Tales of Zootopia: Taera and Winston

Story by Albus Kane on SoFurry

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#6 of Tales of Zootopia

ANOTHER love story with a bittersweet ending.

The two people this story focuses on, Taera Withers and Winston Matthews, respectively a black-and-white Goat and a grey Husky, knew each other since they were five. At about age eight, they fell in love, but didn't know what was happening. At ten, they started having sexual thoughts about each other. They didn't tell each other how they felt for a long time, and they didn't date anyone else, or even show interest in anyone else. Eventually, though, as it often does, urgency brings progress. They were both diagnosed with a rare, untreatable form of brain cancer, and given five years to live.

They rushed to the apartment they shared, and finally confessed their love for each other. Then, they told each other about their diagnoses. They lost their virginity to each other right then and there, and got married six months afterward. When nine months passed, Taera gave birth to a child, a black-and-white Husky that they named Wilde. The doctors confirmed that the cancer was not hereditary. When they had one year left to live, they were suffering through agonizing headaches and dizziness, but as long as they had each other, that didn't bother them in the slightest.

Then they were informed by their doctor of a treatment that's been tested, but hasn't been approved by the FDA yet. They both agreed to it. The treatment made the cancer go away, and made it so that they would never get it again, but they would forget all the memories they formed since it started. They accepted that, feeling perfectly content to start all over again, as long as they were together before it was all over. Before the treatment, though, their doctor left a note for them.

"Taera and Winston, it's you from the past. You've forgotten four years of memories due to a treatment for a rare form of brain cancer you both got. It was the need to live life to the fullest before the end that motivated you to confess your feelings for each other, and I don't want to have one or both of you die before you're together again. To the both of you, the other loves you back, and the only reason you weren't already together is because you each thought the other would reject you and leave. Also, attached is a short biography of the child you had, Wilde Matthews. He is currently just over three years old, and don't you worry. The cancer is not hereditary. I checked for the sake of the child. Please just tell each other how you feel, and never separate. -Doctor Samuel Malthus, M.D."