Council of Assassins: The begining [wip]

She spun around eyeing everything she saw to make sure her eyes were not playing tricks. shadow saw nothing that was different then any other rooftop. "zap!" the noise came from her left. shadow started walking towards the noise.

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College Years

I don't know if it was my mind playing tricks on me or if it was really there, for once i blinked the hint was gone. but something had been triggered from deep down in my heart by the green hint. i remembered that i had been in love once before.

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Another Story...

Said sarcastically as the echo's of the voice faded away again "..come on zel there is no need to play tricks on me...."

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The Day Coyote Stole the Sun

He know they were playing tricks on him at this point. sighing, coyote took the sun in his muzzle and set out gingerly walking back to his tower. he was so tired, he dragged his tail all the way there through the dirt.

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Four Minds - 1

Her mind seemed to be playing tricks on her, and she began to have trouble discerning reality from illusion.


The Dog Hole: Chapter 11 -- Maddox

"if you leave, i won't know if it's the real you coming back or just my mind playing tricks on me. you have to stay. you're my only grip on reality." "i want to help you, but i can't stay here.

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LAWT #9 ~ Tail Tricks

Alex raised an eyebrow, unsure if his eyes were playing tricks on him. he looked to lorrie for confirmation, but again she had only a shrug to offer him. on the fourth pass, things got strange.

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Teaser: As Below, So Above

It happened sometimes, up here, that the air recirculation system would play tricks, spreading smells through the station faster than they had any right to travel, or trapping them in a loop so that you caught dull, mechanical hints of the past.

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The Redeem: Isaac's Prologue

When i had seen him at the distance, i thought my mind was playing tricks on me, but he kept on getting closer, and closer, and becoming more real with every step. i could hear his panting, and i could see his shirt drenched in sweat.

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Burdens - Chapter 78: Introspection

Just his mind playing tricks on him. just stress getting to him. he had gotten used to the ferret. the sense of humor was different and he often quoted different songs, but the fox was able to follow most of what he said.

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Burdens - Chapter 109: Lapse

Probably just the morning playing tricks on him, he thought. either way, it was time for him to head to school. he gathered up his necessary belongings and piled them into a bag.

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