Short scene 1

My eyes dart side to side like the tip of my tail, agitated by the wind forcing against me, scanning the street, and by extension, every alley, nook, or cranny. My vision darts down alleys, scales buildings short and tall all the same. My icy breath...



Keith: Fuck he was persuasive... I don't even really remember how he did it, but he fucking did. He had me in bed faster than anything i've experienced. And now he's motionless, lifeless almost. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist as he sleeps....

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(Bitter)sweet Sixteen

August was nearing it's end, school was just starting and Russell's 16th birthday was right around the corner. He had been getting message after message from Kyle about it; the tiger seemed to be more hyped for Russell's birthday than he was! Russell...

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I Wanna Intimi(date) You.

Russell awoke slowly and cautiously moved his hand to his still closed eyes, careful not to jab them. He rubbed his contacts through his eye, seeing stars as a result. His body ached from being stuck in this 'Miserable metal box of SHIT' as he...

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Meet Your Maker

Meet Your Maker With the dull hum of his monitor adding to the natural white noise of his home office, Isaac leaned back in his chair. He brings a paw to his face and rubs his eyes, sighing in frustration at having spent the past 8 hours glued to his...

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