Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 1

Story by Unscforces on SoFurry

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#20 of Scales and Honor- Night Rising +

We start off the tale with Lyyreth the green dragon, as he and his brother are flying away from the forest of despair. They engage in some fun, and have some lunch.

Lyyreth and Cordenth are mine. (c) Unscforces

Chapter 1

Lyyreth the dragon flew through a collection of fluffy off white clouds, letting the water droplets gather against his viridian scales as he descended towards the ground. He closed his bright yellow eyes as he tilted his lime green wing membranes, causing him to enter a rapid spin. He smiled as the wind battered against his onyx armored snout and caused the frills on either side of his head to fluttering the breeze. He let out a small roar of happiness into the air, trying to think of anything in the world that might be as good as flying free. However after another spin he stopped trying as his mind came up blank. He was just happy to be up here in the vast sky, flying free, the wind under his wings with no one telling him where to go. For the longest time in his one hundred and twenty five years of life he felt free again.

It had been several days since he had flown away from the only home he had never known. The forest of despair the mortals had decided to call it. It would have been just another foolish name that the skittish creatures had decided to call it, if not for the ruler of said forest that did fill people with despair. For that dragoness that lurked within that forest controlled everything within its confines, which included her own sons, like Lyyreth. He wrinkled his snout as his mother who had called herself the Emerald Lady had kept he and his brother in said forest with vague explanations about not revealing the future. It had irritated them to no end as the years had passed them by, for dragons usually left the next around the age of one hundred, and she had deemed it necessary to keep them longer.

He banked his wings, and narrowed his eyes as he recalled every speech, every lecture about the reasons. She had reminded them to be patient, to be mindful of the ever dangerous world that they were going to be heading out to one day. Although danger found us anyway didn't it mother? His thoughts pulled him to the group of adventurers, that through their deeds allowed them to finally be free of the forest. They were led by a pompous red dragon full of hot air called Veledar, which Lyyreth hated to admit it, was rather attractive despite his attitude.

The green dragon laughed to himself as they had started off on such the wrong claw, his brother Cordenth had suggested they pounce the adventurers the moment they came to their clearing, thinking they were just another test conjured up by their mother. Oh boy were we wrong. He was just glad that this red dragon and his companions soon became swift friends over the next few days. He actually hoped in the bottom of his black scaled chest that they would eventually meet up with them again some day. There had been Arcturus Lund, a human paladin with vibrant green eyes that reminded Lyyreth of the fine scales that covered his own body. He had an adorable puff of short brown hair, was polite to a fault, and ever so cheerful. Lyyreth had meant to make a pass at the human, but quickly realized the red dragon already had his cerulean eyes set on the human paladin.

Lyyreth sighed as he passed by a flock of geese, the little birds honked and scattered from the large than a horse sized dragon. He thought next to the dwarf ranger of their party, a female called Merlia Gallogalar. He laughed to himself as that red haired feisty dwarf had drank he and his brother under the table each night in the forest. He brought himself lower through so that he could gaze out to the vibrant fields of green that stretched out as far as his eyes could see. Above the rolling hills were mountains that rose from the earth like a dragon's spine, towering over the countryside like giant stone monuments.

He dove down to skim the crystal clear water of a lake, letting one of his limbs drag against the surface, and spray the cool water in all directions. He arched his head back to look up at his brother, who was keeping pace with him the entire time. Cordenth, for that was his name, was identical to Lyyreth in appearance. There were only three things now that could separate the twins apart, where Cordenth's blackened horns were in a pristine condition, Lyyreth's own left horn was chipped from recent roughhousing with his brother. The second was the yellow pattern on his own wing membranes, while Lyyreth had a zigzag pattern that traced the bottom of his wings, his brother simple had a straight line. The last difference made Lyyreth shutter as the memory boiled to the surface of his mind. His eyes fell to the green dragon's black armored chest, which had a lighter section that cracked. Like it was a mighty rock that had been shattered, so had his brother's chest when a metal construct shot a metal harpoon through Cordenth's mighty scales. He shivered as he pictured his brother lying on the ground, covered in his own crimson blood while he had gasped for life. His brother had done such a thing to save the third adventurer, a female half-elf named Lyndis Kuxion.

The short brown haired woman had worked her charms on the green dragon, and he had to her. They soon had fallen in love with one another over the short time. Lyyreth laughed to himself as his eyes rose to the token of affection that she had wrapped around his brother's neck. It was a baby blue scarf, with white diamonds stitched into the cloth. It was now flattering in the wing, battering his brother's scales with its softness. Personally Lyyreth found it made his brother look a tad ridiculous, and rather cute. Two things that a dragon should never be.

"Your flying a tad better today!" his brother roared out with the next pounding of his wings. Who in the next few seconds easily caught up to Lyyreth with hardly any effort.

Lyyreth wrinkled his snout as the green dragon passed in front of him, his tail passing close to his snout. Close enough to be snapped at if he wanted. Cordenth had always been the better flyer, the better fighter. It was magic that Lyyreth called his speciality, especially at knowing more spells than his brother, and being able to call on more as well. "Course I am getting better! I improve every day!" he beat his wings harder against the air as it looked like the two green dragons were racing over the large lake. "At least I am not wearing that adorable scarf you are so fond of!"

"It was a gift from a princess little brother." The dragon laughed, quickly starting to ascend once again into the air as they started to approach some trees. "Something a dragon should be ever so proud of!"

"Little brother?!" he roared out, "We are twins!" "Ah yes, but I hatched fifteen seconds earlier!" Cordenth turned back with a grin. "Thus I am the older brother here soft scales!"

"Soft scales?" He caught up to his brother, who was chuckling away.

"Yes soft scales! You should have told that paladin you thought he was dashing!" His brother teased. "Don't think I didn't notice all that sneezing you were doing around him!"

Lyyreth wrinkled his nose as he shot his brother a glare. It was true that he sneezed whenever he got nervous, or scared. It was also true that when he thought someone was attractive he sneezed as well. He remembered back to this one time in the village when he had first shown interest to a human female called Mira. He had been all sneezes for the entire month that he had realized this. "He already had a dragon pining after him!" Lyyreth roared back, as he and his brother soared just over the treetops. If they were flying any lower their limbs would be dragging against the green canopy.

"Still you should have taken what you wanted, made your move!" Cordenth arched his head back to gaze at him, as the forest they were traveling over gave way to rolling fields of green. "You a dragon! Or are you perhaps a human hiding within all those scales?" he chuckled, swishing his tail to smack against Lyyreth's snout. Lyyreth curled his lip to reveal his teeth, wrinkling his snout.

"Your snout looks funny like that, I'd be careful that it doesn't get stuck like that!"

"You think I'd let you get away with that?" he roared as he beat his wings harder to catch his smug looking brother. He strained his wings in effort, and when his forepaws wrapped around his brother's hind leg, the effort had been worth it.

"Hey leggo!" Cordenth tried to pull away with a sudden jerk of his leg, but Lyyreth held him firmly in an iron like grip.

"Never brother, you think you can start stuff and get away?" he growled playfully in the back of his throat as he made sure to beat his wings in tandem with his brother's own.

"Honestly?" Cordenth entered a dive, trying to no doubt throw him off that way instead. "I thought I could little brother."

Little again? Lyyreth snarled as he beat his wings in the opposite direction of Cordenth as he tugged with all his might to slow down the emerald scaled dragon in his claws.

"Grrraaaahhhh!" Cordenth roared out, as he backwinged when they neared the grassy field. They struck the ground roughly, landing in a pile of playful claws, nips, and snarls as they rolled over the soft earth.

"Take that!" Lyyreth avoided a paw strike from his brother, to unleash a forceful one of his own. He struck his brother's side, making the green dragon go to roll. To which he brother found hold on his scales, and made Lyyreth roll with him. They tumbled again and again, nipping at each other as claws raked against each other's scales. "Woah..woah...woah." Lyyreth laughed out as his world outside his brother was a rolling blur of green and blues. They finally came to a stop, with Cordenth standing on his scaled chest. The victorious green dragon puffing his own out to look more regal.

"See brother? Once again it is I Co-"

Lyyreth grabbed his brother's forepaw and violently pulled him off.

"Hey!" hissed Cordenth as he slipped free from Lyyreth's grip, pulling away, and with a swift turn, smacked Lyyreth right across his snout with a strike from his tail.

Lyyreth slammed into the ground, with a loud thump, that radiated through the dragon's scales. "Ummph." He started to rub his snout with his forepaw. It was a little sore, that had actually been a rather forceful hit. Owwww. He looked up to see his brother crouched, eyes locked onto him with a smug grin plastered on his green snout. His tail was wagging back in forth as his frills on the side of his head twitched expectantly.

"What's the matter? Can't stand a tail smack across the snout soft scales?"

"No!" Lyyreth snapped back, scrambling to all fours and entering a crouched stance that mirrored his brother's own. "And you're the one that spent all your free time with that half-elf. If anyone is the soft scales here...It is you."

"Oh really?" Cordenth pounced like lightning, beating his great wings to close the distance in the blink of an eye.

Lyyreth rolled onto his back, catching his brother with his limbs. "See ya later Cordy!" He laughed, and with a great shove of his hinds he tossed the surprised brother of his roughly to the ground. "See?....I am getting better!" he smiled, flipping back onto his fours.

Cordenth stood back up, shaking himself off, scattering any loose sod that had stuck to his scales. It looked like a dust cloud had enveloped the green dragon there was so much. "That you have." Cordenth snorted playfully, once again pressing his attack with a snarl.

Lyyreth tried to avoid his brother's strikes this time, but the green dragon seemed focused, much more serious this time around. He soon found his brother's paws smacking him to the ground with pleased rumbles,and a nip at his neck.

"Hah!" Cordenth wrapped his limbs around his shoulder, and with a mighty tug, slammed Lyyreth into the ground. His brother nipped him one more time on the neck, before pressing down with his weight, pinning Lyyreth to the ground. "Got you!"

Lyyreth squirmed back and forth within his brother's hold. He let out a growl from his throat, as his brother finally managed to pin him with a gasping breath.

"There." Cordenth grinned. "I win."

Lyyreth sank onto the earth, his frills dropping a tad. Just like always his brother had won. "I at least did better this time." He tried to move again, but only managed to wiggle his tail on the grass.

"You know what happens to the loser in these little wrestling matches of ours." Cordenth gave him a mischievous smile.

If his brother meant when he thought Lyyreth meant, he had not done that in ages. They had not done something like that since they were little. There is no way that this grown up dragon is going to. "Don't you dare!" he snarled, when his brother held up a claw and wiggled the talons. "Cordenth! Don't you dare or I'll bite you!" he snapped his jaws up at his brother once, causing the green dragon to laugh.

"Wing tickles!"

"Ahhhhhhhhh!hahahahahahah!" Lyyreth squirmed as his brother subjected his sensitive wing membranes to his nimble talons. "Cor........staaa....aahahhhhh!" he struggled to find words as his body thrashed under his brother, his tail smacking the earth and scattering sections of dirt with grass in all directions.

"Submit to me!" Cordenth laughed, lowering his snout to mere inches from the now tear filled Lyyreth. "Or I will keep tickling you!"

Lyyreth was left gasping, a small wrinkle on the side of his snout. He was faced with a difficult choice right now as he gazed up into his brother's face. He could simply admit defeat and this would be over. But....I am a dragon. "Never!" he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, steeling his nerves for the next assault on his wings. "Do your worst."

"You asked for it!" his brother resumed his attack, causing the spasms, forced laughter, and the twitching to start all over again. This lasted for what seemed like an eternity until Lyyreth called out amidst his screaming laughter.

"I give! I give!"

"Aha!" Cordenth pushed himself off of the gasping dragon with a snort. He stood up, puffed his chest out, and flared his wings wide. "Say it!"

"Cordenth the mighty radiant star is the best dragon I have ever laid my eyes upon." Lyyreth rolled his eyes as his brother padded over with a grin. "Happy now? Is your ego satisfied?" He growled, a tad disappointed he had lost. I thought I was stronger.

"Yes." Cordenth smiled, showing off his pearly white teeth. He moved in quickly, and nuzzled his brother affectionately.

Lyyreth sighed and found himself returning the gesture, letting Cordenth know everything was okay.

"You are better." Cordenth broke away to playfully shove him with his paw. "Nearly had me on the wings there. Did you practice wrestling with the red scaled oaf?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No." Lyyreth shook as he rose to all fours, his scales clinking together softly. "And not that kind of wrestling, just in case your mind went to the swamp for a moment." He stuck his pink tongue out at his brother as he closed his eyes.

Cordenth just paused for a moment, and then let out a loud roar of laughter. "I did not think that was even an option....Don't tell had a crush on him as well?"

"I..never...said...that." Lyyreth turned away, feeling his frill membranes turn a darker shade of green. Than to his horror he felt his nose twitch, and he knew what was coming. NO! "Achoo!" he sneezed out loud, smacking his tail on the earth.

"I knew it!" Cordenth shrieked with laughter, his voice high pitched at this point.

Lyyreth said nothing as he gazed out to the rolling hills, the soft blue sky, and the fluffy clouds that hung above the earth. He snorted as his brother's laughter turned into soft chuckles.

"Aww..It's okay Lyyreth." Cordenth brushed up against him, once again nuzzling him against his neck. "I'm sure you will find someone who will want your affections."

"I know." Lyyreth sighed, nuzzling the teasing brother of his back. "Ahhh." he grabbed his stomach as it gave a loud grumble that filled the air. He realized with the flight, the wrestling, and the rough housing, must have stirred up his hunger more that it already was. "We should find something to eat." he flicked his tail behind him as he once more looked to the hills.

"I agree." Cordenth resettled his wings, and rose his snout high.

Lyyreth did the same, flaring his nostrils as he took in the soft breeze, trying to push aside the smell of grass and flowers. He strode a few feet as he continued with his sniffs, taking in more of the scents as his brother did the same, just in the opposite direction. That's when he found a faint smell he recognized. It smelled musky, mixed with earth, hay, and manure. His mouth watered as his eyes bolted open. They narrowed into pleased slits as he bounded over the nearest hill. He cast his gaze out to the countryside to what excited him so.

"Cow!" Lyyreth exclaimed loudly, and could hardly hide the excitement in his voice. He felt his heart beat faster as he could not believe his luck. Just as he had gotten hungry here comes his favorite meat to eat. It has to be a sign. He smiled, Today is going to be a good day. "Look brother! Cow!" he nearly jumped for joy on his paws as he thrust a wing talon towards the brown furred animal that was oblivious to the excited dragon. It simply had its muzzle towards the grass, chomping away like everything was normal. "And a wild one at that! What luck!"

"A wild one?" Cordenth asked with a raised voice as he strode over towards him. The green dragon glared down to the cow, and tilted his head to the side. "That is most certainly interesting luck. It's not everyday that one's lunch just walks into your claws."

"Right?" Lyyreth started to pad his way towards his soon to be lunch. He could already taste the succulent meat as he chomped away and savored the taste. "Should I or you?"

"You. You were the one to find it after all." Cordenth sat down onto his haunches and waved his forepaw. "Well, have at it."

Lyyreth bolted towards the cow, who managed to look up at the last moment. It tried to struggle at first but it was no match for the grown dragon. He latched onto the thing's neck with his mighty jaw, and with a violent twist he snapped the cow's neck like a twig. The beast went limp within his jaws, as he proudly dragged it's corpse back to his brother.

"Why don't you look proud of yourself." Cordenth chuckled as Lyyreth spat the cow out as his brothers claws.

"It's my favorite!" he smiled, starting to cut into the meal with his talons. "It means I get first picks of the best meats!"

"Yes.." Cordenth snorted, rolling his eyes. "Just make sure to save me some."

"I will." Lyyreth started to section out the cow. He would occasionally offer his brother some of the choice meats or organs to feast upon like he was their mother. It may have looked grisley to any passer by as the two green dragons ripped and feasted on the brown cow's corpse that was now spread open and soaked in crimson goo. Lyyreth chomped, ripped, savored, and released pleased sounds from his throat as the tasty feast finally came to an end. He looked up to his brother as he licked dried blood from his snout.

"Very good!" he smiled, "Can't believe we just found...." Lyyreth froze, as his eyes fell to something he had not noticed before. Around the cow's neck was a blue ribbon. His brain put two and two together as he looked up to his brother. "I don't think this was a wild cow."

"How could it not be?' Cordenth looked around, "This is the wild, this is a cow. Thus...wild cow...right?"

"Look here." Lyyreth nosed at the ribbon with his snout. "I think mortals keep these things as some sort of pet."

"Pets?" Cordenth wrinkled his snout. "That can't be right. We had cow all the time in the forest. They can't be pets."

"Infact." Lyyreth sighed as he too looked out to the fields. "I don't think cows are wild." How could I miss that? He wrinkled his snout at his stupidity. Because you were hungry.

"Surely some of them are?" Cordenth flicked his tail. "So...we just ate some" The green dragon's frills drooped. "Great..I can see it now..pitchforks...mobs of peasants..dragon hunters....all over a single stupid cow."

"Not if we explain ourselves!" Lyyreth replied with a smile. "I am sure if we find this thing's owner we can make our case. Once they hear our side of the story, no doubt there will be none of those things."

"Ever the optimist aren't you?" Cordenth chuckled. "I think you might be giving these mortals too much credit." The dragon suddenly froze, his whole body becoming rigid like a statue. "Well little brother, you might get your chance now." He thrust a wing talon out to the hills, drawing Lyyreth's attention.

Over the hills came several bay horses, galloping swiftly on the grass. Their manes fluttered in the wind as their hooves carried them. Atop the beasts backs were several humanoid figures clad in various color clothing, some even bore large brown hats that were twice the size of their heads. Lyyreth flicked his tail as he counted six in total, he quickly looked to their bodies for any sort of weapons that they might carry. He let out a sigh of relief when he could not spy any. At least it's not an angry mob.....yet. "Well don't worry brother! I will do the explaining!" Lyyreth puffed out his chest, stood onto all fours, and resettled his wings against his back. He was sure with some quick words, these mortals would understand completely. "Come on brother." He smiled and waved to him with a paw. "We have some mortals to greet."

Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 "Let's get out of here." Cordenth spoke in a hushed whisper. "I even spy a pitchfork on one of them, I assure you that's the start of an angry mob. I say we take to the sky and get out of here." The green dragon extended his wings, and...

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Emerald Secrets Chapter 10: Mutual Affection

Scales and Honor: Emerald Secrets Chapter 10: Mutual Affection "That was really brave of you today." Lyndis said softly, as she walked beside Cordenth. She looked around to see the dark giant trees that lined the path they were following. Once...

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Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Prologue

Scales and Honor: Viridian Night Prologue Exhaustion tugged at the back of Infinities mind as the black armored dragon traveled through the skies. She had been traveling for days now, stopping only long enough to rest her tired emerald eyes...

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