FCW History - Ep. 2 - Layla Black

Story by Mitsozuka on SoFurry

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The camera fades in once more, up onto the form of a well-dressed silver fox, sitting on a stool with his tail across his lap, holding a microphone, and surrounded by television screens, flashing footage from random wrestling matches from every brand back from the current brands to the old AFWA (American Furry Wrestling Association, for those not in the know). The fox smiles as the lights come up, and raises the microphone to his face.

"Good evening once again, ladies and gentleman, I'm your host, Tony DiMarco, here for a continuing look back at the current superstars of the newest, hottest brand in Wrestling Sports Entertainment, Furry Championship Wrestling! We've already seen a look at the most formidable and arguably most dangerous competitor for the FCW's coveted World Heavyweight Championship, the Indominable Mitsozuka Kyusuke Ayarahsi, but now we take a look at the other end of the spectrum. This time, we're taking a look at miss Layla Black, aka Mistress Black, three-time Women's champion from the SouthWestern Wrestling Furries, aka Lady Kitty back in the old CWC days, where she competed for the Intercontinental title. Miss Layla is a dangerous competitor in her own right, this albino panthress' skill in the ring is matched only by her raw, sexual power. She's always been a hard hitter, having trained first in Tae Kwon Do, then moving her striking game up by completing a full year in Beck Silverberg's 'No Bullshit Muay Thai' MMA training circuit. Her style in the ring has varied, from High Flying, to ground pounding, and everything in between, but one thing has remained the same: her sheer physical presence. Miss Black is a VERY big girl, standing at six feet four inches in height, and weighing in, at lightest, at a mighty two hundred forty-five pounds. She's upped her weight class to true heavyweight standings as of late, weighing in at two hundred sixty-five pounds as of last month's basic training camp. Tonight, we shall take a look back to 6 years ago, shortly after her raucous debut with the SWWF as Mistress Black, to her first Title Match: Mistress Black vs. Ravenhawk vs. The Invincible Isis, for the Women's World Championship! Now be forewarned, the announcers you are about to hear are one Mickey Chevelle, a former Hardcore contender, and a much younger King of the Mouth himself, my partner Chuck Luelland. Enjoy the show!"

The camera fades down again, and when the picture comes back in, a packed house is seen around an old SWWF-style ring setup, and the crowd's murmuring can be heard. Then, the arena lights go out, and the stage lights and Titan-tron light up with sparkling purple patterns, with Christina Aguilera's "Genie in a bottle", remixed of course, signaling the entrance of the then-current Women's champ, the Invincible Isis. The female ring announcer's voice can then be heard over the random boos and jeers of the crowd.

"Now making her way to the ring, standing five foot nine, weighing in at one hundred and ninety pounds, the Women's Champion... The Invincible Isis!!"

Visible then on the stage is a thin, muscular looking Cheetah, all clad in tight purple spandex, brandishing the gold and leather Women's title belt in one hand. She simply ignores the jeers of the crowd, swishing her tail and sashaying her way to the ring leisurely. Shortly before she gets there, though, the cry of a hawk rings out, and a tribal drum beat starts thumping over the speakers. Suddely, the stage pyro pops off with a flash of gold, and a very unusual sight hops down from in front of the Titan-tron: A female Great Horned Lizard, wearing full Apache warpaint and a ceremonial Cheiftan's feathered headdress, dancing, stomping, whooping and hollering all over the stage.

"Now making her way to the ring, standing five foot eight, weighing in at one hundred seventy-five pounds, the first challenger... Ravenhawk!"

Now the announcer's voiceover picks up again.

"Welcome back, ladies and gentleman at home to beautiful Flaversham Square here in downtown London, Ontario! I'm your host Mickey Chevelle here with the Master of Motormouth himself, Chuck Luelland, and Chuck, I've never seen Ravenhawk so fired up as she is tonight, but does she even have half a chance against the one and only Women's champ, The Invincible Isis?"

"Well, Mickey, I gotta tell ya, I like the defending champ's odds against Ravenhawk, but I'll tell ya, it's the other challenger I'm interested in, Hubba Hubba!"

"Oh stop drooling, Chuck. Of course who you're referring to is none other than Mistress Black... and here she comes now!"

The sound of a pair of whipcracks turns the arena lights out again, and the black outline of a female can be seen and heard walking across the stage and the titan-tron in heeled boots. Then, Mistress Black's voice can be heard saying "Alright boys, dial it up a notch." Then, another whipcrack sounds, setting off the stage pyro again, this time all of them popping bright white, and the chorus to Motley Crue's "Kickstart my Heart" can be heard blaring through the arena as well.

"Oh boy Mickey, Look!! Mistress Black is in the how-oose!!!" He stretched the final syllable for emphasis and then started, appropriately, cat calling and whistling.

"And now making her way to the ring, standing six foot four, weighing in at two hundred fifty pounds... Mistress Black!"

The camera focuses in on the newest entry, showing off her eccentric look. The panthress has all white fur and hair, loose and flowing to the middle of her back, and wears all Black; a spandex One-piece bathing suit, fishnet arm stockings, and thigh-high, heeled boots. She also has a pair of dark wraparound shades on, but she tosses those to the crowd when she gets close to the ring. She then leans over and winks at the camera, blowing a kiss to the veiwing audience, and showing off her bright, red eyes.

"Yes indeed, folks, Mistress Black, only drafted into the SWWF this season, up from relative obscurity in the CWC's Intercontinental race, now up to be the Women's championship #1 contender only 8 months later. A truly interesting fighter, she mixes a lot of martial arts, street fighting, and some impressive technical and mat attacks. Be on the look out for her to take to the air much earlier than her lighter competition, because she's got both the skills and reflexes to make even a miss work to her advantage." Mickey was obviously well-informed about the lovely panthress.

"Yeah, and as far as 'vital' statistics, I've got those memorized too, Mickey! Six-foot-two, over 250 most days, 40B-36-42, and her favorite flavor of ice cream is Triple Fudge Explosion!" Chuck was obviously informed too, but to define it as 'well' would be mistaken.

"Well, our competitors are in the ring, the belt is shown off to make it clear this is a title match, and the headdresses and extra gear are all off and stowed away. Now, it's an all-out, knockdown, drag-out between the top three in our women's division, and IT'S ON!" Mick shouted as the bell rang.

The camera pans left to right, showing Layla first, sizing up her competition, then her opponents doing the same. A quick glance is exchanged between the two smaller females, then a nod, and out of nowhere, they spring at Layla, now obviously viewed as the biggest threat, and even though she ducks the double clothesline, the two spin around and deliver simultaneous quick kicks to her midsection, grab her by the shoulders, and heave her out of the ring and onto the waiting concrete outside it. Then, advantage blown, the champion falls prey to her former ally's attacks from behind, in the form of a an overhand chop, and a sitting neckbreaker.

"Oooh, that momentary alliance is over now, and Ravenhawk now on the offensive and a good start to boot. She's got the champion up by her hair now, delivering punishing kicks to her stomach, and now a snap takeover, right into a rear headlock with half-nelson. The ref is checking, but the champ says no, trying hard to fight her way out of the hold... she's fought to her feet now... ouch! Strong back elbow, and then another, and up into a spinning clothesline! Champion on the attack now, rains down an elbow drop to Ravenhawk's sternum, into a quick cover! 1!... 2!!... No, quick kickout, no such luck. Up into a standing grapple now, champion tosses Ravenhawk in an irish whip... right into the waiting elbow of Mistress Black! Oooh that hurt, and now the bigger female back in, and on the attack immediately, trading vicious lefts and rights center stage with the champ!" Mick's commentary is interrupted by a painful sounding yelp and Layla falls to the mat.

"Hey!! She's cheating!" Chuck suddenly piped up out of nowhere, referring to the face rake the champion had just used on the bigger female. As she's trying to get up, the champ comes in and kicks her directly in the ribs, rolling the bigger woman towards the ropes. "Come on!! Where's the call ref?! Stop her!! Get up, Miss Black!"

"Well, while *some* commentators aren't as neutral, I might like to point out that if Isis *DOES* get disqualified, she still retains the title by Champion's Advantage rules. So the ref is probably hesitant to make that call and end the match prematurely. Besides, Mistress Black is a big girl, and she's back up and at it again, and snaps the champ up and over in a quick suplex. She's back up, and now getting clobbered by Ravenhawk, who bounces her off the ropes, and tries, but fails, to bowl her over on the return, Mistress Black hitting her like a truck instead. Now the only one left standing, Miss Black picks up her fallen attacker and holds her steady, swinging her arm around and under for a huge falling facebuster!!"

"Atta girl, Miss Black! Give it to 'em!!" Chuck bellowed with glee seeing his favorite ahead in the match. He watched in great amusement as Layla picked Ravenhawk back up, carried her over, and performed a variation on the inverted powerslam, slamming Ravenhawk's shoulders into the body of Isis, leaving both smaller women floored completely. "Man, what a move! You never see the guys use that kind of intelligent fighting, she's got both opponents on the ropes now! Here it goes, she's after the champ now, up and over in a huge vertical suplex, but she hangs on... going for a play on Freddy Guillermo's 'Tres Hombres' maybe? She's got Isis up again... whoa wait!" The sound of the women hitting the canvas can be heard again, with an 'ooh!' of surprise from the crowd. "Not Tres Hombres, she just dropped the champ right on her face in a front suplex, and still she hangs on! One more time, up again..." At this point, Layla jumps, spins and hits the mat on top of Isis, performing what can only be called 'The Jackhammer'. Mickey picks up the commentary again.

"She's got the champ covered, ref's in there for 1! 2! And... No! Ravenhawk there *just* in time with a dropkick, stopping herself from losing the match. However, she's got Miss Black's attention again, this isn't gonna be pretty! The two are trading right hands now, center of the ring. Now Mistress Black has Ravenhawk, pulls away and back for a short-arm clothesline, and now down to the mat to follow up with a rear naked choke! She's got the right idea, keeping her focus only on one at a time, but you have to wonder how long even Miss Black's stamina can hold up!"

"Nonsense Mickey, Miss Black could do this all night! Ravenhawk's got a rope break though, Miss Black plays nice and gives it to her clean. She heads back over to the staggered champion, picking her up into a military press! Heads up first row, incoming cheetah! The champ's out of the ring now, but there's no count-outs in a three way brawl! Suddenly Ravenhawk is back, bringing down overhand chops on Miss Black's back, and now backing her into a corner with these vicious knife-edge chops! Grapple and struggle in the corner, whoop, look out, Miss Black's got control back, wailing a pair of big right hands on Ravenhawk!"

"We've seen it a dozen times before now, big mistake going to the turnbuckles against Mistress Black, she's most dangerous when the stakes get higher! Ravenhawk is dazed now, standing a bit away from the corner, Miss Black's going up though! High-risk manuever incoming, and there it goes, a Super Swinging DDT!" A loud-ish roar can be heard, and from out of view, Isis comes flying out of nowhere and clobbers the unwary panthress with a Missile Dropkick from an opposing turnbuckle. "Holy smokes!! Did you see that, Chuck?!"

"All I saw was Isis fly in, and now Miss Black is down!! Get up, baby!! You gotta get up, the champ is trying to rouse Ravenhawk, I think she's got a plan for you!!" All the while when Chuck is chanting with the crowd to get Mistress Black on her feet, Isis steps over and drags Ravenhawk to a neutral corner, leaving her there, out of the way. She then sprints at Mistress Black, spearing her handily to the corner, and then standing back up, and performing a Hurricanrana to lay Miss Black out once more. "Aw, no! Come on, Miss Black, you gotta get up, the champ's going for her signature move, the Egyptian Moonsault!" Indeed, the cheetah was climbing the turnbuckle, and before anyone could do anything to stop her, she was up, over, and down in a huge moonsault. "1! 2!!!" At that moment, Mistress Black kicked hard and rolled her left shoulder off the mat, barely saving herself the loss. "Whew! Too close, and Isis just can't believe it! She hit the Moonsault, this match should be over, but Miss Black refused to lose!"

"Too right, Chuck, and now the problems are compounded, as Ravenhawk's back on her feet, and now she and the champ are discussing a few things. They seem to be on the same page now, and it's looking like Miss Black could be on the recieving end of some pretty nasty business rather shortly. The champ has her up, and she tries to fight back, but to no avail. This seems childish, Ravenhawk is on her hands and knees behind Mistress Black, and Isis delivers a punishing Dropkick, sending Miss Black end over end!"

"This is horrible, Mickey! Mistress Black is getting tag-teamed now, and there's nothing I can do to help her!" Chuck's voice is strained and full of distress at this idea, but he goes on. "Now she's back up again, Ravenhawk holding her arms behind her back, and the champ pounding away, lefts and rights to the midsection and head! Add insult to injury, Ravenhawk follows with a German Suplex! Jeez, I didn't know Ravenhawk was so strong, Mickey."

"Actually, Chuck, if you looked closely, Isis had to help her out with that one, she lifted Miss Black by the front too."

"Ooooh, cheaters... Now what? Mistress Black's on her feet, and now they're going for the big one, the Double Suplex..." The two smaller women have one arm each tossed over their necks, and after a moment, they pull hard, but after a few seconds of straining, seem no closer to lifting the panthress off the ground. "...but it's no good! Haha! Mistress Black is just too damn heavy! Lookit'em! They're pulling and pulling, and getting nowhere! Switch tactics time, they run her across and back, this time flattening her with the double clothesline! Back up again, and right back to trying the Double Suplex!"

"I can't believe these two are so dead set on eliminating Mistress Black that they are actually willing to work together, Chuck, this is kind of amazing." A loud grunt can be heard from the ring, and then a loud crash. "Holy freakin' moly! Reversed!! The double-team got reversed!"

"This is HUGE Mickey! Mistress Black's got the upper hand again, and she crawls over to Ravenhawk, hooks the leg, shoulders down, Isis nowhere to be seen!! 1! 2!!! 3!!!!" At that, the arena gets deafening, the cheering of the crowd and Chuck enough to make the ring announcer and the sign-off barely coherent, and slowly the camera fades to black, showing Layla holding up the title belt victoriously, then fades back up on Tony DiMarco.

"Well, there you have it folks, this one was a gem, I think. The first Women's championship, and first Main Event victory, for Layla Black. Her style has only gotten better, and she herself has only gotten more dangerous and beautiful since those Halcyon days gone by. So even if she can't quite measure up to some of the boys, the albino panthress called Miss Black is definetly here to stay, and she's totally on her way to competing for much bigger and much better things nowadays. Coming up next, our continuing look at the Histories of the FCW's legion of superstars comes to a very interesting point, when we introduce an up-and-coming star who may very well end up changing the face of wrestling and sports entertainment as a whole; "Dynamite" Drake Derringer!!"