Issues of a 16 year old boy
once I get the hang of it, I'll succeed
School was great today. I have no idea why I was so happy, but who ever spiked my breakfast with crack, thank you. The morning was a little awkward I was in the same room, alone with a couple. They started fighting and I just stood there like, "What am I supposed to do?" I had no clue if I should have stepped in. Nothing happened he just left and then came back and everything was fine. I guess all we need sometimes is a nice little walk. I thought, I used to go run every morning before school at like 5:00 a.m. when I stopped I got sadder. I wish I could actually run in the mornings again, but I just can't wake up. I sleep in the basement where no natural light touches, so it's hard to wake up plus its colder than a woman's heart in the morning, and sometimes it's snowing or raining. I do like my strength and conditioning class. I'm the weeks there, so I look like a total nub with my light weights. It's okay thought, because I don't get shit from the guys. I was at lunch drawing my friend a penguin and this big freshman guy came up to me and introduced himself. I was thinking, "Shit! Now? When I'm drawing?" I have a bit of an issue with not finishing something, so I talked to him but I kept drawing. He was cool. He kept complementing the penguin and my other drawings. I have about half and inch thick of papers in my binder, just for drawings I've done. He stayed until he had to go back for his testing. It was a bit awkward. I usually don't socialize with lower class people. Not that I try not to I guess I just only make friends with kids in my grade and people I meet else where that are older. I left and ran into this guy that I might of mentioned. He's a long black haired white boy. He wears these big black glasses and was T-shirts all the time, and he has this awesome backpack. I guess you could say he looks hipster. He's still cute. I made a goof on our first encounter, but he always smiles very big at me when we pass each other, and I'ma sucker for smiles. I just get all foggy and can't talk, so I smile back and I bet it's a funky ass smile. Who knows, I am pretty sexy. I'm just joking. I'm not hot, just average? I've been wearing my rainbow bracelet more and more openly. Maybe I'll wear it with a T-shirt tomorrow. I'm not for sure. I don't want to real in the assholes or be questioned by everyone I told I wasn't gay to. I could wear it in California and everyone accepted it. Being gay was okay out there, but here not so much. You have your punk/scene/emo/goth, what ever you want to call them, and they are all pretty much bisexual. Why is that exactly? I've never understood that. My good day really ended when I came home and my mother was getting all pissed because she was packing up everything she fucking owns to go live with my step grandma in Utah for about 2 week and help my step dad. I'll be out there during the weekend, if it doesn't storm. Well I'm ending my day with a bowl of edamame and a nice cup of my Kava root tea. i should get some good sleep, hopefully.
P.S. I'm gonna get to school tomarrow to say hi to Vanessa, and she hangs out with the boy, whos name is Chris. I'll finally say hi, maybe. Gosh I'm so shy. Oh well, "Suck it up Travis!"