The Pride Rock Part 2: Welcomming Committee
I feel dizzy and my eye sight is blurring. then i fall to the ground. the last words i hear before complete black out are: "oh no... he is more wounded than i thought" nala says. "i agree.
The Other Side
Gone as a blur, into the dirt. closing your eyes, and feeling the hurt... the said the grass was greener, on the other side. but i checked, and it's a goddamned lie~ just as grey, either side of the fence. and it tastes, the, same.
Badger on a Moon (Ferret and Badger part 2) (Otherwise Untitled)
A ferret appeared on the screen, blurred and only partially colored for the moments occupied with the vidphone buffering the message. the badger smiled. ~ sigh.
Night thoughts - 12. - Because Y Knot
Patience an empty shot glass, i've taken what i could beyond the blur, there doesn't seem to be a cure for everything not good steady feet shake as the world comes undone from within i can't help but walk on, singing a made up song, as i can't shake a stuck
Death To Nightmare Chapter 3
Said a pink blur hanging from her head that she assumed was pinkie pie. with some focus she grabbed the pink pony with her magic and sat her down on a nearby pillow. "i actually have, thought of it last night.
Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 12
Everything around him blurred as his vision started to fail him. the heat of the fifth circle's fire was far more than the lava flow in his own layer, and all of it came out from azgal's body.
Chapter Fourteen
My vision was blurred and hearing was muffled as i heard my parents cry out my name. i told them i was alright, but from what i felt i must have appeared intoxicated. i was about to go down again when a blur of orange fur grabbed me.
Love for Sale: Chapter 9
Most of them had eroded away or been so overrun with weeds that the property lines blurred. the dens were rundown and there was hardly any sign of life.
The Blood Mile
Even with my blurred vision, the city gate was within sight, i was almost free. i pushed as hard as i could, forgetting pain and broken bones as i sprinted for the gate.
A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 35 (The Land of Waves - Part 3)
Quickly gaining speed the two became a blur of movement as they hurtled towards karabe like miniature tornadoes.
Aslyum, Part 1
The drug took effect quickly, balto now feeling light heaeded & his vision blurring. he saw the blurred figures of the doctors leave the room & tried to move but he was still strapped down.
Chapter 6-The Start of a Good Year
All i could see was a big red blur and the times i could see my hand, i could see my right hand because i was strumming so fast.