Project Radikal Chp. 9 - Adventure Begins.

Story by Blazey Wavey on SoFurry

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#9 of Project Radikal

Hey readers! Sorry for the extremely long delay on posting the next chapter, I have been really down lately and dealing with childish problems. So it delayed me from writing and there was a lot of things going on in life, so yeah. There was just a lot happening and it occupied me for a while. So it might take me a while to post chapters from now on, at least until everything is resolved in my life. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter~

A year in the future~

Looking over to my left and right, walking down the street, watching as other furs were out doing what ever it was they were doing. Sighing softly, stopping near a shady spot underneath a tree, reaching out to my backpack, pulling out a paper before writing down a few things on it. Smirking to myself before looking up to the light seething through the tree, letting small rays of light down onto my paper and myself. Standing up after writing a few paragraphs, putting the things back into my backpack, starting to walk down the street again. Slowly starting to make my way towards the graveyard, looking up into the sky to see a bright blue sky, clouds passing by and the sun burning bright as it always did. Sighing to myself before walking past the gates of the graveyard, walking up to a grave and setting down some flowers before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath as a tear rolls down my cheek. Kneeling in front of the grave, saying some words to myself, wondering if he was listening to me. Brushing away some leaves on top of the grave before looking over the stone that was there. Wiping away the tear before seeing a familiar figure walk up to me. It was Luc's mom.

"Hey mom." Looking up and smiling softly.

"Hey Neon." Walking up, standing behind me.

"I miss him..."

"I know you do, we all do..."

Turning around to see Luc walking from a truck, catching up to his mom and standing by her side. I could see him smile softly at me, watching as he wiped away a tear as well. We stood there, in silence for a moment, before nodding and agreeing to go out for lunch. Walking with them to the black SUV.


It had been three days since the two agents had found the meteorite, and as each day passed they felt as if there was a presence of some sort around. Both of them shrugging it off as just an overwhelming fear. Agent 354 looking towards his wife to see her smiling at him from across the table. Smirking to himself while taking a sip from his cup of coffee.

"What now? That weird alien rock is going to headquarters, and we have a couple hours until our flight back."

"Oh, well. We can explore... And stuffs..."

"Stuffs hey?"

"Shut up..."

"you're silly." chuckling lightly to himself.

"Lucas... Luuuucaass... Lucas!"

"Hmm? W-what?"

"Good morning."

"Someone sure is up and excited this morning... What are you all excited about? It's only Thursday."

"I dunno, just feel energetic I suppose."

Barrel rolling off the bed and bouncing back up to my feet, standing straight up. Walking out the bedroom door, slowly falling forward to plant my front paws on the floor, slowly moving forward as I walk on my front paws. Falling forward to roll and land on my feet again. Picking my phone up from the counter to check if I have any new messages. Tapping my foot slightly, walking back into the room, placing my phone on the side table. Pouncing onto Luc's lap.

"Oh hey there..." Grinning up at me.

"Hey... So, what should we do?"

"I don't know... Boring days are boring."

"They don't have to be so boring you know, I feel like a super hero right now, I just wanna go and jump from building to building!"

"As fun as that sounds. I don't think I can do that honestly..."

"Well, we could always go out for breakfast." Twirling my finger into his chest fur

"Yeah, or we could just stay home... And make our own breakfast..."

"But going out and buying it is just so much easier..."

"Well, how about this, I'll make it. As long as you pay me..." Grinning deviously to himself as he looks at me.

"Oh? How much?"

Swaying my tail side to side, acting like I didn't know what he meant by what he said. Grinning as he pulls me down closer and kissing me softly, wrapping my arms around his shoulders as he slides his paws around my waist, breaking away from the kiss and smiling. Sliding off from his lap, grabbing his paw and pulling him up. Walking with him into the kitchen, a slight bounce in each of my steps. Sitting down on a stool at the counter, watching as he starts pulling out pans and plates and other things. Turning himself around, placing his paws on the edge of the counter, leaning back a little looking over towards me.

"Hmmm, what do you say? Eggs, bacon, waffles and... Hash browns?"

"Wait wait wait."

Standing back up and quickly making my way back downstairs, opening the door and grabbing my phone from the side table in our room, checking to see if I had any new text messages, which I didn't. Making my way back up the stairs and back to my seat. Looking over towards Luc, quickly snapping a picture from my phone, smiling and giggling. Looking down at my phone screen, over looking the picture. The screen creating a glow over my face as I'm staring at the picture.

"Your such a nerd with your picture taking, you know."

"Yes, but it was a picture perfect moment, the way you were leaning against the counter, so cute!"

"Shut up, anyway... What do you think about the food?" Seeing him blush a little as he turns back to the fridge.

"Sounds like a little much for the two of us..."

"Yeah, well I'm hungry.." Chuckling lightly to himself before pulling out the required necessities from the fridge.

Watching as he sways back and forth making breakfast. Smiling to myself before snapping another picture, quickly switching over to my iPod app. "Hey I heard that.." Hearing him say as he turns on the stove, playing some Lady GaGa. Giggling as he starts dancing around while he cooks, a childish grin spreading across my face as he picks up a spoon and starts singing along to the lyrics. Swaying my own tail along with the music.

Agent 354 looked down to his phone, checking what time it was, three in the morning. They had an hour before their flight departed from Europe and back to their home.

"Why do we even have to be here so early if our flight doesn't leave for another hour!" Sighing to himself as he sits around the mostly empty airport.

"I don't know, it's the rules of the airport!"

"Rules of the airport..."

"Shut up..."

Chuckling lightly to himself as he passes the time by standing up and walking around the benches in the room. Looking over to the clock on the wall to see that time was still moving ever so slowly. Sighing and leaning against a wall, closing his eyes as he stands contently in one spot. A loud, interrupting voice suddenly bursted his relaxing moment, opening his eyes once again to see it was the speaker on the wall, sighing to himself perking his ears to listen in. The loud obnoxious voice telling all passengers that the departure times were changed and were now a half hour earlier. He took a deep breath of relief to find that he didn't have to wait as long as before. Knowing that they board a half hour before departure means that they board in 5 minutes. Slowly walking back to his wife and grabbing his things before walking up to the boarding station.

"Hmmm... Do you think when we get back, that our place is going to be trashed?"

"Well, I wouldn't doubt it... But let's keep our hopes up..."

"That was delicious, thanks Luc."

"No problem, silly."

"Now, what about that 'payment'?" Smirking to myself as I grab his paw, leading him towards the couch.

"Oh? Well, what does this fox have in mind?"

Pushing him down onto the couch, sitting in his lap. Kissing into his neck a little before playing around with his pants buttons, hearing him chuckle lightly before I look into his eyes and kiss him softly. Pushing him down onto the couch, laying more on top of him, wagging my tail eagerly, sliding my paws down his chest. Suddenly sitting more straight up, turning my head, glancing towards the door, tilting an ear off to the side.

"Neon? What're you doing?"

"There's someone at the door.." Tilting my head off to the side

"What? How do you-"

The sound of the familiar door bell cutting the canine off before he could finish his sentence, watching as he got up and answered the door, a fur dressed up in a suit had been standing there. I couldn't hear what exactly they were saying, but the look on the strangers face didn't mean it was anything good. I quickly turned back to face the television as Luc came walking back, making it seem like I wasn't trying to listen in to what they were saying.

"Pack your bags.." Luc said as he started heading down into his room

"What? What's going on?" Following him down the stairs

"We're going to Europe."

"Why? Are your parents okay?"

"I don't know, they're missing."

"Oh no..."

Thinking to myself, what could have happened there, how dangerous was the mission that they were sent on, looking over the doberman in front of me, watching as his ears were lowered, grabbing clothes and shoving them into a suitcase. I didn't know whether or not I should tell Luc about his parent's being agents or not. After standing there, blankly looking over at the dog sitting on his bed, finally deciding I should. Sitting down at the edge of the bed, grabbing his shoved clothing from the suitcase and folding them more properly, putting them neatly back in. Helping him pack his clothing, thinking of ways to tell him. Moving on to packing my own bags of clothing, sorting through the dressers to find some good clothes. Being distracted for a moment on how many, and which sweaters I should bring. Suddenly looking back over towards Luc.

"Uh, Luc... Your parents are agents and they were sent on a mission over in Europe..." Thinking to myself "damn, that was blunt." Almost feeling the need to slap myself in the face.

"What?" As he stops packing his bag, looking up at me with a strange look on his face.

"I was talking to your mother once, when I couldn't sleep at night, she had explained what exactly they do for the government, and the reason they hadn't told you in the first place was because they were concerned you would worry about them constantly."

"Damned rights I'm gonna worry constantly, I mean, just look, not even 5 minutes after finding out and we're having to go all the way to Europe to find and see if they are okay."

"Yeah, but... Never mind, are you ready to go?"

"Yeah I'm ready! I've just been waiting for your slow butt to get ready."

"Oh, well soooorry... Let's go, I'll start the car and you can grab the package those guys left."


Making our way quickly up the stairs, the quiet yet quick thumping our footpads hitting each step. Grabbing our bags, making my way outside, clicking a button on my car, opening up the truck, tossing in the bags. Going back to the house to grab the rest of the bags and tossing them in the back as well. Going up to my car door and unlocking it, opening up the door and sitting inside. Putting the key inside the ignition and starting my baby up. Hearing the roar and slow purr of the engine. Tapping my paw against the steering wheel, watching as Luc shut the door, locking it and bouncing off the small steps from the doorway, quickly making his way over to the car. Watching as he came up to the door and tried opening it, hearing him trying to pull on the door handle.

"Oh, oops, forgot to unlock it."

Hearing a little sigh coming from Luc before pushing the unlock button, quickly sitting down in the passenger side. Slowly pulling out of the driveway, watching as Luc pulled out the driving directions and information about what's going to be happening on our trip. Quickly making our way towards the highway. finally merging onto it. Battling my way into the left lane, pushing my foot more down, hearing my car roar louder. Pushing the speed limit, driving down the highway.

Finally arriving upon the airport, driving for what seemed like hours until we could find a parking spot, walking inside, paying the airport for letting them keep my car parked until we arrive back. Going back and grabbing some things we missed, taking one last look at my car. Thinking to myself "goodbye my precious car. I'll miss you so, don't do anything bad" always treating my car as if it were my child. Walking back to the airport, before we could sit down at some benches a couple of suited furs wearing sunglasses came walking up to us. It was obvious as to what they were going to say. Sighing a little as I heard them say "Please come with us." grabbing our bags and following their quick paced footsteps, leading us to a private jet, stepping up the steps and inside the luxurious plane.

"Wow, if mom and dad travel like this, I could see why they do this sort of thing."

"Heh, that's silly. They probably do it for a lot of reasons, helping people, good pay... You know."

"Yeah, but this would be another good reason..."

"I guess so." turning my head towards the other fur.

"Sorry to interrupt but I have to talk to you guys."

"Alright" as we both said, looking towards him.

"From this point on, I'll be your personal escort and bodyguard. I am agent 098, but you guys can call me Troy."

"Wow, 98? That's a low number, that must mean your pretty good, compared to Luc's parents. They're way up in the numbers."

"Not exactly, they only started out there, but they've reached the rank down in the single digits, they worked hard. Just because they reached such a high rank doesn't mean their number changes."

"Oh, okay..."

"Alright.. Troy, what exactly are we going to have to do." Luc perking his ears up a little, listening more intently.

"First things first, since the two top agents are missing, we don't have time to train you guys, so you'll just get the basic's and be sent in to find them. Our intel suggests-"

"Wait... Train us?"

"Yes, from now on, your being considered as official agents."

"Official?... We're only seventeen..."

"Yes, but you already know too much about us. It's just the way things are going to have to be."

"Alright, I guess..."

They talked for several hours as we flew over the ocean, turning to my left, to look out the window. Watching as the water moved along with the wind, the sun just meeting the water once again, watching as they said their hello's, the colours colliding, making it a beautiful picture. It seemed like Luc wanted to know everything about what's going on, but I guess that's natural, his parents are missing and we have no clue what happened. Flying for several more hours, I decided to watch a movie and try to sleep, but even in chairs as comfortable as these I couldn't fall asleep, knowing that Luc wouldn't rest until he found his parents. Glancing over to see him watching out his own window, the look in his eyes, like he couldn't stand anymore of this waiting, sitting in this jet, waiting until he could see land so we could start already. Watching as he impatiently taps his foot as we soared through the sky.

After a full day of flight we finally arrived at a more private part of the airport area. Standing up as the jet finally stopped, arching my back as I stretch out and howl quietly, wiggling my arms and stretching out my muscles. Rubbing my eyes as we make our way down the steps off the jet, looking to my left and right, squinting my eyes a bit, slowly adjusting to the sun light. Taking a deep breath, looking around at the views. Even as we were just at the airport, the scenery was beautiful, the air was crisp and still cold. Mountains with snowy tips, everything seemed beautiful. Suddenly a voice came out of no where, feeling a little startled, I looked back behind me to see it was Troy speaking to us. Finally actually taking a good look at him as he was standing there explaining everything. He was a dark brown muscular wolf, his muscles seeming to define and bulge through his suit. He also had a distinguishable scar over across his eye, that just barely showed when he was wearing his sunglasses. I always loved suits, had a small fetish for them, so looking at him in that suit made him incredibly hot. Blushing a little as he notices me looking at him, looking back over towards my doberman. Watching as he kept listening intently to what Troy was talking about. After about ten minutes of directions in case we get lost and other things we started walking towards a black SUV, that was our ride. Hopping in the back as we drive off towards our hotel, I wasn't expecting any less, since our flight was luxurious. Leaning my head against the window, looking out towards the views, I didn't know exactly where we were in Europe, but it was beautiful. Finally arriving at our hotel, grabbing my bags and following closely behind Troy, leading us up to our room, and walking inside. The room was huge, more than what I expected. Flopping down onto the bed and closing my eyes. It felt like I was laying on clouds, the blankets were soft, and the bed was amazing. Leaning up on my arms and looking towards Troy as he hands over the room key to Luc.

"Here's your room, my room is just right across the hall, so if you need anything I'll be a moments notice away. We will start searching tomorrow, so make sure to rest up."

"Alright, we'll make sure to do so Troy." Luc said as he grabbed the bags, tossing them over near the hotel dresser.

"I'll see you guys in the morning. Night guys."

"Good night." We both said to him as he walked out of our room.

Watching as Luc pace around the room slowly, before sitting down on the couch and turning on the television. Standing up and slowly making my way over towards the couch, before hopping over the back of it and sitting down beside him. He must have flipped through all the channels before leaving it on a random news station. Nothing really interesting was happening on the news, Luc must have thought that they would mention something to do with his parents, but if I knew the government then they would have just covered it up.


"Shhh... The lady is saying something."

Getting suddenly cut off as the canine beside me turns up the volume on the T.V. turning back towards it and watching as she talked in german, being able to make out a couple words since my older brother is fluent in the language but it wasn't enough to help me understand what they were talking about. Before they showed images of a crashed meteor site, and something about two american archaeologists that went missing during the excavation. Watching as Luc turned the volume back down, turning towards me.

"Wanna go for a walk?" As he grabs my paw, seeing him smile slightly at me.

"Sure, why not."

Standing up, pulling his paw up along too. Grabbing my sweater before opening up the door and walking along his side down the hallway. Taking a deep breath of the fresh air outside as we step foot out the door. Holding his paw tightly as we walked down the sidewalk, the moonlight shining brighter seeming to light up the dark places where the street lights weren't reaching. The soft glow of the streets and the quietness in the air making it feel romantic. Looking up to the sky to be greeted by the stars, as they light up the sky along with the moon.

"This is nice." Slowly swaying my tail side to side as we walked down the street.

"Yeah, it's beautiful out here."

"It sure is."

Gripping his paw more tightly in my paw Seeing him smile softly at me before pulling me into a hug, smiling back and closing my eyes as he embraces me in his strong arms. Looking up into his deep blue eyes, his paws wrapping tightly around my waist as he pulls me into a kiss. Blushing lightly, kissing back, my paws sliding around his shoulders as he deepens the kiss. Feeling his tongue push into my muzzle, murring softly as I intertwine my tongue with his, kissing deeply. Pulling away, smiling as I trail my claw across his chin. Feeling his paws rub up and down my waist, wagging my tail happily.

"We should get back and get some sleep, don't you think puppy?" Grinning sheepishly, as I grab his paw again.

"Yeah, I suppose so." Blushing lightly to his nickname

"Okay, let's go."

Slowly making our way back, walking underneath the soft glow of each street light. As we got closer to the hotel we could see the building and the lights of the sign on. Looking up towards the top of the tall building, seeing some spotlights up top, the huge tower like building seeming to get even taller as we approached it. Walking back in through the doorway, pressing the elevator button, squeezing his paw as we wait for the door to slide open. Sighing softly at the speed of the elevator as we slowly make our way up to our floor. Finally arriving at our room, walking in and turning on the lights, walking over into the bedroom area to collapse onto the bed. Crawling underneath the covers, watching as Luc turns on the TV in the bedroom, turning off the lights as he walks over to the bed, laying down beside me. Snuggling back into his arms as we find a movie channel, yawning and closing my eyes.

"I love you." Rubbing his arm

"I love you too, so much." Squeezing me lightly in his arms.

"Night honey."

"Good night."

Wiggling into his arms, yawning once again, slowly falling asleep to the sounds of the television. All the sounds around me, slowly getting farther and farther away. Drifting off into deep sleep.