The Redeem: Isaac's Prologue

Story by ErythWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of The Redeem

This story is a little something that both me and my friend Kergiby have been working on for a while. It's segmented between his character and mine's.We worked pretty hard on this on our free time, and hope you enjoy it. We're posting both our prologue's and then every Saturday we'll upload another chapter, weekly. As always we appreciate any comments, and questions. Here's to a start of a grand tale! To you, the fuzzy readers of Sofurry we present: The Redeem.

I felt hot. It could have been the heat from this desert, but the fact that I had an incredibly cute boy kissing me was probably it. I liked him...or at least I had at some point. It was his fault I was here; he had driven me here after he had rejected me. At a time when I had simply been head over heels with him, I had decided to come out of the closet to him. He had been an okay friend at the time, so I thought I could trust him. I told him of my secret, and that I liked him. I really didn't expect anything from him. I just wanted to open up to someone. Holding the secret in had been so hard. My choice was a mistake. The biggest mistake I had ever done. His name was Jason. Big, strong, with the most gorgeous coat I had ever seen. He was so gorgeous, and had such a cool face for a Samoyed. When I had come out to him, I thought he took it well. I couldn't have been more wrong. Within hours, the news had spread further then I had expected. Who knew how easily a text could spread? The whole school knew by the next day. I had never felt so humiliated. The names, the taunting, I would have been able to deal with it if I had some kind of support, but there was no one. Suddenly, it was like I had caught some sort of disease. I had only told him and my parents. It would take a day for me to see him again.

When I saw him, I could only ask a quaking, "Why?"

With a hand held by his girl, and buddies all around him, he coldly told me "I could never be friends with a fag. You're just an abomination. If it weren't a crime, I'd remove you from this world myself. We will never be anything." Looking over from his friends, he pointed a single finger at me, glaring at me with his pale, blue eyes. He almost whispered, "Just do us all a favor and die."

I just wanted the earth to be kind, and swallow me. I wanted to vanish. I wanted to be gone. Earth, and whatever deities that watched over me weren't so kind. All I could feel were my knees crumple as cried. I heard names, laughs, but at that point, I could no longer even feel. The Gods had been kind enough to do that.

I didn't go to school the next day, or the day after that. It became obvious that I could never back to the school when posters were posted all over the school that said "Death to fags!" Fearing for my safety, my parents moved away, taking me with them. I don't know how I managed to pull myself together. One day, when I had been particularly sad, my mother came up to me and held me in her arms. "Isaac, I gave you that name because I wanted my child to be able to smile and laugh. You're so pure-hearted. I understand that the world hurts right now, but you'll make it. You're a descendent of the strongest bunch of felines around! You're a lion, and I'll always love you. for me." I never did. I hope she didn't feel so much pain when I ran away to this place. Getting lost in this desert would be my punishment.

I walked this hot expanse for days. Who would have ever guessed that I would find the same person that caused me the most pain I had ever felt? When I had seen him at the distance, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, but he kept on getting closer, and closer, and becoming more real with every step. I could hear his panting, and I could see his shirt drenched in sweat. When we were just a few feet from each other, he looked at me with a confused look, and I said, "Jason?" His eyes widened in shock, and he ran up to me and kissed me. I had almost lost myself in his passion, but my anger surged. Balling up my fists, I pushed him away angrily. "What the hell!" I yelled angrily. The pain boiled over into fury and I turned away. "Go away!" I cried out. "Just leave me alone! You already hurt me so much. Have you come here to torment me again!?" I didn't know where I was going, but I had to get away. I just ran only to be held back by a hand on my wrist. I looked back and saw his pale blue eyes. I struggled to get away, but each attempt only pulled me closer until he held me close to his chest, his luxurious coat enveloping me. I kept struggling, digging my claws into him, cutting up his face and chest, seeing small droplets of blood ooze out of small cuts, staining his coat. "Just leave me, Jason." I whispered, tired from my struggling. My eyes watered. "I don't want to be hurt anymore." Instead, I decided to let him see me. I wanted him to feel it. His pale blue eyes looked into mine, and I held his gaze. I wanted him to see my pain. Slowly, his tight grip on me was loosened, and I pulled away.

Jason looked down, as if ashamed and said "I'm sorry."

Second prologue is here:


The Children of Eryth: Demons (Chapter 3)

Jeez, I almost forgot! Thanks to all the people who helped me out to get me out of the LONG writer's block. Special thanks goes to Wraithe(Ver'tis, now), Ama, Fritz, and all others. I must also thank my good friend Kergiby who reminded me what kind of...

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The Children of Eryth: Royalty (Chapter 2)

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The Children of Eryth: Prophecy (Chapter 1)

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