Journey to another world pt2 ch75
The tactics that i'd previously came up with with samantha, wouldn't be effective as this pokemon was in the air as she was attacking from the ground.
Southern Free Agents, Ch 3
She too offered several gestures in their tactical sign. --five monsters.
Ferris, the Clever Fox in the City
For next to bullshitting there was one other tactic to employ. it was the second, and usually final, line of defense.
Major Thomas Bishop bio.
Patton and personally carries an autobiography of him. when it comes to battle, he usually plays a more aggressive tactic and will attack the enemy if the conditions are well suited to him.
From the desk of the General. Mission 4.
From the desk of: general sir anarchy warlock (ex demon of the underworld) senior commander of the kaos army: black planet leader of 1st tank battalion killer of tamagotchis military tactical genius occasional side character bp date 08
From the desk of the General. Mission 2.
From the desk of: general sir anarchy warlock (knight of the extendable table) senior commander of the kaos army: black planet leader of 1st tank battalion eater of bacon sandwiches military tactical genius occasional bad guy bp date 08/07/3012
From the desk of the General. Mission 1.
From the desk of: general sir anarchy warlock (official troublemaker of the realm) senior commander of the kaos army: black planet leader of 1st tank battalion defender of orc rights military tactical genius (i'm just typing what he dictates, don't look
The Front Line (Warhammer 40k)
Zoanthropes had particularly taken to the idea of scare tactics and had adopted a killing technique we knew as "crowning".
Adira Clawhauser Chapter 7
Adira sighed as she saw benjamin use his 'baby doll eyes' tactic to ask for what he wants again. when it came to positivity and stubbornness, she was not even close to beating her brother. 'fine, but it's gonna be tough.
On tactical screens, the iff switched over, from station-keeping to underway. numerals flashing to indicate this change. a cheer rose from the assembled bridge crew. at long last they would be doing what they'd signed up to do.
Kilana Character Information
She also has the power to create a bolt of lightning from her fingertips as an offensive tactic,but this is the only offensive power she has. in battle kilana wears a white suit of armor as well.
Chapter 6
I thought fire was about offensive tactics." delta asked. "not all the time. in hell, fire has its yin and yang as well. good fire, is warmth and protection in the darkest hole.