Chapter 6
#6 of Hunger Games 2.0
welcome the other people
Another figure quickly follows, and blood splatters the wall as it finished her off. It turns to the group, and they see a non-human look around it, and then they run from the door, and into the cornucopia. All except for delta. He starts clapping and the figure walks over to him slowly, and then it shimmers as it's true image being revealed. It is close to 6 feet tall and its skin colour is red, with a black tint. It's wearing no shirt, and is wearing pants, with a belt. The buckle has the Greek symbol for Delta. As it reaches the doorway, Delta starts to smile.
"so, what can you do?" he asks.
His only reply was a wave of a hand, and a flame in the palm.
Meanwhile, in the cornucopia, raikes is watching with fear, when beside her, the air shimmers, and a white figure in a robe appears. Raikes looks as a light glows, and vanishes, and she opens her mouth to scream, and a hand covers her mouth, along with a woman's face appearing from a shadow, finger to her lips.
"Hush child. I am here to help you, as the demon at the door is to help your friend" the woman says.
Raikes closes her mouth, and takes a step back from the hand. "why me?" she asks.
"because you and I have something in common, just like the demon has something in common with your friend" the women replies.
Meanwhile, in the control room, Lady Serena is fuming over the fact that two people have suddenly appeared and is helping those that are against her. She flicks a switch, and she smiles as an elite squad goes to reinforce the Careers location. "That might hold them off for a while" she says, under her breath.
Back in the labyrinth, the demon is showing delta some very advanced fire manipulation, while Raikes is learning the finer points of air currents and how they work. Peeta stares in amazement as he watches his son turn a crate lid into ash in an instant.
"excellent work kid. Now, time for defence" said the demon, who earlier stated his name was Hades.
"Defence? I thought fire was about offensive tactics." Delta asked.
"not all the time. In hell, fire has its yin and yang as well. Good fire, is warmth and protection in the darkest hole. The bad fire, known as the dark flame, is death, pain, and most common, diseases." Hades answers.
"oh" delta comments. He turns to see Raikes floating on a breath of air. "wow. That's cool. Literally" delta says, pulling a flame around himself against the cold air.
"careful kid. Those of the light can ensnare the heart of even the strongest man, and make him their toy" hades warns.
"how do you know?" Delta asks.
The demon smiles, "I just know kid", casting a strange look at the angel next to Raikes.
"she's your wife" delta slowly says, seeing the same look that he uses at Raikes.
"yes, and no. she was, when the kids were around, and no, when they left, after the accident" Hades says, looking away from everyone.
"what happened?" Delta asks.
"they were looking into my world, and then they left as mortals." Hades looks at delta.
"Are you serious?" Delta asks.
"yes" hades answers.
Peeta notices his sons discomfort, and starts to get up, but a gust of air from the angel, stops him.
Peeta sits down, and Raikes goes over to delta, and puts a hand on his shoulder. Peeta watches, and then glares at the two inhuman teachers, as they stand back from the two, and then they go to a dark corner and they start talking in a strange language.
At this point, no one knew what they were saying, but with a few words, everyone realised the conversation was about the other elements without teachers.
That evening, everyone was waiting for Delta to cook the food, when the ground started shaking, and then a crack the size of a double doorway opened up as another person emerges.
"ah, Hades. Already here" says the stranger.
"yeah, and this is one hell of a battle to prepare for. Recon shows at least 20 elite soldiers with custom made weapons and ammo with every possible known grenade type " Hades replies, shaking the strangers hand. "Everyone, this is Morith, a friend of the earth. Peeta, this is your teacher"
Marrissa looks around. "where's the person that's meant to help me?"
"traffic jam" Morith jokingly replies. "they'll get here, don't you worry."
"you mean, you don't know them yet?" Marrissa asks.
"I know 'em, just too many to guess from, that's all" Morith answers.
"Morith, theres only three to guess from" Hades says, and starts ticking them off, "Cynthia, Theras, Tharem"
"all girls. Of course you'd remember them" Morith jokes "Possibly more than their names too."