My New Best Friend Chapter 8: I love you Riolu

Story by Andy232000 on SoFurry

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#9 of My New Best Friend: a riolu fanfiction

Here is chapter 8, credit to Liki Wolfspirit for the editing. No current artwork for this chapter. Chapter nine should be up shortly. Maybe on friday!!!


"Huh? What the--!" Rodrey came and grabbed Alex by his arm and pulled him towards Celestic town. Something bad was happening. As Alex and Rodrey ran down the hill, his pokemon followed, not having a clue of what the hell was going on...

"Rodrey! Rodrey! Rodrey!!! RODREY!!!" Alex screamed and pulled the kid towards him making him trip.


"Whats all the rush!?" Asked Alex.

"Theres no time to loose! We need your help!"

"What do you mean there's no time to loose, why do you need my help!?"

"There's no time for questions!!! Just come with me!"

"NO!!! Not until you tell me what the hell is going on!

As Alex finished talking, Riolu managed to catch up with them along with the remaining pokemon. The puppy specially, was extremely tired of sprinting after the battle.

"We're running out of time! God knows if they're still there!!!!" Exclaimed Rodrey

"Who's there!?!?"

"Just move!!!"

"No Rodrey! Not until you tell me."


"No buts! The faster you tell me whats going on the faster we can get going!"

"Ughh fine!"

"Thank you...go ahead!"

"Ok, their this group of people who want to steal something from Celestic town's ruins!"

"Are they robbers?"

"Im not sure what they want...but they just laid a raid in the town and are terrorizing everybody!!!

"WHAT!?!? We need to get going!!"

"No shit Sherlock!!! Thats what I'm trying to tell you, lets go!!!

Both teens sprinted down the hill running north, towards the city. Staraptor gracefully took flight up high and followed Alex and Rodrey as Ponyta went across the ground with the penguin, Prinplup, on top of her. They all quickly caught up with the humans...well...except Riolu, who still was catching his breath......


In less than 10 minutes, the gang managed to reach the entrance to Celestic town, where explosions and beams were being fired.

"OH MY GOD! look at this place!" Exclaimed Alex.

"I told you we were low on time!"

"Just shut up and help me! Bring out your pokemon!!!!"

"Alright!" Rodrey grabbed two pokeballs from his belt and tossed them in the air. From them, a big green frog and a small wolf like pokemon appeared. "Politoed use hyper voice! Poocheyna, use sucker punch!



Both pokemon launched inside the smoke screens caused by the explosions, attacking whoever was on the other side.

"Now its our turn! Staraptor use defog!" Staraptor's wing turned a light violet as he started moving them back and forth, creating a powerful wind. As the air currents hit the black smoke, the vision became clear. The smoke dispersed, revealing three persons in red suits, all carrying a different pokemon.

"You nosey teens! You'll pay for interrupting our mission! Liepard use furry swipes!"

"Riolu use force palm on it!" Said Alex.


"Huh? Where's Riolu? What the hell he must have stayed behind!!!!!" As Alex kept complaining and stating how stupid he was for not carrying the pup with him, Liepard was about to shove him off when Prinplup jumped between both of them.

"Prrrriiiinplup!!!! The penguin screamed as he hit the leopard face with a water gun.

"Wow thanks prinplup! Lets do this! Drill peck!" Prinplups beak started shinning and increased in size, it was at least 6 incheslonger than before, and it acquired a sharp pointy end. As the penguin slides across the floor towards the dark type, Liepard formed a shadow ball in her mouth

*SLASH* like if it were thin ice, Prinplup cut through the shadow bulb

"PARD!!!!" Prinplups beak penetrated Liepards skin, she was out for good.

"Dam you, you STUPID KIDS!!!! Houndoom get them!"

"Prinplup water pulse!"

"Houndoom, fire blast!"

Suddenly a clear turquoise bulb formed from the penguins beak while Houndoom created an intense fire blast from his snout. In no time both attacks collided and resulted in a huge explosion!!!!

"Damit I cant see anything! Staraptor use defo--

"WATCH OUT!" Screamed Rodrey. In a split second Houndoor launched itself through the smoke screen, his fangs shined a bright sparkly yellow color.

"Prinplup watch out he's using thunder fang!!!!!!!!!!" Exclaimed Alex!

"Politoed, use mod bomb on Houndoom!"


*BAM* Houndoom's thunder fang disappeared as the shot of mud made contact with his dark skin.

"WOW thanks a lot Rodrey!'

"Your welcome!"

As the two continued to fight the opponent, Alex felt something tugging his pants. It was Riolu! It took him a while but he managed to catch up!

"Riolu sweetie you came!!! Excellent!"

"Ri...o...." The puppy was panting heavily!"

"Alright, I know you are tired but we need to give it all we've got! Use force palm on Houndoom!!!!

Riolu's palm shined a light purple color as he sprinted toward the dark-fire type. However the hound was able to doge the puppy's attack easily and quickly. Riolu was not in his best conditions. He had sprinted all the way back to town and had just had a battle against Ponyta. He was in no condition of fighting at his best. Out of tiredness, Riolu was unable to see Houndoom any more. He knew he was close...he could feel his presence. Out of thin air, Houndoom appeared and bit Riolu in his neck and lifted him in the air, only to shove him down on the ground. It was about to end for Riolu. He would surly faint after the next attack. In his blurry vision, he could watch the hound charge his fangs as they turned yellow again. Riolu prepared to fell the shock of his thunder fang, he closed his eyes, but the attack never hit him. Riolu opened his eyes only to reveal a human on top of was Alex! He took the hit for him...well sorta... Riolu then saw that Alex was holding Houndoom from attacking him. The human had his arms and hands wrapped around the pokemons neck. Houndoom moved in all directions trying to get rid of the boy, but he held on. Unintentionally, Alex began to chock the dog because of the harsh movements. The hound had to stop as he felt his air supply being cut. As soon as the movement stopped, Prinplup took into action. He charged with a full aqua jet and struck right into Houndoom's stomach. He was out...

"Excellent work prinplup! Now lets help Rodrey!"

"Yeah I could use some help here!!!!' Responded the kid.

"Coming right up! Staraptor! Aerial ace! Prinplup! Aqua jet! Ponyta! Fire spin! Riolu! Force palm!

As the trainer finished his commands, all pokemon obeyed instantly. In a matter of 10 minutes, Alex and Rodrey had defeated all the robbers...or thats what they thought....but as the smoke caused by all the explosions in the battle dispersed, a full group of people appeared to be surrounding them, all ready to attack. Every single person had at least two pokemon; mainly scraffties, liepard, mightyenas, and houndours. All pokemon opposed a threat to the group. Obviously, having about 16 other pokemon attacking them, Alex and Rodrey sure were at a disadvantage

"Damit what are we gonna do now?" Asked Rodrey

"No idea"

Then a familiar voice spoke.

"Maybe I can help" the voice screamed!

"Huh?" Alex and Rodry said as they turned backward to find a tall women with long,wavy blond hair; a black outfit, and beautiful grey eyes. Besides her, a huge dragon like pokemon stood.

"Oh my god....Cynthia is it really you?

"What a nice way to say hello, Alex!" Replied the female

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you at the league?"

"Im visiting my grandma, but changing the subject, looks like you need some help."

"Yes please! We're getting squished here!!!

"I'm on it! Garchomp, use dragon rush!!!

"GARCHOOOOOOMMMP!!!!!' The giant beast roared and silenced everyone around as he tackled every single pokemon. The light blue aura surrounding Garchomp paralyzed all of them instantly.

"DAMNIT! RETREAT!" Commanded one of the robbers. He had to face many complains from his army, but even though they were many more, they couldn't face the champion. Soon enough the whole fleet started running away as fast as they could.

"Wait! They cant go--"

"Let them!" Said Cynthia


"Now's not the time Alex! We need to help the citizens of the town and restore the damaged buildings. Trust me...this is not the last time we are going to see them..."

".....*sigh* your right" agreed Alex.

"Alright then, lets go!" Said the champion.

"Im right after you!" Alex said eagerly as both ran towards the center of the town, ready to help the desperate people.


It was a complete chaos in town. People lost several of their houses and the ruins were completely destroyed. The kids were crying and scared to death while their moms tried to calm them down. Alex, Rodrey and Cynthia arrived shortly after the raid and came to help.


"God we've been stuck here trying to bring supplies and it seems like we've accomplish nothing..." Said Rodrey to Alex

"I know...people are very scared...,and we don't even know if those "guys " will return....

"i guess your right....I wouldn't be exactly calm ether....why do you think they attacked the place?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like...why would a random group of theifs destroy the town? Do you think it has something to do with the team galactic event that happened 2 years ago?"

"I really don't think they want to continue what team galactic left unfinished...I just hope it doesn't kill us all if something bad happens..."


The silence was then interrupted by Cynthia, who exited the small entrance of the ruins, she could barley fit trough after the demolition.

"Hey Alex, look at this!"

"Huh, oh Cynthia, what is it?"

"This piece from the mural in the ruins has fallen off from the wall."

"Why is that important?" asked Alex

"Look at the edges, they were cut, and their burned, which means that they were probably damaged by fire or--"


"Exactly! We think the attackers did it...but the police is not sure."

"If they wanted the piece why didn't they just take it?" Asked Alex.


"Hey Cynthia do you think this has anything to do with team Galactic!?" Asked Rodrey.

"Thats exactly what I'm worried about...the ruins tell the legend of the creation trio...and if this is what they are after....

"Do you really think they want something from the distortion world?" Said Alex.

"Lets not jump into conclusions....what matters is that everybody is safe, and that we must help!" Replied the Champion.

"Guess you're right." said Rodrey

"But..." Interrupted the Female.

"Huh?" Said the two boys.

"You two seem very tired. And you did help in the battle after all...why don't you guys go home and take a rest.

"I wish I could but I don't have anywhere to go..." Said Alex shyly.

"Why not?"

"Because this little fella (Alex picked up Riolu and sat him on his lap) decided to rip off Nurse Joy's hair and destroy the medical room!" Riolu blushed instantly and lowered his head.

"Oh but who's the cutie!!!" Cynthia picked up the puppy and hug him in her arms.

"He's mine...actually my newest addition to the team."

"Oh! Since when do you have him? Last time I recall you only had Pipulp!

"Well, piplup is now a Prinplup and I met Riolu in the forest, its actually a very long story."

"Well, start from the beginning!" Said the Champion. Alex chuckled at his friend's comment and started telling the story. Both Rodrey and Cynthia payed close attention as Alex revived his memories


"What a story Alex!" Said Cynthia.

"Yes, sometimes I feel this is just a huge dream..."

"Really? Why is that?"

"I really don't know Cynthia....I always liked Lucarios...and I always wanted one....but I never thought raising a Riolu would be so much work..."

"Well, I remember when I had mine....they aren't certainly "easy" to deal with.

"You also have a Riolu Cynthia?" inquired Rodrey.

"A Lucario, to be more precise"

"Oh that is sooo cool! Ive never seen one in real life!"

"Is that so? Then, allow me to introduce you one!" The Champion then grabbed a pokeball and threw it in the floor. As the light faded, a jackal black and blue dog stood in front of the three humans. As Riolu noticed the tall figure, something clicked in hismind. The Lucario looked exactly the same as the voice he saw in his dream. Very exited, the small puppy launched himself over Lucario.

"LUCARIO-GRRRR!!! The jackal pokemon did not liked this at all and soon grabbed Riolu by the tail. The puppy was hanging upside down. He started to feel dizzy.

"Lucario put Riolu down!" Commanded Cynthia. The aura pokemon obeyed immediately.

"sorry about his behavior...he is not affectionate with anyone but me, and besides, Riolu is a complete stranger to him after all."

"Oh don't worry Cynthia, Riolu just got carried away anyway..."

"Um guys? Its getting late, my mom is probably worried, I'm gonna get going." Rodrey interrupted.

"Oh no, its ok! Go ahead!" Said Cynthia.

"Bye Rodrey!" Said Alex

"Bye guys!...oh I forgot to ask! How is it that you two know each other?"

"Cynthia is a...well....close family friend."

"We know each other since the very beginning."

"Oh I see, well bye! See ya later!"

"Bye" said both Alex and Cynthia as Rodrey slowly walked away.

"Well...I guess I'm gonna go find a place to sleep tonight...." Said Alex.

"Why don't you stay with me?" Asked the woman.

"You don't mind?"

"Not at all" said the champion with a smile on her face.

"Alright, thank you so much for doing this!"

"Well. Its the least I can do after you help me controlling the people."


"*chuckles* well, I think we should go help officer Jenny with the people. Theres still a lot of commotion."

"Sure, why not. Riolu sweetie lets go!" Said Alex as the puppy followed him

"Lucario return!" Cynthia pointed the pokeball towards the fighting type. The red laser hit him and he soon disintegrated into the ball.


It was late at night, about 10:30, and Cynthia and Alex were just returning home. They had spent all the afternoon helping out in the center of Celestic town. Both were extremely tired.

"Oh god I seriously need some sleep right now!" Complained Alex

"Rio rii!!!" The puppy started jumping and barking as he entered the living room. He was full of energy, unlike Alex.

"Please Riolu not now! I don't want to play!!!

"Rio ri riolu rir i rio riol lulu!!!!" The puppy got more exited and barked louder and louder.

"Riolu shush it! Your gonna wake up everyone!" Alex scolded silently.

"Wauff wauff!!! Rioooooluuu! Riiii! The blue dog started jumping up and down on the couches.

"Riolu GET DOWN!!! You're gonna break something!"

"Oh let him play for a while! Besides its the only way you'll tire him." Said Cynthia as she entered the room.

"No its not that, but he's so stubborn I'm afraid he will---

*CRASH* a crystal pot fell from the table, Riolu made it fall by accident.

"Rio..." The puppy quickly glanced at Alex, who had an angry face.

"UGHHH RIOLU! I told you to NOT jump around! Why do you have to always be such a bad puppy all the time!?!?!?" The puppy's eyes watered a bit. "OH FOR GOD'S SAKE don't come crying to me again! I don't have time for this!!! Why is it so hard for you to obey me! Its not that hard you know!? But of course you're incapable of staying still!" The puppy was about to burst in tears.

"Don't worry Riolu, its ok! I think my Glaceon is in the backyard, why don't you go play with her for a while?" Said Cynthia. Riolu nodded in understanding and exited the house through the back door. He whipped a tear from his cheek as he walked outside.

"Alex a word, please?"

"Umm sure." Said Alex with an uneasy voice. Both entered the kitchen. As the Champion grabbed some bread and prepared some tea, the teenager sat down on the table. Somehow, he knew Cynthia wanted to talk about something important.


"Is something up Cynthia? You sound kind of serious." Said Alex

"No everything's fine...its....just an observation about Riolu..."

"What about him?"

"How long have you been in a journey?" Asked the woman.

"Well...I started like a week ago--"

"No, I mean, ever since you started traveling?"

"Umm...well....I don't know, maybe...6 months?" Responded Alex.

"And in those 6 months of your pokemon journey, have you ever screamed to your other pokemon?"

"Well, no not really, maybe once or twice during training...but never scolded them."

"And do you think scolding is a suitable way of raising a pokemon?"

", of course not! Seems rather harsh..."

"Then why do you scold Riolu the way you did?"

"But he broke your pot! What did you expected me to do, applaud him?"

"No, but telling him gently to not do it again and to please obey was an option!" Cynthia silenced the boy. There was an awkward silence. Both humans sat in front of each other. Every once in a while one would sip from their tea cups. The silence was later broken by Cynthia herself.

"Do you love Riolu?" She said with a serious tone.

"Excuse me?" Asked Alex

"I said: do you love Riolu?"

"Love is a strong word.....but yes, of course I love him! He's like my baby!"

A smile appeared in Cynthia's face as the last words escaped Alex lips.

"Well...babies are never easy, thats for sure!" She said.

"I guess you're you think I can do this? Raise him?" Alex glance towards the window. Riolu looked so happy playing with Glaceon.

"Im pretty sure you are capable of it!" Said Cynthia with a smile.

"I thought so too...but everyday it becomes more of a challenge..." Replied Alex.

"Is that so?"

"Yes...its just....*sigh*...its just that he is SOOO stubborn and needy and is always crying for everything and he never gets tired and he's always getting in trouble and he doesn't let me sleep at night....(the list went on and on for the next 5 minutes)

"Well, if you put it that way, it kind of sounds a little bit overwhelming to deal with Riolu..." Cynthia chuckled. "But I'm pretty sure you can deal with all of that stuff!"

"Its not like I have a choice..." They both laughed this time. They continued their conversation when the wall clock made a sound indicating it was 12:00.

*yawns* "well, looks like I better go off to sleep or I wont be able to travel early tomorrow morning.

"Were are you heading?" Asked the champion.

"Im planning to go to Hearthome city."

"Hearthome city? Thats quite a voyage! I thought you were heading for Pastoria City.

"Well thats my next stop!"

"Did you already won the gym match there?"

"Gym match? What are you talking about?"

"Im asking if you already challenged the gym there"

"Pastoria doesnt have a gym"

"Yes it does!" Said Cynthia.

"No it doesnt!"

"Yes it does! Crasher Wake is the gym leader, he uses water types?!"

Then something made click inside Alex mind. He forgot about the Pastoria Gym!!! (How stupid!")

"Oh my god you're right!" Said Alex in excitement.

"I am right!" She replied.

"Well...I guess I'm gonna challenge the Pastoria city gym." Alex lifted himself and walked outside. Before exiting he was interrupted.

"Hey Alex!"

"Yes Cynthia?"

"Crasher Wake uses water types, and I know you don't posses anyone with an advantage in your team.

"Yes so? Having a type advantage doesn't define battles."

"No it doesn't, but maybe you want to give a call to your sister. She does posses an electric type after all!"

"Oh yeah thats right! Maybe I will give her a call tomorrow. But right now I'm going to bed.

"Yeah me too!" Said the girl as she walked up stairs.


Alex and Riolu had moved upstairs and both were getting ready to sleep. The guest room in Cynthia's house was very pretty. There was a nice king size bed and a plasma tv, along with a soft couch and a private bathroom. Alex took a quick shower and got on his Pj's. When he came out of the bathroom he saw Riolu laying on the couch, almost falling asleep uncomfortably.

"What you doing pup? Why are you sleeping on the couch?"

"Rio?" Riolu looked confused.

"Common! You can sleep with me from now on; of course, if you want." A huge smile formed in Riolu's face as he jumped from the couch and into the bed. Both got under covers. Riolu was next to Alex chest. The human pet the puppy in his back until he fell asleep. As Riolu purred in his dreams, a thought formed in Alex's mind.

"Why is he so stubborn and needy but so playful and cute? Is this behavior normal in all Riolus or do I have a gifted one?" Alex asked himself. He then remember he has the "How to raise your Riolu" guide in his bag. He reached out for the book and opened it. In the index he found the chapter he was looking for. "Chapter 3: behavior:"

*"/Riolus are very energetic and love to play. Often, most Riolus will take away the possessions of their trainers to get their attention and so you give them chase. Riolus love to interact with other pokemon, but remember to always keep an eye on them as its common for them to play roughly or wander around the scenery;a very curious species. They can be a real handful in the beginning and are not suggested for first time trainers. If let put of its pokeball, most likely your Riolu will follow you around. Most Riolus dislike being alone and will always look for their family or trainers. *

Authors note: a non energetic Riolu can be a sign of depression and sickness. However this is not always the case as there exist exceptions to their hyperactive behaviors.

The chapter also had a paragraph on Lucario's behavior but before Alex could read it, he started dosing off. He let the book slip from his hands as he closed his eyes. Before falling a sleep, the words "I love sweetie." escaped his lips.

(To be continued)