The Lead Crown: Ch 8.4a, Rude Awakenings

She pulled the bull aside, stepping away from the rest of the group as they talked amongst one another. as usual, he stood at attention as she addressed him.

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Working on the farm

As he walked out of the bathroom marcus was waiting for him there, "hey man, you look good as a bull." tiran smiled, "i feel good as a bull, i have a feeling that i'm going to like working at the farm from now on."

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Jack'll Do: a poem

cow-horse poetry in the fine old western tradition.

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240 A Placidity Of Kine

They seem to occupy the same sort of niche as cattle, with a dash of hippopotamus, due to a love of bathing that makes them cleaner than the average cow but complicates their maintenance since they have to have a pool.

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The Day I Meet a Hero Chapter FourS

Opened up cow; a large cow that has been trimmed of fat and made to your request; raw, baked, grilled or chopped up in a salad of your choice. inside loaded with carrots and potatoes and other vegetables.

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None of us are free, if one of us are chained.

Our leader "sargent bull" the toughest and most loyal to his troops sargent leaned against a tree, nearly passing out. what could i do? a private in this rag-tag dirty dozen?

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A Lost Pit Part One

The pit bull ended up in the bad part of town. he was pampered as a pup living the good life with two rich fathers, but he was stripped of that and now lives on the streets.

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Residual Spirit

Looking a bit like cattle prods, with a long silver tip and a baseball sized silver ball at the end. these had a trailing wire that attached to a trigger in the handle. it didn't hurt, just felt like a light vibrating touch.

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The Wolf of Castle Blackpaw: Part I

Then, just then, he thought he had heard the howl of a bull. he quickly looked around, turning his head from side to side frantically for the sign of life, but he didn't see anything.

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The Beastly Demi-humans of Kesaki

Ookami then 'blessed' the men with strength, stamina, and virility of a bull, amongst 'blessing' other 'things', letting them continue their pitiful sedimentary existence as farmers and ranchers.

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The Human War- Chapter Eleven

He used all his strength to keep the bull pinned. "i'm sorry did i interrupt you? please continue." bear said sarcastically as he added more force to push the stunned bull against the floor.

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Aaru - Chapter 24 (The Crystal)

The four standing before them were led by a bull it seemed, who was having an aggressive exchange of words with jasmine. the next thing i saw was the bull deliver a back handed slap to jasmine that set her spinning to the ground.

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