Gap Year: The Dating Scene
#11 of Gap Year
Shorter chapter today. I may upload Friday cause I couldn't upload Sunday with my traveling.
Jake gave the ferret from the café a call. The ferret, as luck would have it, had a sister. They were an attractive pair, I had to admit. We were meeting up at this club. The guy, Jonathan, was a tall ferret that was impossibly thin. I thought he could have been a model, but no, he was just the average for Europe. He wore tight jeans and a black shirt under a blue plaid shirt that matched the color of his eyes. His head fur was in a messy spike and dyed jet black.
His sister, Emilie, was a quiet girl, but equally beautiful as her older brother. She was maybe a year younger than me, but she had short brown hair that stopped at her jawline. There was a streak of purple by her eyes and she had a cute smile.
We went out to a club where Jonathan bribed the bouncer to let Emilie in. I went over to order the drinks for us while the others sat down at a booth. I felt pretty good that night. Maybe my date could help me shake Jake from my head. I mean, it's not like he'd ever go for me. I must have been drunk to think that he meant it when he said he loved me.
I was in a nice shirt and new jeans we bought a few hours prior. I felt great when I got the bar and ordered a few drinks. On my way back to the table, I dodged ever person that was heedlessly dancing. I set the drinks on the table and saw Jake and Jonathan pressed close to one another. I sat in and tried to ignore the smile on Jake's face while Jonathan whispered something into his ear.
Emilie scooted closer to me, leaning into my chest. I recognized the perfume she had as something my mom would wear when she went out with Dad.
"How are you enjoying Paris?" Emilie asked.
"It's beautiful." I took a drink and already started to feel warmed by the alcohol. "But it's even better now that you're here." I took her hand and she averted her eyes.
"You're making me blush," she said, kissing my cheek. "Let's see if you dance as good as you flirt." I nodded and we left Jake and Jonathan as they continued schmoozing one another.
The music was loud with a hard bass, your typical dance music. I started to dance with Emilie and that's when I first realized just how beautiful she really was. The black dress she wore barely concealed her... well... her. The way her body moved had me moving closer to her, pressing my body against hers. She just giggled.
"You're a good dancer!" she yelled in my ear.
"You are too!" I yelled, grabbing her hips and smiling.
"You're not gonna take advantage of me, are you?" she said.
"You seem to be handling yourself pretty well so far. Maybe you'll take advantage of me."
She giggled and brushed a hand across my crotch which made me shiver.
Emilie smirked.
"I don't even know what you mean, Brent."
I took her hand and held it as we danced. She was a giggly, bubbly girl that was positively intoxicating. When Jake and Jonathan made their way out to the dance floor, Emilie led me back to our table. After a couple drinks of my cocktail, I leaned over to her.
"Hey there," I said with a smile.
She pulled me by the front of my shirt and pressed our faces together with her sour lips. We lay there in the booth for what could have been hours. She moaned with every touch and would claw at my back when I nipped at her neck. We were kissing and touching and exploring each other for what felt like eons.
At one point, she stopped me.
"Should we go back to my place?" she asked.
I then realized how sudden this all was. Here I was, making out with a girl I'd just met and didn't even know and she was asking if I wanted to go back to her place. I felt stupid. I was letting myself get carried away by her. Sure, she seemed nice and was so fucking hot I couldn't stand it, but I didn't want to do anything brash.
"Let's take it slow," I suggested.
She nodded and we talked for a while, getting to know each other better. It was a nice enough date, but I kept glancing out into the dance floor, wondering where Jake was. When I checked my phone, I discovered the answer.
Gone to Jonathan's place.
C u 2morro
* * *
We spent a few days together, the four of us, going out for all sorts of parties or whatever, and it was always nice. Jonathan and Jake were particularly inseparable which... Hurt. I mean, even just not seeing Jake everyday was hard, but not being able to have a serious conversation with him because he was too busy molesting the ferret was excruciating.
We went to a pool on a sunny day and while I was certainly having fun kissing Emilie and enjoying the sight of her in a scandalously skimpy bikini, I missed Jake.
Why am I so pathetic!? He's just a friend!
But even so... I felt... empty at not being able to talk to him. After years of being joined at the hip, this distance made me feel like I was being torn inside out.
When Jonathan went to the bathroom, I saw something fall out of his pocket and it wasn't until I picked it up that I realized what it was; a condom.
_So that's why Jake's been ignoring me. _