The White Cub Part One : Please see me
#1 of The White Cub
Hey hey hey, it's mah first story. Hope you enjoy it. Also, you can visit my website for other stories that i have written. Just go to and enjoy yourself.
The White Cub series.
Daniel Field a.k.a Kendo
Chapter One : Please see me.
The Angel Hills Orphanage had seen a lot of cubs through its time. From young to old, and every species of anthromorphic animal that had existed, both male and female, could be found there. It was a huge building that had once been a school, but had been converted for its present purpose. Many people still mistook it for a school, till they read the sign.
Today however, the orphanage looked a little different than what it normally did. Today was the first of the month, and every child in that building knew what that meant. It was the day that they all had the chance to be adopted, and to have a home and a family.
There were bunches of balloons hanging off of the sign in the front yard, and the whole building had been cleaned by the kids. The windows sparkled and the floors mopped till they glowed, and everything neat and tidy to give the impression that this was a nice place to be, if you were alone.
All of the cubs in the orphanage were all outside in the sunshine, playing in the enormous backyard, on all of the equipment that had been left there when the school had been converted. They were all on their good behaviour, just for today. There was only one child who was still in one of the bedrooms.
His name was Kenra. He didn't have a last name, and the reason was that no one knew it. He was only eight years old and probably the only child who wanted a family more than anyone else in the orphanage.
The room that he was in was designed like a military camps barracks. Two rows of beds along two of the walls, each in perfect alignment with each other, some made, some not. It was located at the front of the building, above the main entrance. It was a disused classroom, and it still had the desks, which were in between each of the beds, and the blackboards, which were covered in childrens drawings.
Kenras bed was always made, and his possessions, which were very few, since some of the older boys enjoyed breaking them, were locked up in his desk, and he always carried the key on a string around his neck.
The sound of the front doors opening made Kenra get up off his bed and slowly go to the doorway. By standing near the door, Kenra could hear everything below him.
The sounds of the first parents entering were heard below, and Kenra sighed a little. He hadn't had any luck in the past with potential parents. Mostly it was because of how he looked.
Kenra was about as tall as any eight year old, but he had the sort of figure that could resemble stick figures. He was very thin. He resembled a fox, although his exact species wasn't known. His fur was pure white, except for some areas, which were red patches that looked like symbols of some sort. His paws, feet, and ear tips were bright red. He also had a mop of red hair on his head, and he also had three tails.
He was dressed in a pair of old shorts, and a blue t-shirt. He didn't have many good clothes. One thing about the orphanage was that there was never a shortage of clothes, since many of the cubs went through them quite fast. And it was always the bigger kids who got new clothes from the governmental cheques that Mrs. Gail received every month. And the smaller kids had to make do with hand me downs.
Downstairs, he could hear Mrs. Gail, the cougaress who ran the orphanage, talk to the first guests and lead them outside to where the other cubs were. She didn't like the parents wandering around the building, because sometimes they saw things they weren't supposed to, like messes.
"All of the children are outside, and don't worry, they are quit used to strangers walking around" Mrs. Gail said to them. Potential parents were allowed to wander around outside to see the cubs as they did whatever they did.
"Please let them come up here," Kenra thought to himself. He wanted so badly to get adopted, but he couldn't go downstairs. Not with the other kids.
Ever since Kenra had first been dropped off as an infant, he had not had a good time at the orphanage. Because he looked so different from the other cubs, they had taken it upon themselves to tease him each and every day.
Name-calling, overly rough play, bullying, and destruction of the few things that he owned were daily occurrences. He was a very shy, and very timid and quiet little male, which made it easier for them.
That and the fact of his braces. Since Kenra was five years old, he had braces put in place. His teeth were slightly crooked, but they hadn't grown that way. It had been because he had been hit in the face by an older boy and the punch had rearranged his teeth.
Ever since then, Mrs. Gail had never made him forget how much it had cost her to give him the braces, and since the older boys continued to bully him and fight him, his braces had to be continually repaired, and that costed more money.
Kenra slowly left the room, his bare feet making no noise on the carpeted hallway. He went over to the staircase and sat on the top step, clutching against the rails with his small red paws and peering down at the furs that were entering. His ears were upright as he listened to everyone talking below.
"Please, let them come up. Please let them see me" he thought. At every other open day of the orphanage, the parents had either ignored him, or looked the other way. It had hurt him every time it happened, and it still did today. It often made him wonder if something was wrong with him.
Slowly, the day passed, and lunch came and went. The children all ate in the old cafeteria which was still fully functional, since it took a lot to cook for a lot of children. But the cook was a mean on rat who didn't like anyone.
Kenra didn't go down for lunch. He rarely ate, unless his stomach made him. Mrs. Gail never supervised properly in the cafeteria, and that gave the older children the opportunity to do things like trip him over, throw meatballs at him or 'accidently' drop their milk on him. So he avoided the cafeteria as often as he could, most of the time being the first one there so he could finish quickly and leave before anything happened.
Some time after lunch was over, a very business like looking wolf was seen talking to Mrs. Gail, and one of the orphans was beside him. One of the younger feline girls, and she was looking very pleased with herself. She wasn't much older than Kenra, and she was one of those little Tomboy girls who did things that boys did.
The girl looked around one last time at the building, holding a suitcase in her hand. At least that's what Kenra thought. Then she looked at him, and smiled. It wasn't a friendly smile, nor a happy one. It was one that said, "It's me, not you" to him, and she waved to him as her new father took her out. She made sure to smile brightly and sweetly as she waved, intending to make it hurt as much as possible.
As the two of them left, Mrs. Gail looked up to see who the kid had been waving at. When she saw Kenra at the top of the stairs, looking sad, she chuffed. "You know, it's no reason why no-one wants you" she said to him as she began to walk up the stairs towards him. Kenra slowly stood up as she came closer.
"All you ever do is hide up here, thinking up ways to cost me money by getting those damned braces broken all the time" she said, looking down at him. She was considerably taller than him.
"But..but...but that's not true" Kenra stammered at her.
"There's no buts about it" Mrs. Gail said to him. "I can't possibly understand why anyone would like a problem child like you" she said before heading back down the stairs and outside to check on the kids there.
Problem Child. That's what he was. Somebody's problem. Kenra felt the tears spring to his eyes and he ran back up into his room, where he jumped onto his bed and started to cry into his pillow as he curled up on the sheets.
Kenra only had one friend in the orphanage that he could talk to and not get beaten up for crying. That friend was a cheetah, who's name was Travis. He had the bed right next to Kenras', and he was the only one in the orphanage who actually liked him.
Travis was rather tall for a thirteen year old, but he had a decent build. Like every other cheetah, he had a unique styling of spots on his yellow body, and was rather athletic. Kenra looked up to him as an older brother, because he was the closest thing he had to a brother.
Travis had been outside all morning, and was just now wondering where Kenra was. He knew that most of the other kids would usually find some excuse to beat the poor kid up, and they always found a way to get out of trouble. It was common knowledge around the place that Kenra was not Mrs. Gails favourite ward.
The cheetah decided to go inside and try to find him, so he made his way across the yard and into the building, where he saw Mrs. Gail talking to some prospective parents. Travis wasn't too fussed about getting new parents. He could tolerate living here, and thus paid them no mind.
It wasn't the first time that Travis found Kenra lying on his bed and crying. And it hurt him every time he found him like that. Like now.
"Kenra?" Travis said gently as he strode over to his friend and sat down on the bed next to him, placing a hand on the sobbing kids shoulder. Kenra continued to sob into his pillow, just crying his eyes out.
"Kenra, what's wrong?" Travis asked, giving the kids back a gentle rub with his hand. "Did one of the older boys pick on you again?" he asked.
"No" came the muffled response, and a sniff and a sob.
"Well, what happened?" Travis asked, gently trying to get to sit up before the poor cub suffocated in his pillow.
"" Kenra said, sitting up slowly, his shoulders shuddering as he sobbed. "Sh-she ....called me...a ...a problem child" he said, rubbing his eyes and sniffling.
Travis shook his head and wrapped his arms around his best friend. "I'm sure she didn't mean it" Travis said gently to him as he held his friend close to him.
Kenra said nothing as he hugged his friend back and the two of them just sat there, just together.
It was a while later before Kenra had calmed himself down enough and had stopped crying.
"There, you feel better now?" Travis asked him as he took his spotted tail and gently wiped Kenras eyes with it.
"I think so" Kenra mumbled, looking at his friend before looking at his shirt. "I messed your shirt up" he said, looking at the tear marks on the white material.
"That doesn't matter. You mean more to me than some shirt" Travis said to him, giving him a hug. "Now, no more tears, ok?" he said, looking at Kenra. "Someone might come in and adopt you, and they wouldn't want to take home a little wet you" he said with a smile.
Kenra couldn't help but smile at that. Travis always made him feel better. And today, was no exception.
"I feel better now. Thank you Travis" Kenra said, smiling up at him.
"I'm glad you are" Travis said with a smile. "What are friends for?" he said, giving Kenra another hug.
The day wore on until the doors to the orphanage closed. Mrs. Gail was happy with how the day had gone. Three kids had ended up being adopted. And that meant that there were three kids that she didn't have to worry about anymore.
At the end of every 'Open Day' at the orphanage, Mrs. Gail and three of the older children would go down the main street and buy take away food for everyone to eat. Since it was only done once a month, the kids looked forward to it, since it was the only time they could choose their dinner, although Mrs. Gail chose where they would get it from.
Todays choice was Mc Donalds, and the children had all been given a small menu of what was available, and they had to tick what they wanted, and put their names on it. But they couldn't ask for too much, or they wouldn't get it. Plus, if they didn't get their order in, they missed out and went hungry.
It was more than half an hour later that Mrs. Gail came back with the other kids and had her arms full of order bags in a box. Every kid was excited as they ran to get good seats in the cafeteria, because they all loved take away food. It was a very welcome change to meat loaf and Brussels sprouts.
One by one the kids were given their orders and they all hungrily dug in. Talking ceased as they were all silenced by mouthfuls of chicken, beef and fish with lettuce and mayo.
"Thank you Mrs. Gail" Travis said as she handed him his order. Even though he didn't like the cougaress very much, he still remembered his manners when he needed them. His order was always the same, a large Mc Chicken Meal, with Fanta, and a Large Chocolate Sundae for his dessert.
"You're welcome" Mrs. Gail said to him before handing out the last of the orders. "Well, that's that. Enjoy your meal, cause the next one comes next month" she said as she packed up the empty boxes.
"Did you get yours?" Travis whispered to Kenra. They were sharing the only table left in the cafeteria. Kenra shook his head.
"I put my order in. It was for a Happy Meal," he said, looking at Travis. "I know I did," he said, starting to sound upset.
"Mrs. Gail? You forgot to give Kenra his order" Travis said, waving his hand at her to get her attention.
"What?" she said, looking at him, with a confused look on her face.
"You forgot to give Kenra his order" Travis said, pointing to his best friend.
Mrs. Gail then walked up to Kenra and looked at him. He flinched a little and looked up at her, suddenly feeling scared. And with a quick look around, Travis noticed that everyone had their attention on the two of them.
"You don't get anything, you little debt machine" Mrs. Gail said to Kenra, "because I spent all the money for you on having to buy more of those little rubber bands for your braces. So, until you learn to not cost me money, you get nothing. You can go hungry" she said to him before turning around and walking off. Everyone in the cafeteria started laughing at him.
"It wasn't my fault that happened" Kenra said, looking at his hands and feeling tears spring into his eyes. It hadn't been his fault. One of the older boys, a deer called Malcolm had broken into Kenras desk beside his bed and had taken the bag of rubber bands and flushed them down the toilet.
But because no-one could prove it, and because Malcolm was the biggest kid in the orphanage, Mrs. Gail had blamed Kenra for losing them on purpose, and for breaking his desk open.
Kenra sat there, with tears streaming down his face as he started to sob slightly with everyone laughing at him for a while, and calling him "Baby." He felt so helpless, and useless.
Travis felt disgusted. He couldn't believe that this happened so often to his best friend. Everybody picked on Kenra, because he was so different, but also because he had no confidence in himself and he never stood up for himself.
"Here" Travis said kindly, breaking his burger in half and putting the bigger half on half the wrapper, as well as part of his fries and handing them to Kenra.
"Thank you" Kenra said softly, looking up at his best friend with tear streaked eyes. Travis was so nice to him, he always had been.
"It's ok" Travis said to him, starting to eat his own meal. Kenra waited until his tears stopped, and he started to eat slowly. But by that time, his meager meal was cold.
Travis took only a few sips of his coke before giving the rest to Kenra, with all the ice, and spooning the top half of his sundae into the lid of the container and handing it to his friend. Kenra didn't go for them till he had finished his half burger and portion of fries, but by that time, the coke was flat, and the sundae had mostly melted. Even when his best friend tried to do something nice for him, it ended up sad.
"Come on" Travis said to him, taking his hand and slowly taking his friend upstairs to the bedroom. Travis didn't bother putting the garbage away. By the time everyone had finished, there would be a huge mess, and when Mrs. Gail came back, whoever was last to finish would be put in charge of cleaning up.
Kenra didn't say a single word as Travis helped him get undressed into his pyjamas. The only pyjamas that Kenra had were mismatched. A pair of blue striped pyjama pants and a red pyjama t-shirt was all he had. Travis could tell he was upset by what happened.
"Kenra, look at me" Travis said, once he had finished helping his friend into his pyjamas and put the dirty clothes in the laundry hamper at the end of the room where all dirty clothes went. Kenra slowly looked up at him, tear streaks all over his face.
"Don't let this hurt you. They don't know how special you are. And I know you're special, because you're my friend" Travis said to him.
"I'm not special" Kenra said, looking down at the floor. "No-one likes me. I just waste money for everyone" he said, his shoulders shuddering as he felt the tears well up in his eyes.
"Kenra" Travis said, kneeling in front of him and hugging him tightly. "Listen, one day someone is going to come here, and they'll see how special you are, and you'll have a family before everyone else here, and you'll be loved more than them and be happier than them. Trust me, it will happen" the cheetah said to him as he held the young child close to him.
The two of them stayed like that for a while before Travis broke the hug.
"Now, you hop into bed and go to sleep, and have a good dream, and you'll feel better tomorrow" he said.
"Ok" Kenra said softly. "Thank you Travis" he said, rubbing the tears from his eyes.
"Hey, what are friends for?" Travis said with a smile as he stood up and helped Kenra into his bed. After he tucked his friend in, he went over to his own desk and unlocked it before taking something out.
Kenras desk held only his day to day things, and there weren't very many of them, since Malcolm and his gang liked to break in a lot and wreck whatever they found, so Travis kept his friends most special things in his own desk, since no-one broke into it.
Kenras prized possession was a marionette without it's strings. It was basically a wooden doll of a pirate wolf, and it was very old. When Mrs. Gail had given it to him on his fifth birthday, she told him it was all that his parents had left him when they dropped him off in a basket that night, aside from his name. Kenra never went to sleep without it, but he never took it out during the day.
Kenra took the doll, which was the size of a standard porcolein doll, and held it close to him under the blankets as he curled his body up and slowly began to drift off to sleep. Travis waited until Kenra had fallen asleep before he climbed into bed in only his boxers and fell asleep shortly afterwards.
Kenras only dream came back to him that night. It was the only dream that he ever had, and he had it every night. It was a simple dream, but it was one of the few things that made him happy.
His dream consisted of only one place. It was a patch of emerald green grass underneath an enourmous oak tree. And underneath that tree was something special.
It was a picnic, pure and simple. Kenra always sat underneath that tree, with his back against it, dressed in his clothes that were always new, and always clean. He had his doll sitting in his lap, and it looked brand new as well.
Sitting across from him on a checkered picnic blanket were two people. A male and a female, dressed in the most beautiful clothing. His parents. But their faces were never shown, they were always covered in shadow, but Kenra would feel nothing but love and kindness radiate from them.
Between them, lay a feast that sat upon the most beautiful dishes. A feast large enough that would never grow cold, or run out before he got hungry.
Kenra would sit there underneath that tree every night, feeling nothing but the most wonderful happiness that he could ever feel. Nothing ever went wrong in that dream, and he hated waking up from it every morning.
Nobody knew about that dream. Not even Travis. It was the one thing that Kenra kept to himself so that no-one could spoil it. But, like every dream, it ended when the sun rose the next morning.