Jack'll Do: a poem

Story by Altivo on SoFurry

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Cow-horse poetry in the fine old Western tradition.

First appeared in Civilized Beasts, v.2 (Weasel Press, 2017)

Also available in audio as read by KhakiDoggy at http://thevoice.dog/

Jack'll Do (Cow-horse Poetry)

by Altivo Overo (copyright 2017)

Some folks there is doesn't like a gray:

"He looks like dust!" is what they'll say.

"Reminds me of a dark November day."

But Jack sez, "Charlie'll do.

When calves're bawlin' and cows're mad,

And we've got to work for pay to be had,

Cuz brandin' time is always bad:

Ol' Jack sez, "Charlie'll do."

The sun's not up and it starts to rain.

The cookfire sputters, cold beans again.

Bad coffee, stale biskit, aught else to gain,

Still Jack sez, "Charlie'll do."

We've worked together nigh twenty year,

But I know with Jack I've naught to fear.

He counts on me and I know he's near.

He allus sez "Charlie'll do."

When Cookie bakes fresh biskit or cake

An' all them boys their shares'll take,

Jack brings me some where I stand at stake.

Ol' Jack sez, "Charlie'll do."

So when the last long drive is o'er,

Them cows're sold, the pay is shore,

An' I stand at the Eternal Pasture's door,

For a rider I say, "Jack'll do."

Samovar: a poem

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