array of agents and mortals to do your bidding. Carve out a little kingdom for yourself."

"Nothing like that." He hissed, playfully smacking away his brother's snout. "I'd be transparent. Benevolent, understanding. I'd never keep dragons who were ready to leave the nest!"

"A wise sentiment from a young dragon." The flutter of feathery wings filled the air as an all too familiar gryphon landed behind them. His yellow eyes were like an amused flower, a black furred brow rising amidst his snow like feathers. "Perhaps you wish to be a benevolent king?" His tail flicked playfully behind him, ears standing tall. "Didn't realize you wanted to be so fancy."

"Oh Croesus." Cordenth chuckled as the gryphon strolled over. Even at his full height the kitty bird was a good three feet shorter. He gave the elderly gryphon a smirk, or at least he must have been. For he'd been around since the two were little hatchlings. That black striped gryphon that seemed determined to help with everything they did. From hunting to flying, to reading and interacting with his mother's mortals. Though some whispered was her consort. The white gryphon that never seemed to age. Something that Cordenth suspected of his mother of doing. With a sway of his lion like tail the gryphon sauntered over. "Why am I not surprised to see you around. My mother's favorite servant."

"Only because you don't watch for gryphons when you should. Fair mistake most dragons make. Never suspecting until it's too late." The gryphon gave him a smirk, striding around them. "Though it begs the question in my mind. If you're so set on leaving. Why are you sitting down here? Get up, go." The gryphon fluffed up his wings, "Ask your mother yourself!"

"Shes back?" Cordenth pulled his neck back into the shape of an S. "I'd thought she'd been off on one of her excursions. When did she return?"

"Few hours ago." He gryph tapped a single talon to the green's chest. "So, if you want to leave. Now would be the best chance I imagine to go about doing that. Seems to be in agreeable mood too."

"You spoke to her?" Lyyreth chimed in, head descended to be level with the gryphon's own. His frills swayed in and out excitedly.

"Well of course." Croesus chirped, placing a talon to his chest. "She tells me everything."

"Something that can't be said for everyone else." Cordenth grumbled, recounting how much of her that was still in the dark. Even after all these years.

"That's what you get for being her most treasured treasure."

"Even more than her own children?" He pushed the point home with a low growl.

Croesus just laughed, his crown feathers extending. "I'd say we're about even. Don't be too sour about it."

His snout wrinkled as the gryphon went about composing himself, practically bouncing around the grass. "So why are we still being held here?"

Laughter died as the gryphon pinned his ears, curling his head back. Hesitation flickered across his eyes as silence fell between them. "She has her reasons." He sighed. "She's doing her best to keep you two safe." Croesus grabbed Cordenth's jaw without a thought, pulling his eyes to stare into his. "You mean the world to her."

He glanced away to the forest instead, knowing the gryphon's gaze would break his irritation. "Then why..="

"Come on then dragon." The gryphon pulled back, buffeting his snout with a wing. "Grow a backbone! If you want to go, then go ask her!"

He growled again. If this was how it was going to be, then so be it. "Very well." He rose, spreading his vast wings. Without another word he leapt to the air. Today he would seize his destiny. He was ready, ready to venture out and leave the protective confines of this place. He just needed to convince his mother of that. Despite the gryphon's words he knew she didn't let just anyone leave. You always needed her permission to do so. That even went for her children.

He spiraled up above the canopy, a low hanging cloud curling beneath his wings. He glared out to the viridian forest below, cursing its many branches. Though through this place he spied a sparkling waterfall fixed between two bodies of towering trees. Where he'd practiced his flight numerous times when he was but small. It was here he'd made his lair, below the running water, shielded from everything else. From there he followed the running river that wound through the forest like a rippling snake. He spied his favorite hunting ground, no doubt filled with numerous little creatures he could snatch for any meal that suited his fancy. Lastly, he spied the hidden tops of his mother's village, interwoven within the canopy. If you knew where to look you could find it, tiny glimmers of gold amidst the all-consuming green. Memories of easier times of his youth bristled about the back of his mind, soothing the burning of his blood. His eyes closed on their own, letting him glide atop the trees to bask in the comforting breeze washing over his scales.

But despite this moment of serene comfort his mind was awarded no respite. For those pleasant memories that could be found were always led back to the green scaled ruler of this place. The dragoness he called mother. With a wrinkled snout he cast his attention to an eye sore on the horizon. The darkened shape that ruined a great painter' work. Often told to him in stories or plays that he'd listened to dwelled the city of Entis. Capital of the kingdom of Lumara. Where dragon hunters dwelled. If _he_was a benevolent king that Croesus said. He'd have made sure that place was dismantled. No dragon needed to worry about being hunted all the time, regardless of guilt. He buried a growl crawling up his neck as he maintained his predatory glare. His mind whispering how thankful he should be for having such a protective mother. One that would never allow her children to be made prey by such creatures as they. One who didn't fear their mighty airships, nor their numerous magical weapons. He shook his head free of such thoughts.

Focus. She will set you free this day.

He angled a wing and cast the place from his mind, glad to be rid of it as he circled a section of the forest he knew well. A cathedral of vines and warped trees where his mother dwelled. It acted like a natural castle. How fitting for a well-made queen of this natural land. It towered over row after row of mortals. Frozen in terror moments before being turned to stone. The green dragon swooped over them, averting his gaze as a shiver traveled up his spine. He never liked looking upon their faces. Even if some he'd been told deserved it. But he supposed they served their function well. To never wind up like them, and to remind any visitors that the lady meant business. Would she ever do that to him if he pushed her too far? The thought chilled him. Part of him insisted that she was his mother. She'd never do such a thing, yet a more realistic thought warned him she was capable of anything.

With renewed courage surging through his next breath he landed before a great door of vines and assorted flowers, his hinds softly touching the ground. He pinned his wings to his back, approaching the gate as his heart began to race within his chest. This was the moment he'd waited so long for. Spent nights contemplating and yearning for. Yet every other time it'd ended in a resounding no and narrowed eyes. Would this time be any different? His heart ached at the idea.

It had to be.

His viridian paw hovered over a thick vine, massaging the surprisingly warm surface. His frills were twitching softly, heart now pounding in his ears. His frills twitched as his forearm failed to obey, sitting frozen against his wishes.

Obey! Why won't It-

"Nervous there little one?" Croesus' calm voice pulled him from his paw. His tensed muscles laxing as the gryphon settled down behind him. "It's alright to be. You have quite the step ahead of you."

"Its not that....I'm not...nervous." He didn't dare look to those caring eyes. The gryphon would catch wise. He had an image to maintain. "I'm simply...pausing for dramatic affect. Yea that's it. Taking in the moment. Letting the gravity of it linger. I've waited for this moment only my whole life. Why would I tremble now?"

"Because I can see the fear bubbling about your scales clearer than the morning sun. You're scared she'll deny you yet again."

He snorted, letting the flick of his tail be his answer. Even the dull sounding of Lyyreth's wings didn't pull his attention from the door. "Shows how much you know."

"The worst thing she can say is no."

"Is that all you can say?" He growled, "We deserve this! Do you know how long we've waited for her to deem us_ready_?" In one fluid motion he spun round, nearly smacking the gryphon and his brother with his tail. The air between the gryphon and dragon wavered, almost heating up the longer they held their glares. Despite being smaller the bird held his gaze, just as strong as it'd ever been. Though he was the first to crack. Heaving his shoulders with a lingering sigh. When his eyes reopened, they were a sea of sorrow, a caring claw getting placed onto Cordenth's scaled shoulder.

"I do. You have no disagreement from me. I think this place has outgrown you. Time to spread your wings and depart the nest. I've watched you hatch. Take your first steps, beat your wings against the sky." The gryphon chuckled as Cordenth looked away. "It's time you did so elsewhere."

"Then why don't you tell her this? She'll listen to you."

"Think I havn't?" The gryphon's brow rose in time with his ears. "You know how she can be at times. This one_she's fairly certain on. Waiting on the _perfect moment."

"She say what it was?"

The gryphon gave him a blank stare.

Of course not.

"And you gave her a piece of your feathers?" He peered along the gryphon's white fur. "Because you don't appear to be stone."

"Being her favored servant does_have its perks. Sometimes I even get to lecture _her in her methods!"

"Sure." Lyyreth snorted, shifting paw to paw. "Like that's believable."

"Regardless of that." Croesus' claw lingered upon Cordenth's scales as the dragon turned back to the door. "You must always try."

"What do you think I'm doing?" Cordenth flung open the door with a savage shove. The resounding crack spread about the area, sending pollen and dust sprinkling like rain around them. The green drake surged forth, heart fluttering with courage and carried on with his head raised. They just needed to find her now.

The heavy smell of oak trees tugged at his scales, memories trying to snatch his heart like snapping piranha. He past over the grown hallways of knick knack, paintings, statues, and shiny baubles. Things that his mother liked to fool mortals with as they ventured into such a place. Most of it was worthless, yet she still had traps about them.

Though they were not needing of light for such places, the corridors were lit by blue luminescent algae. Setting a calming aura to everything it touched. Though he knew they could be stifled with a flick of her tail, bathing the area in perpetual darkness. Even one that could not be pierced by a dragon's darkvision.

Anyone else might have been lost within the natural halls of this dominating place. Offshoots of vine infested hallways or banquet halls of false treasure. A literal maze of a dragon's crafting to have intruders lost for days. Though Cordenth led the others like a well-traveled guide. Knowing every nook and cranny of this place like the back of his paws. If his mother was going to be anywhere. It was going to be in her vast study or hovering over her darkened cauldron. Sifting through the numerous futures that she saw. At such a thought his lips curled. Years spent wasted within this forest. All for a future she saw yet didn't share.

"Mother!' He announced proudly in a brassy voice as they rounded the last corridor. He even fluffed up his wings for good measure as she came into view. They'd picked her personal chambers first. The one with the cauldron. "I must have words with you."

The dragoness was curled around a black as midnight cauldron. Purple thick clouds billowing from its rim to spread about the floor. From beyond her green scales and glowing lavender eyes the room looked more like an endless void. No doubt a spell spreading about the walls. Her voice was deep and powerful, practically rumbling the air. "Of course you do." She snaked up her emerald armored neck, lined with an assortment of scars. A journal of dozens of untold battles. Though she towered over him at least two times over he didn't waver in his conviction. "You couldn't give me a moments rest from my journey? My wings are ever so tired from the flight."

"I've never known you to be tired mother." He sauntered in, standing proudly before her. "And you see the future. You must have seen this. Try to not act so surprised."

She snorted, glowing eyes traveling from each of them before resting squarely onto him. Anyone else might have shied away, but not him. He had a quest to finish. "Indeed. It seems your patience has worn so thin that you have come to force the issue. Before I would have liked."

"If it was up to you. Would we ever leave?" Her demeanor hardened so he returned it. They were not going to be denied. But then she rose her head, peering as if far behind them. Into the endless void, unwavering. Silence fell between them all, leaving but the pounding of Cordenth's heart in his head. Was she just going to ignore them? Sit there like a statue until they decided to leave? When it had dragged on for much too long, he slammed his paw down.


"Yes. I can hear you Cordenth. I am simply seeing if now is the time."

More future speak. His eyes rolled almost out of his head. "What does it hold for us this time?"

She didn't answer him, merely flicking her attention to Lyyreth instead. "And you wish to follow your brother's path?"

His brother nodded, voice seemingly caught in his throat. The green dragon slid up bedside him. "We wish to explore the world beyond these trees. Seek out magics, places that dragons can only reach with our wings. And..." The green hesitated, swallowing his words as he shifted from paw to paw. A heavy sneeze violently shaking his scales.

"Find our father." Cordenth finished as his heart began to feel like a claw had been wrapped around it. Tightly squeezing the life out of him. "Even if he's decrepit and can't walk. Or fly. Why he left us when we were but eggs is anyone's guess."

Though I can understand why.

"Indeed." Emerald Lady swished her tail around her hinds, sharing a lingering glance with Croesus. "What lofty goals you two have. Quite the adventure ahead of your wings."

"That we do." He smirked, wrapping a wing around his more nervous brother. "And we're ready to leave."

The older ness sighed with a look of sadness about her snout. " Then I have one last task for you both."


"To prove that you're worth to me and demonstrate your skills to survive in this harsh world."

"Fine." He angrily flicked his tail. "Tell me what I must do. If that's all that you need."

"It is."

"Good." He snorted narrowing his eyes.

"There is a red dragon set towards this place. He will be brought to the ground by myself. Find this dragon and subdue him and his companions." Her paw wavered, springing purple colored clouds into being. They appeared to be humanoids carrying various weapons in their grips. "Do this and you will have my blessing to depart my domain."

"Hah!" He smiled. "That's all? Best a dragon and his friends? Simple. But I must ask. What is the catch?" He tilted his head. She'd never been this straightforward before. There was always another level or door to open.

"None for once son. Do as I say and you get what you want. They will cross paths with you at your favorite resting spot." Her paw waved dismissively, "Unless you have a problem with this offer?"

"With leaving?" He snorted in a jovial way, pulling his brother closer. "Hardly. You stay right here in this darkened room. We'll go bring these guests to you." He spun round, pulling Lyyreth with him. "Come brother." He growled, already tasting his victory on his paws. "We have a dragon to catch."

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Thanks for reading along with the story! I decided to add this on for you online folks because it helped gleam an important plot point that was melded into my reediting of the story. Don't forget to favorite it if you enjoyed it, vote it up. Comments are appreciated. What do you think of this green dragon Cordenth? Worried for what may happen to Veledar? What do you think will happen next? Will he subdue our crimson scaled, egotistical dragon? What of this Emerald Lady? What nefarious plot does she have for our adventurers?

Emerald Secrets: Chapter 15: Gifts and Goodbyes

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Darkened Skies: Chapter 27: Deep Fae

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