I Wanna Intimi(date) You.
#1 of Russell and Kyle
Dumb fantasy I decided to write up. If you wanna comment on what I did wrong: grammar issues, misspellings, anything, please do so. I plan on making these two cuties a series of short stories, in no real chronological order. So check some other ones out if they're uploaded.
Russell awoke slowly and cautiously moved his hand to his still closed eyes, careful not to jab them. He rubbed his contacts through his eye, seeing stars as a result. His body ached from being stuck in this 'Miserable metal box of SHIT' as he described it. His reaction to it all is pretty reasonable, being locked in a car for 13 hours is not exactly a teenager's idea of fun, even though he had his music. Luckily they were only 30 minutes or so away from their destination, a brand new (to them) house, and a pretty much brand new life for Russell. He fell back asleep for the thirty minutes, waking once again as the cars tires met their rocky driveway. Russell stretched as much as he could and looked around, when they visited the area a couple of months earlier they didn't get the chance to look at this part of the county. The car door unlocked with a click, and Russell eagerly grabbed the door handle, and pushed the door open, only to be welcomed by sweltering heat. He stretched again and ruffled his head fur, then scratching the part of his head where his headphones had pressed down on.
The POD arrived shortly thereafter, yielding box upon box of household and personal items alike. Russell and his parents began unloading and unpacking the horde of brown cardboard prisms. It took a strenuous 3 hours of work to get everything unloaded and unpacked. All sorts of chairs, tables, and storage containers were scattered on the floor, and it took another 2 hours to put things where they looked like they belong. Russell took a good hour setting his room up, even though he didn't have much as far as furniture goes. The family had dinner and went to bed, all the while Russell was on his computer, catching up on any videos or such he'd missed, his mind also consumed with wonder of what he'd do for the next week, as it was all he had until school started.
First day of school:
As it always had been, the first day of school was pretty shitty, getting used to the layout of the new school was a right and proper ass pain. It took Russell 3 hours to finally understand the hall and room numbers. After that the day went quickly, jumping from class to class getting the same sort of "Welcome back from summer!" lecture, old news. Since he was new to the school, he had two or three teachers call him out and introduce himself, he didn't really say much about himself, that would be something potential friends would and should ask, he was almost baiting people to talk to him. The rest of the week was pretty similar, except for the fact the classes actually started teaching things.
Second week of school:
The first two days of the week were nothing extraordinary, but the third held some much wanted attention. When Russell was finished grabbing his bag out of his locker, he turned around to see, well, not much. His view was blocked by a tall and very imposing tiger, Russell's first thought was he was about to get pounded into the ground or something of the like, the tiger was a good 5 inches taller than him, and quite a bit more muscular. His fears were shred to wisps as the tall tiger leaned in and whispered in Russell's ear "Hey cutie..." This was followed by Russell being handed a small, folded piece of paper. And with that, the tiger left, turning around a couple of seconds later to see that his actions had given the desired effect, as Russell was left at a loss for words and blushing profusely. The otter shook his head and slung his back over his back, more than a bit dumbfounded. Russell jumped on his bus and headed to his usual seat, sitting with his back against the window to give him a morsel of privacy so he could pull the note out his pocket. It had "Kyle" written in decent handwriting, and an unrecognizable phone number underneath. Russell blushed deep red just from looking at it, he'd never really been hit on by anyone. (Besides some chicks on his bus at the old school, but, chicks...) The bus ride was uneventful, and Russell's mind wandered to the large tiger, 'He was pretty hot, to be honest, and damn straightforward.'
The moment Russell got in his room after dinner he pulled out his phone and entered the number on his note into a blank contact. He entered the tiger's name "Kyle", and clicked save. He was unsure on whether or not he wanted to text the tiger just yet, and waited until dinner was over and he was in bed. His finger hovered over "Send" button, a short text was already written;
"Umm, hey."
It reflected his slight uncertainty but signaled his interest. His thumb pad made contact with the small green button and the deed was done. Russell set his phone down on his chest and waited a few minutes, thinking of the tiger's possible responses. His phone vibrated on his chest and the otter nervously slanted the screen towards him, it was a favorable response;
"Hey Russell, it is Russell, right?"
The otter smiled, happy the tiger knew his name.
"Yeah, it's Russell."
"Ok, sorry for asking, I just didn't want to sound like an idiot."
"No problem, I didn't think you were, from the few seconds I was around you."
"Heh, yeah, I'm actually adamant about doing that, I was coming off really strong, wasn't I?"
"Yeeeahhhh, maybe just a bit, you left me cherry red and a bit confused."
"Sorry, but it was cute to see you like that."
"Thanks, you have me blushing again, goddammit."
"I hoped i'd have that effect, I am trying to get into a relationship with you, so there's that."
"Heh. How'd you know I was gay?"
"The pride wristband kinda gave it away."
"Oh, forgot I wear that everyday, guess it's more useful than I thought..."
"Yeah, but I don't go for any gay guy, jus saying. You are pretty cute."
"Wow, thanks, are you just gonna keep making me blush?"
"Yeah, unless you dislike the compliments."
"I'd only dislike if you didn't mean them"
"Ohh ho ho, I definitely mean them, i'm not trying to trick you or something, that's not my thing."
"What is then? Oh wait, coming on really strongly, forgot about that, not.'
"Heh, yeah pretty much, did it work?"
"Hmm, i'd say so. I mean, I contacted you, so."
"Well, in that case, can I ask you out on a date?"
"What, really?"
"Was that a bad thing to say?"
"Nonono, it's really flattering actually, and yes, i'd love to go on a date!"
"Oh, great! When are you open?"
"Well, i'm not a busy guy, so shoot."
"How about friday night?"
"Sounds great!"
"Where should I pick you up?"
"339 West Palm" The otter was unsure if he should give his address, but trusted the tiger.
"Oh cool, that's pretty close to me, what time?"
"Umm, 6 I guess, sooner or later, I don't care."
"Great, i'll seeya then cutie."
"Alright, goodnight kitty."
Russell looked at the clock on his phone, it read "11:23", past when the otter should have gone to bed. He rolled on to his side, smiling and still slightly blushing, stomach a little tingly from the compliments and promise of a date. He fell asleep a couple of minutes later, and had a short dream of a specific feline that occupied his mind.
Friday, 5:00
Russell's stomach was turning, he was tangibly nervous, and it showed for the time being. He was getting pretty dressed up for the occasion, a nice pair of jeans, a thin white dress shirt and a light grey vest. He spent time to wash, shampoo, condition and groom his fur, leaving it neat, clean, and nice smelling. He applied deodorant and a small amount of cologne, just enough to notice only if you were close. He kept the slightly longer fur on his head ruffled, he liked it that way, and it didn't necessarily look shaggy or unkept. By the time he was finished getting ready, it was 5:30, and he decided he'd wait for Kyle at around 5:45, so he got on his computer and blogged for a bit. When 5:45 came around, he closed his laptop and got up, taking one last look at himself in the mirror before leaving his room and heading outside onto the screened porch. He had already told his parents what he was doing and when he'd be back, the location however was a mystery. His parents where actually happy for him, and they had known he was gay for a while now, so it wasn't a surprise he was going on a date with a guy.
Russell spent a good 10 minutes texting his old friends (The friends he had before he moved) about his date, they were all excited and it just got him more hyped for it. He barely noticed Kyle pull up in a black Chevy Cruze, modest and easy on the wallet, it actually is the car Russell wants for his 16th birthday. The otter put his phone away, not before putting it on silent. He walked over to the car, a beaming smile across his face and a slight blush on his cheeks. The audible 'click' of the door signaled to him he could enter, he walked around the car to the passenger side and pulled the door open, revealing the clean and brightly lit interior. As he sat in the seat and pulled the door closed, the lights dimmed and the 'moonlight' cast a soft glow on Kyle's face, which admittedly was really good looking. He was wearing a crisp flannel and the same kind of jeans, it looked good but Russell felt a bit overdressed.
"Hey kitty, how've you been?"
"Excited, I was really looking forward to this, I have a special place in mind."
Russell giggled and smiled.
"Aww, same, i'm excited to see what it is."
The car gave a little lurch as Kyle's foot pressed down on the pedal, and the car started moving at a normal pace. It took them a good 10 minutes for them to reach their destination; A small, warmly lit steakhouse, perfect. Kyle turned the car off and stepped out into the cooling night, Russell followed suit, and they both entered the surprisingly quiet restaurant. Only a few of other couples and families occupied the space, and they weren't very loud. They approached the host's lecturn and Kyle checked his reservation, it was only a few moments until they were lead to their table and sat down.
"Wow Kyle, I honestly wasn't expecting THIS, It's pretty nice!"
"Nahhh, it's nothing really, I did want to make a good impression, so you'll at least remember me when you've got guys crawling at your feet for you."
"Oh COME ON, I'm not that good looking, you'd more likely be in that position."
The tiger chuckled and shook his head.
"Hmm, I'm gonna go ahead and say you're probably one of the nicest looking guys in the school, i'm honored really that you let me take you out on a date."
Russell blushed some and looked down, smiling.
"I could say the same, I mean, you're really good looking, just putting it out there, and I feel lucky to have you as my first date."
"What! This is your first date?"
"Heh, yeah, it is."
"Wow, I'm surprised, I feel like guys would be all over you, anywhere. I feel even more honored now, geez"
The small talk and compliments continued, even through the dinner. Small stops in conversation where made to eat, but other than that they chatted for the whole time. As the night slowly came to a close, the bill was paid and the two left the building, ending up back in Kyle's car.
"Wow, that was amazing, thanks for taking me Kyle."
"No problem, you made my night pretty spectacular, i'm just glad to have returned the favor."
They paused for a moment, and in the dim light Russell could barely see Kyle lean over and kiss the otter on the cheek. Resulting in a wide smile and red cheeks. The tiger kept his head close to Russell's and this gave the otter the opportunity to return the kiss. He turned his head and leaned over to Kyle, not stopping until their lips had met softly. A soft rumble came from Kyle's chest in response, and even the larger tiger blushed a bit, flustered by the reciprocation. The tiger was oddly the one to pull away.
"I know you weren't really planning for it, but would you like to come over to my house, and spend the night? No sex or anything, I just, I really want to spend some time with you."
Russell took a minute to think about it.
"Well, i'd love to, but i'll have to tell my parents so they don't call the cops."
"Oh awesome, and don't feel obligated to do anything you don't wanna do, i'll drive you home right now if you want."
"Oh, no, I would like to, you know, hang out with you too..."
"Just clarifying, and that goes for anything I might ask you."
Kyle smiled and kissed Russell on the lips one more time before turning the car on. Russell leaned over and rested his head on Kyle's shoulder, even though the glovebox gave him a bit of discomfort, for him it was worth it. The otter had almost dozed off when the car shut off, there were no others in the driveway and it seemed Kyle's parents had gone to do something.
"Your parents gone?"
"Yeah, heh, they went on a date as well, keeping the fire burning I guess."
"Aww, that's cool."
Kyle opened the door and stepped out of the car, he headed over to Russell's side and opened the door for him. The otter looked up at Kyle with puppy dog eyes and a slight grin.
"Carry me?"
Kyle chuckled and picked the otter up, shaking his head and making a 'tsk tsk tsk' noise.
"You forgot your seatbelt silly."
Russell shrugged and smiled.
"Oh well, i'm not worried about it now, of course."
Kyle gave an exaggerated sigh and walked slowly towards the front door, careful not to drop the otter in his arms. He set Russell down on his feet for a second to grab his keys, a little bit of fumbling with the lock and the door was cracked open. Kyle picked Russell up again and opened the door fully with his knee. He carried the otter into the house and over to his room, he then set the otter on his bed and sat down next to Russell. Russell sat up just in time to be greeted with a kiss on the cheek. He giggled and smiled widely.
"Ya know, I was really worried you were gonna be something else, but you turned out to be really sweet, and I'm really happy about it."
"What kind of guy did you think I was?"
"Well, sorry, but honestly I thought you were just gonna try and get in my pants, but no."
"Oh, yeah, I have met those guys, and it does really bug me. I'm glad i'm not that kind of guy."
Russell nodded and put his chin on the tiger's shoulder, he turned his head and licked Kyle's neck gently, sending a shiver down the tiger's spine. Kyle responded by wrapping his arms around Russell and pulling him close, the otter could hear the soft rumbling in the kitty's chest. Kyle also gave a small loving lick to the top of Russell's head, a caring notion.
"Hehe, I love the way cats purr, it's very comforting."
"Mmm, good, you'll probably have me purring quite a bit, if you keep it up like this. Being all cuddly I mean, not, never mind."
"Pshh, I know what you meant, we just talked about this. And i'll make sure to be this cuddly, I'm not even really trying."
The large cat nodded and rested his head on Russell's own, a genuine smile on his face. Russell was content as it was, but really wanted to hear Kyle purr, so he crept his hand slowly under the tiger's shirt and to the kitty's stomach. Russell started giving the tiger a slow, nice belly rub, which held the reaction Russell was looking for; Kyle closed his eyes and his purring became more prominent, it was a rolling, rumbling noise. The sound was not unlike a long lasting bit of thunder, the kind that makes you visualize a large boulder rolling down a hill, the crackling of the thunder becomes breaking branches and twigs. In short, Russell loved the sound, and the way Kyle's chest vibrated to the touch, it nearly lulled him to sleep.
"Ohh, Russell, I'm just saying, but, you might want to stop before you turn a part of me on that's much harder to turn back off."
The otter nodded and slipped his hand out of Kyle's shirt, it then made it's way to the tiger's side, where it stayed. Kyle yawned and slowly unwrapped his arms from the otter. He gently grabbed Russell by his sides and scooted himself to the headrest of the bed, his legs were spread and Russell was dragged into the open space. The otter's back now against Kyle's chest, and the tiger's head on top of Russell's, Kyle wrapped his arms around Russell once more, holding the otter close. The tiger's soft purring continued, and Russell closed his eyes, getting drowsy. Kyle held him as he fell asleep, a nice, deep, peaceful slumber.
Russell opened his eyes and could see a large arm holding him tightly, Kyle's other hand was on the otter's chest, the tiger was moving his fingers back and forth slowly, just softly rubbing Russell's chest. Russell yawned audibly and was welcomed to the world by a warm lick on his head.
"Morning sleeping cutie."
Kyle chuckled a little at his own joke and nuzzled his nose into Russell's neck, his warm breaths gave the otter little chills.
"Morning kitty, geez, what time is it even? I feel like I slept a century..."
"Well, it is almost eleven, you were knocked out."
"Wow, I should probably be back at the house soon. Ugghh, I don't wanna leave though."
"I don't want you to go either, but it seems best that you do leave, don't want your parents worrying or something."
Russell let out a sigh and laid his head back against the tiger, who in turn, put his chin on the otter's head. Kyle's soft purring returned and gave Russell a bit of comfort, knowing he'll most likely be with the tiger sometime soon, and plans might as well be made now.
"So kitty, I think I have to take you on a date next time."
"Mm, as long as I get to spend a little personal time with you."
"Mhmm, that's what I was hoping for as well. So when are you free?"
"Umm, next weekend is pretty clear."
"So, maybe next saturday night?"
"Yeah sure, i'm open after seven, so it'll be a bit of a late dinner."
"Not a problem, i'll text you about driving and all that."
"Sweet, I guess I should drive you home now, or just cuddle you all day. Man, I wish I could."
"So, I guess we're boyfriends now, right?"
"Yeah, we are, I mean if you'd like to be."
"I'd love to be..."