Character Descriptions

Story by nameless_wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Youth and Vigor which characters are described.

What follows are simply character descriptions for the main characters that appear in my ongoing story series, Youth and Vigor. Each part is meant to be more or less stand alone, so instead of describing the characters in detail with each new addition, I thought it would make more sense to create a simple reference here. If and when more main characters are added, this will be revised.

Edit 7/15/2013: Added Jack and Ted.

Edit 7/24/2013: Added Leon.

Edit 7/25/2013: Added Bullet, Manny, Sam, Vince, Timon, Zach, Nicky, and Kota

Edit 7/30/2013: Added Farkinarkle

Edit 8/3/2013: Added Dante

Edit 8/22/2013: Added Tyler

Ray - North American Grey Wolf - Age 28

Ray is a school bus driver for the local elementary school. He has typical markings for a grey wolf. His eyes are yellow and he has a white mane, chest, belly, and rump. His ear tips are dark and his fur coat is a cool grey. He has a slightly athletic build, but hasn't played sports or gone to the gym much in a few years, so he's starting to let himself go. He does have well toned arms and pectorals, which he likes to show off by wearing tight tank tops whenever he can. He's generally the quiet sort and doesn't particularly like being noticed, but he isn't afraid to speak up and take action when it needs to be done. He's very caring and protective by nature, a trait that hasn't always worked to his benefit in the past. Ray moved to the area and got the bus driver job as an escape from bad relationships. He's never been truly happy with any of his partners in the past, and is hoping to find something new.

Andy - Lop Eared Rabbit - Age 10

Andy is an energetic little fourth grade student. All of his fur is a splotched cream and sandy brown color with shining blue eyes and his floppy lopped ears hang down to his shoulders. True to his lapine nature, he always has a bounce in his step and likes to be the center of attention. He's extremely close with his family and loves making new friends, though his overly outgoing and intimidating nature tends to make that difficult.

Greg - Doberman - Age 10

Greg is another student in Andy's class. He has typical doberman markings, mostly black fur with deep chestnut brown patterns on his muzzle, chest, paws, and rump. His eyes are a deep brown like his markings, and unlike most dobermans he has not had his tail trimmed. Greg is what you would call one of the "cool kids". He hasn't had an easy family life, so he does whatever he can to fit in at school. Often that means being disruptive in class or a bully towards other students. He's been known to get aggressive when confronted and can be difficult to approach, but all he really wants is someone to care about him and someone he can return affection to.

Jack - Lop Eared Rabbit - Age 14

Jack is Andy's older brother. Much like his brother, he's energetic and loves affection, but he tends to be a bit more reserved than his younger counterpart. His fur is the same splotched pattern as the rest of his family, but a slightly darker shade than Andy's and a slightly lighter shade than his father's. Jack is a good student and loves science fiction, particularly stories about visitors from other planets. He loves his family dearly but his nerdy reputation means he doesn't have too many friends.

Ted- Lop Eared Rabbit - Age 36

Ted is Jack and Andy's dad. He works as an on-call veterinarian for rich clients and is able to provide for the family well. Ever since the death of his wife, he's been very close with his sons, and becomes very protective when he thinks anyone might wish them harm. Ted is also a practiced martial artist and has a fighter's lean build. His fur is splotched like his sons, but a darker chestnut color.

Leon - Brown river otter - Age 17

Leon works part time as a lifeguard at the local pool and is captain of his swim team. His fur is a warm chestnut brown from his ears all the way to his tail tip, with a lighter cream color on his belly and underside of his tail. He takes great pride in his body and keeps himself in keen physical condition. He's very close with his team mates, and their strong reputation for team spirit has led them to many victories.

Ralphie aka "Bullet" - Orca - Age 16

Bullet is the assistant coach of Leon's swim team. He's short and broad shouldered, with a very muscular build and a pudge belly. He also tends to be rather loud and outspoken, and isn't afraid to push a bit to get what he wants. His skin is jet black and white, with smooth clear lines that trace the contours of his body.

Manny - Royal Bengal Tiger - Age 15

Manny and his twin brother Sam are swimmers on Leon's team. Manny is the older one, but only by a few minutes. He still takes his role as an older brother seriously and always tries to provide a guiding paw to his twin and their younger brother, Nicky. He has the standard deep orange and black stripes of a royal bengal tiger, but his eyes are bright blue to match his twin's.

Sam - White Bengal Tiger - Age 15

Sam is the middle child, between Manny and Nicky, and another member of Leon's swim team. While only a few minutes younger than Manny, he still suffers from typical middle child behavior and goes out of his way to be attention grabbing and adventurous. He's often the first to instigate, and often the first to get himself into trouble. He's the only one of the tree with white fur instead of orange, but his eyes are bright blue like his older brother's.

Vince aka "Feathers" - White Swan - Age 16

Vince is the endurance swimmer on Leon's team. At first glance he appears to be lean and lanky, but much of that is just the natural tendencies of being a bird. His clean white feathers hide a more muscular build which lets him keep up stamina much longer than some of his other team mates. He's the most reserved of the group, and while very close with his team mates, he's usually passive unless provoked. Vince tends to not take very well to teasing and can sometimes act aggressively.

Timon aka "Red" - Red Salamander - Age 17

Timon is part red salamander and part something else. Nobody's really quite sure what, not even his family. Timon was adopted and his true parent's species are not entirely known. Despite his differences, Timon is smart as a whip, and it was his idea to introduce some creative new training methods to Leon's swim team. His skin and scales are bright fire-engine red, and fade to a warm fire-glow orange around his hands, feet, and belly.

Zach - Brown river otter - Age 11

Zach is Leon's little brother. Leon would be hard pressed to admit it, but he's actually very proud of his younger brother. The two often appear to be at rivalry with each other, but that rivalry is rooted in a much deeper caring and appreciation. Zach's fur pattern is almost identical to his older brother's. They even have the same color eyes, and Zach styles his hair the same way to try and be more like his older brother.

Nicky - Royal Bengal Tiger - Age 11

Nicky is the youngest of the boys in his family, preceded by both Manny and Sam. He takes mostly after his orange-striped brother Manny, both in appearance and mannerisms, but he prefers to be a free spirit. Manny and Sam spend a lot of time together since they're twins, which sometimes makes Nicky feel left out, but he's a friendly sort and very quick to make friends.

Kota - Housecat - Age 10

Kota is a housecat with dark wine-red fur. He's tall for his age, taller than most of the other boys in his class even though he's a bit younger. He tends to be very shy around most other furs, and would usually much rather curl up with a good book than go to a social event, but he still highly values the friends that he has and would do anything to make them happy. Kota is a reader submitted character and character rights belong to his owner.

Farkinarkle aka "Fark" - Shapeshifter (Horse) - Age Unknown (Appears 12)

Farkinarkle or Fark, as he's known to many he encounters, is a very mysterious creature, and very little is truly known about him. He claims to have taken the form of a dragon while he was Greg's childhood imaginary friend, though more recently he appeared to Ray as a 12 year old black and white painted colt. He's a very protective soul, and can't stand to see other creatures in pain or suffering. His true age is unknown, but the wisdom and experience he carries would suggest a very vast history. His powers seem to indicate that not only can he change his species and appearance at will, but he also never truly wears clothes, and instead simply manifests his appearance as though he's wearing clothes when necessary. Farkinarkle is a reader submitted character and character rights belong to his owner.

Dante - Mouse/Rabbit Hybrid - Age 8

Dante is a shy cub that goes to the same school as Andy and Greg, but he's a couple years younger. He was raised mostly in foster care after the tragic death of his parents, and is mostly a loner and very shy until he gets to know people. He's also a hybrid, between a mouse and a rabbit, which makes him somewhat self conscious about his appearance. His fur pattern is a black and white dichotomy that alternates across his body. He has the tall ears of a perky bunny, and the long naked tail of a mouse. Dante is a reader submitted character and character rights belong to his owner.

Tyler - Wolf/Snow Leopard Hybrid - Age 13

Tyler is a clever cub that's been living on his own for several years. He's very resourceful and good at turning any situation to his advantage. He's a wolf and snow leopard hybrid, which gives him just the right mix of clever and deviant. Living on the fringes has kept his body in good shape, lean and fit. His fur has the ringed pattern familiar with snow leopards, but his muzzle is grey and more wolf-like. His tail is a mix between the two, long and agile but also soft and bushy. Tyler is a reader submitted character and character rights belong to his owner.

Part 6 - A Balanced Breakfast

**_Disclaimer:_ All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor. If this sort of thing...

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Part 5 - Spending the Night

**_Disclaimer:_ All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor. If this sort of thing...

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Part 4 - Dealing with Bullies

**_Disclaimer:_ All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor. If this sort of thing...

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