The Fox General: Blood on the Suez

A black mass lurked towards the bridge, accompanied by the drum beat of horse hooves growing louder. from what lion speak i could gather, the clan was in an uproar.

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Chapter 5: A Special Person

Then the drums beat louder as the beastmen gathered around the fire dance. "i want to show you something." and i followed her outside the village and into a river, and i have to say it was no ordinary pond.

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The Interpol Files: Beware, the Shaman

All of a sudden, the sound of drums beating started to echo and a deep voice boomed "no one is taking anything!"

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4X+Y Chapter 01 - I'm Sorry (Part 1)

She closed her eyes, managed to find a relatively comfortable posture, and convinced herself that the dissonant jittering was, in fact, just the thrum of a bass-line and pulse of a drum-beat that she felt from beneath her.

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Stirrings of the Beast Within

Someone was watching him and their heart beat was louder than a drum beating in the forest. "who's there?" rolf asked and twirled around to face the bush nearest to him and farthest from the forest. "woof?"

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Day 38 3:49 AM 1/2/2023-Chapter 8-Empty Road

There wasn't any signing, it was just the sounds of acoustic guitars, a soft drum beat and some other instruments i wasn't familiar with, the stuff helped me to focus. i had been driving for about a half hour when the rain began to come down.

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Night Beats Part 1 - The New Neighbour

He started a simple generated drum beat, and started telling her a few basic rules of techno music. she couldn't believe it. he was letting her play with him on one of the biggest nights in his career and she had been such a bitch to him.

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New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 4 - "Manifest Destiny"

Rhy's ears pounded with the drum beat of his own heart. his blood coursed crackling lightning paths through his veins and leaped in his limbs. his lungs burned, their sail-like tissue near bursting with air he was taking in.

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Birds of a Feather

Nick sucked in a breath, heart pounding furiously, a drum-beat against the inside of his ribcage. he _was_ in that world. "ready?" he nodded: there was no going back. not from what he wanted too, so very desperately.

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Blue Earth

He was about to walk out into the lamplight, maybe pick a few pockets if he was lucky, when he heard the steady footfalls of heavy boots in the dark behind him, echoing off the walls like dubbed drum beats.

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Episode 2 - Reunions, New Rivals and Revelations

drum beats mixed with other instruments**_ images from the past key moments redone from the games show in the background as spyro walks toward the camera and into a flash white light.

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