One and the Same - Side Story: Life Isn't Fair - Part 1

Kurai is another, smaller drake with black and white stripped scales. jadine is dyyor's mate, a wolf with black and white fur split down the center and orange and blue eyes. in this story dyyor is given a hunting lesson, much to kurai's 'dismay'.

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Ben's Biography WIP

Furred husky 7'5" tall physical description ben is a typical husky that has a black and white fur pattern.

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Tales of Zootopia: Taera and Winston

When nine months passed, taera gave birth to a child, a black-and-white husky that they named wilde. the doctors confirmed that the cancer was not hereditary.

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Courtship, Part 1

There's just such trouble coordinating a wardrobe with orange, black, and white fur." i felt my tail thrashing. "i should just go monocolor. i can't imagine the dyeing routine would be that bad..."

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Kiss of Destiny: Chapter 3

Not because of what she was looking at, though that could be considered a reason, but because her vision had gone black and white, as opposed to the color she had used to enjoy.

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"corporal Makee!"

Ways than one, she was tall and athletic, i'm short and tire easy after a quick burst, she was black and white and i'm brown and white.she was pretty and i'm all scared up from the hard life.

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The Magic Attic: Toonish TV Antics

Had the pair been thinking, they would've realized that the tv shouldn't of been connected to any channel as it had no cable connections but they were enthralled by the black and white ad.

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Dover: Layer 1: Earth

And as a little tip, ignore the black and white, look for the million shades of grey, though it makes it a bit harder to understand, at least it wont make you lose your conviction of a million sided planet.

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Diaz & Mandrake

- that's kind of a black and white way of putting it, isn't it? the taur looked over at a sculpture of a skunk he'd made and set up nearby. - people do see things in terms of black and white. - sometimes they do.

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Character Descriptions

He claims to have taken the form of a dragon while he was greg's childhood imaginary friend, though more recently he appeared to ray as a 12 year old black and white painted colt.

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A Pitbull Love Story (Part 1)

I'm black and white with 75% of my face solid white only to be met by the other 25% being solid black and the border of black and white going through my right eye.

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Those who Walk In Dream - Beginings, Part 1

Every thing was black and white. beyond the tree line trenches and sandbag mounds reigned, and here and there a small patch of brilliant red could be seen.

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