Horny Fledgling
She hummed again, and atlas could feel those faint vibrations travelling down his horn. after a moment, jarzyl added, "i wonder if the other one tastes the same?" tilting atlas's head, jarzyl tried licking her friend's other horn.
Tirin and Rendurix
As the sun slowly heated up the room, the black horse stirred gently, sending soothing vibrations to his mate. the sun slinked ever closer, moving up the side of the bed now.
Scott's Remote | Chapter 3
It worked on a very basic algorithm based on newton's law of inertia, essentially setting the inertia of all objects on the planet to zero while still maintaining proper ratios of molecular vibration, that being the emission of heat.
Welcome to Valhalla: The Children of Earth ; Chapter 1
.\ heavy thuds that made the floor vibrate.\ a deep huffing, steps that made the metal resonate.
The Clockwork Falcon - part 4: Maiden Voyage
Jim almost vibrated out of the machine as his tail thrashed in excitement, and he eagerly set back to his repairs.
Buff and Fluff vs the Muscelid Menace
The pager on the desk vibrated so fiercely it rocked itself along the wood until it fell on the floor. a kitten meowed from the top of a tree. buff grumbled as he picked up the phone. "what's the emergency?"
I Wanna Intimi(date) You.
His phone vibrated on his chest and the otter nervously slanted the screen towards him, it was a favorable response; "hey russell, it is russell, right?" the otter smiled, happy the tiger knew his name. "yeah, it's russell."
A Feathered Wit
He lets out a soft croak that vibrates the feathers on his neck. "that will just make you an even better bird, won't it? shall i fix" you aren't sure whether to nod or shake your head. at this point you have to give in though.
Invane: Backing Stoneager
But as he spoke, i heard the nest vibrating vividly. my fears confirmed as my ears were flattened against my skull. i stepped back further from horizoki as his head was tilted to the side.
Treter: Arises Levelers
The door in front of us rumbled and the ground vibrated. wivina returned to her spot, adjacent to me and turned to the door opening itself automatically as we started heading right on in.
Venturing: Working Class
Responded ozkun, vibrating and shaking as his breathing quicken and his eyes stared to me and yang. "i am captain ling." i slowly introduced myself, even though introductions were a bit far from now. "officer ozkun."
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 34: Iridescent Warmth
However, his phone vibrated. he groaned and rolled over to his back. ugh, just when he was about to sleep. "gotta say good night first, heh?" hans grinned at him and lay next to him.