Gap Year: The Dating Scene
_so that's why jake's been ignoring me. _
Rough Day
jake had a sudden realization strike him in that moment which caused his whole entire body to tense up.
LWAOF Chapter 5 - First Day in a New School
Ryan just kept looking down the hallway he saw jake being taken and said in a whisper "please jake, please be okay..."
Gap Year: Goodbye
It's jake. i've never wanted anything more in my life. i may not know what i want to do with my life, but i know who i want to be with for the rest of my life. it's jake. it's always been jake.
The Retreat [Animal Crossing Character TF/TGs]
jake's nose became small and blue, wet as well while his face pushed out into a slight muzzle. jake's arms became thinner while his shoulders became less broad.
The End of the SWAT Kats! Part Three
jake shifted a bit and eyed his friend.
Don and Jake - Chapter 4
#4 of don and jake decided to go ahead and post ch 4 because it's so short and just contains plot development with nothing "juicy." also i suck at dialogue. jake pulled into the parking lot of t-bone records.
The Doctors of Doom, Part Five
Noticing chance and jake, callie smiled and walked over. "well, if it isn't my two favorite auto mechanics." "hi, callie," said jake.
Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 3
The creature looked away from jake and out to sea, where it seemed that there was something that caught its attention. jake also looked out to see and couldn't believe what he saw.
The Symbol? - Chapter 5
They were giggling and talking about jake. "jake is so hot!" "i know!" "do you think he has a girl friend?" "probably!
High school love story Ch. One
Before then doug was in a relationship with a german shepard, jake. the same jake that had invited doug to the party. jake and max don't get along too well, to say the least. 'jake's just mad because doug's mine, now.' max thinks.
Junior Year: The End
jake and i both laughed loudly at the sight. "that was epic." i bragged. "yeah yeah yeah." jake laughed and got back to the business of murdering aliens. "hey, you hear what happened to arnold?" "what?"