Forbidden Blood 2
When she was finally able to call him by the title, it made him smile knowing full well who must've told her to call him that because it did made him feel more or less special but feeling no greater than any other.
...and thou
"for someone special you'll want something special," she said, pulling the bottle from the rack and running her paw across the label. "my son makes this from his best grape. for a boy in love, one nummo, and i'll throw in cups for free."
Pastry Prilodeoren (Part 1 of 2)
Bleo beamed back, excited to see just what other wonderful flavors this lion had in store for him, and just what might happen beyond this special recipe.
Royal Wolves- Past and present
He uses special obsidian boxing gloves to fight with and is devastating on the battlefield.
Eternal Waltz: Chapter 3
Today was a special day, as it was the sending off of the mobile force and also a special surprise. a large scale invasion force had been in preparation for months now, they were going to exact a planetary invasion of the system of xan.
The White Cub Part One : Please see me
They don't know how special you are. and i know you're special, because you're my friend" travis said to him. "i'm not special" kenra said, looking down at the floor. "no-one likes me.
Evolution Part I: Chapter Eleven
"because you're special." the black lab elaborated. "you're special like the collie was, maybe more special and he sees his old rival in you. he hates you because you're special and he's not." i was quiet for a time.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 29 - Below Zero
The same energy kyurex had felt before built an aura around the special creature. why was the new umbreon special? because unlike kyurex, his rings were dark blue, and his eyes generated a light blue brightness. "hmph..."
MoonDust, Chapter 5
I was talking with a lemur from special forces, and he told me about the fancy free floating sheaths they use for extra balance climbing cliffs and stuff.
Pokemon: Big Bang Break Episode 2 - The Appearance of the Starchild
"if you're talking about those arbok nagas i quicky gun them guys down so you l.a street punks are now restoring to terriorsim" "wait a a sec did you say pokemon special forces?"
Purple Valentines
"we interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you a special broadcast. strange phenomena have just been reported across the globe." reported the first news anchor.
Awakening on the wrong side of the bed
Julyna took off towards the special room as everyone else followed hoping to see what was going on. \*\*\* inside the special room the body of rubicantwas sitting on the edge of the small bed that had been placed in there.