Back near the meteor, the little fox did save her life from the parasite, and even without that the fox's company was always welcome with her, and her brother.
Alien, Arctic Fox, Blood, Character Development, Fight, Kit, Male, Science Fiction, Spiral Nebula, Story Series, Wolf, assassination, pine marten
Those are meteors, bouncing off of the atmosphere of the planet. i explained the story of how a shooting star comes about. we sat there for a little while, marveling the streams of light cross the sky.
Anger, Cabin, Dragon, Forest, Love, Rage, Wolf, acceptance
We were getting ready to watch a huge meteor shower and then out of nowhere this space pod crash landed down the hill that we were watching. we all ran up to it and it turned out to be a strange plant like girl.
misty-so she came from space?
8, Chapter, Cosmo, Pokemon, Sonic, X, chaos
"unfortunately, the inn was hit during the meteor bombardment," she explained, "the innkeeper is fine - he was with the other evacuees, but the building was crushed.
Absol, Alolan ninetales, Dugtrio, Floatzel, Flygon, Greninja, Lucario, Lycanroc, Pokemon, Primarina, Raichu, Salazzle, Story Series, Team Valiant, Umbreon, blaziken, espeon, lopunny, zoroark
When it wasn't falling all around him like a cascade of meteors, it was simple to navigate. one of the benefits of being small was that many things could simply be walked under or around. gradually, he made his way past the giant.
Ant-coon, Ant-man, Cupcake, Hermes, Micro, Minotaur, Raccoon, Shrinking, Super-heroes, Supers, Urban Fantasy, quinn, stomping
The pitch black sky had no flashes, no lightning, and she saw no light except for the nearby streetlight that made the raindrops glow like countless tiny meteors. she saw nobody outside who could have made so much light.
Sci-Fi, soul
**\*the level of devastation is consistent with several large meteor strikes.\***
"but what are the chances that something like this happening?" the badger warrior said looking at the destruction.
Adventure, Badger, Bear, Births, Celestial Event, Chado, Cheetah, Dragon, Erection, Fennec, Fisson, Foreplay, Hedgehog, Hugging, Humans, Humorous, Journaling, Kissing, Lioness, Long, Meeting, Mongoose, Monkey, Monster, Mountain Reedbuck, Mud Folk, Mystery, Nudity, Orgasm, Patients, Pregnancy, Red deer, Rhino, Serial, Spacegate, Springhare, The Talk, Tit Fuck, Tree Folk, Yeti, caracal, impact, nuzzling, overworked, park, prototype, sentinel, triad
Toris would have some theory to explain this, and could go off into great detail about the motions of this planet around it's binary star system and large twin moons, the interaction between one orbit and the nearest gas giant, the way meteor impacts might
Alien, Aliens, Body Horror, Gesshru, Gore, Horror, Mechwarrior, Mice, Mouse, Rat, Rodent, Sci-Fi, Space, Violence, mech