(Worldbuilding) The Map of Namir

Of prominent note (though the church is trying to stifle this) is the pirate ardbeg, who was stirred into rebellion by such a cell, and led a daring raid to recover a powerful magical artifact from the lannis theocracy, though it cost him his life.

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Fall of Umbar

There were no raids from umbar that year or many years since then and so, a new banner rose above the walls of gobel tolfalas. the people happy again and prosperous, until a new enemy came from the east.


Oversized Teenagers

Both the bear and panther felt like they were in some kind of car crusher, or booby trap from some old tomb raiding movie.

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 12

That will give us all the time in the world to plan for a good raid." _damn that banno! now he's talking about killing her entire tribe?_ "father, there is nothing to gain from -" kadai lifted his hand and ander knew to keep quiet immediately.

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My New Best Friend Chapter 8: I love you Riolu

Alex, rodrey and cynthia arrived shortly after the raid and came to help.

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Eternal Flame Ch.1

Not long after, he died in an attack from raiding dragons that needed land and food.

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I was going to be trained after the raid. . ." he sighed. "when. . . they sent me to. . . the gathers. . . i. . . i don't think they liked it."

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The White Empire

It consisted of a good 900-1,500 men and boys, who raided military bases in the black of night and hid in the forests. the transport finally landed in a area that had been turned into a forward operating base (f.o.b.).

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Goooooooood Doggie!

It was her party cleric, his robes torn--he'd clearly been surprised when the raid had come, and neglected his armor and preparations.

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Love and Radiation Prologue

raiding parties of legionnaires continue to cross into ncr territory, attacking caravans and towns baring the ncr flag, crucifying and burning men and capturing women for their own purposes.** **through it all, the new vegas strip has stayed open for business

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The Adventures of Maz and Arson

He smiled and opened the fridge, most likely to raid it for some of the tigers cooking, which he loved dearly. he found last nights leftovers. sausage and veggie pizza, of which he grabbed a slice and returned to the living room.

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Chapter 8: Coup d'etat

The palace was raided, in search of the emperor, but neither he nor any of his five wives were found. the advisors and cabinet were also missing from the palace, and shouts soon came up to say the war was won.

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