Issues of a 16 year old boy

Who knows, i am pretty sexy. i'm just joking. i'm not hot, just average? i've been wearing my rainbow bracelet more and more openly. maybe i'll wear it with a t-shirt tomorrow. i'm not for sure.


Pure Imagination (Illustrated by Angel27)

Impressed with his imagination's intense integrations, he struck a cross-armed pose, peering at his posterior from over his shoulder, expecting to see a smooth serpentine spine.. but was surprised to instead see a sexy reptilian rump, still sitting

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A chance metting

Ami only tilted her head, she had to admit, he looked adorable and sexy at the same time. she could sleep his blood flowing through his vains too though, makeing he want a good drink of blood.

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New Feelings: Entry #2: Oh life, why hath thou forsaken me?

It was a good book so far, about a tiger who plays football, and his mate, a cunning, smart, and sexy scouter. i normally wouldn't read a book about football, but, this one's different.

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He gave nik a sexy look, and the badger laughed, grabbing the puma and spanking him. "ow ow stop!" sam laughed, "okay, jesus fuck you slut shamer." "you play with my heart too much, samuel ayers."

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Epilogue (Kreet 32)

Had some sexy time with a kobold bartender. about 5 minutes give or take a minute. kobolds live fast and play hard. so there, you know as much as i do about the next story so far! brand did look for kreet for days. weeks in fact.

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Josh had never thought of himself as a foot guy but he could not deny he found mike's feet attractive, sexy even. they felt good against his face and the smell was not so bad now that they were bare. 4. 5. "you have nice feet." mike blushed.

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My Grand, Frozen Heart part 3

"hi sexy." grant said, with a hand brushing my fur under my shirt. i turned to see him, his happy face looking at me from it's perch on his hand, mounted on it's elbow. "i thought you were wasted." i said, for he looked fine, but stank.

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fall writing challenge - friday the 13th

(by the way, i could definitely pull of the sexy witch - i have the hips for it). but no day grinds my gears more than friday the 13th.

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Chapter 4: The Appearence

"hey sexy" i heard luna say with a hearty tone. "eeyup, just as i figured" "oh great, it's my sister" celestia said in a tone of misbeleife. after a while of struggling howl just stood there with his arms crossed and a bored but angry look on his face.

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The Road We Walk On Ch 4

Rusk pulled away after a minute and smiled at his sexy wolf bear, "good morning andrea" rusk said as he grinned at his sly moves.

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The Prohibited Zone (part 2)

Oh those incredible, sexy looks. the wolf's brain just seemed unable to process that this tigress had in fact not been his girlfriend at one time. that this was not the tigress that had dumped him harshly.

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