Death To Nightmare Chapter 3
#15 of MLP
Tom was in darkness, complete and utter darkness. She called out a hello and notice she had her old voice back. Did Tom end up back in his world? That would be just great. What was the point of that other world? To tease him about life before taking it away? A dark figure appeared but before he could say anything a knife appeared and was lunged at him.
"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!" THUMP! "OOWW!" Tom opened his...her, hell Tom didn't know anymore. The being that was Tom opened it's eyes. She saw a room bathed in light. The ceiling was high and white. Definitely not his room in the apartment or a hospital. And there was a clear view of her new gender and that ethereal tail. She heard a door open and heard a male voice ask.
"Ma'am are you okay?"
Tom sighed and replied, "I'm fine but I think my pride took a mortal wound."
She heard him chuckle at that comment, "What happened ma'am?"
"Just a nightmare -- DON'T YOU DARE GO THERE!" She heard the gears going in his head even from where she was. She then tried to straighten herself out. She was initially upside down with her bed propping her up. She allowed herself to slide to her side, and then worked on getting herself up. What happened the next few minutes Tom didn't want to remember. She was still getting use to hooves and struggling to get up even with the bed for support. The stupid guard LAUGHING the entire time didn't help matters. She finally manage to get to her feet and with a huff she tried to regain her composure. Seeing that all was okay the guard started to leave.
"Well all is well so I'll return to my post." He paused with an evil gleam in his eyes. "But I will admit, I never thought I would see a full moon during the day." He left and the door closed leaving a blushing Tom.
"I'LL GET YOU FOR THAT! SOMEDAY, SOMEHOW I WILL GET YOU FOR THAT!" She heard both her guards laughing through the door and she sighed in defeat. She cantered to her bathroom and washed her face to wake herself up more and she looked at her wet face and the draconic eyes that are now hers. She rubbed her face with a towel and brushed her fur smooth when there was a knock at the door. "Come in." The door opened to reveal a smaller dark blue alicorn. "Princess Luna, what can I do for you?" The smaller alicorn looked guilty.
"I....I wanted to apologize to you."
"What for, surely you didn't have anything to do with me having this body or being here?"
"I did not. But I ignored your dream and the guards reported that you had a nightmare. So I apologize for not ridding you of your nightmare."
Tom stared at her for a minute before replying.
"You have control over dreams?"
"Goes with being the princess of the night. I monitor the dreams of the ponies of Equestria. I can turn nightmares in to wonderful dreams."
"For everyone?"
"Well I do have limits. I try to only do equestrian dreams and look for really bad nightmares and especially keep an eye on ponies important to me. And you are an important pony but...."
"I represent something you would rather forget?" Luna silently nodded. Tom walked to her window. "I can't help that, Luna. I had no choice in this body. Please look past the outer shell to what is contained within." Tom felt something on her side and she looked to see Luna close with a wing extended to touch her side and a small smile.
"I promise you Tom to try. Will you join me and my sister for a meal as an apology?"
"Sounds nice, let's go I'm getting hungry." The two leave with the guards following a discreet distance away from the two alicorns.
"So what was the nightmare about, Tom?" Luna asked.
"My stabbing." Luna winced at that and again apologized. "Even if I was still in my world with my old body that would haunt me. Please don't worry about it." Luna said nothing but silently vowed to keep a better eye on Tom's dreams. She would not make her sister's mistake and ignore it like she did her issue.
Another pair of guards opened the doors to the private dining room as they approached and they entered to see Celestia, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack. Twilight and Rainbow Dash were missing. Celestia looked up and smiled.
"Good morning Luna and Tom."
"Good morning sister."
"Aren't we missing a couple?" Tom asked. That brought out an even bigger smile from Celestia and she answered.
"Well Twilight is still in the archives. When she gets in a study mode you can't get her out of there. Only me promising a new spell has gotten her out of it before. But I don't know about Rainbow Dash."
"She's likely sleepin' in. That mare's most always nappin' when she ain't workin' on tha weather or stunts... or pranks." Applejack interjected. Tom walked over to the table and sat down.
"I say my dear, while not regal your stride has improved. One could hardly tell you weren't use to a pony form." Rarity noted which shocked Tom.
"I......I didn't even notice." A butler came up and Tom picked some pancakes and milk and ate in relative silence, though that's not to say he didn't throw a comment in here and there. Eventually the meal ended and Luna went to bed while the others began breaking up for what ever they do in the castle, but not before they had a giggle at Tom as she hesitated to check the signs before heading into the rest room. It would be a while before Tom would live that one down.
When Tom entered her quarters again she saw several books on a nearby stand with a note on the top one. She walked up to the the book and read the note.
Dear Tom,
I know you are interested in learning about the magic you now have. I will try to make time to teach you about it, especially your alicorn magic. Sadly the court needs me so much that it restricts my ablity to teach you. I'll try to see if I can get Twilight to train you as well but until then here are some books on unicorn magic. Have a pleasant day Tom.
Princess Celestia
Tom smiled at the note and grabbed the first book. It was a kid's book named 'Magic and You.' Tom shook her head in amusement. She couldn't really complain, any book to help her learn the basics of magic, as she needed, would be kid's books. Grabbing a few more books she went to a couch and began reading.
Besides a lunch break, Tom spent all day reading the books until it was time for dinner. She nodded to her guards and walked to the private dinning room. When she got there she saw Luna again and the others, this time with a coffee mug. The mug was black with green letters saying, 'Don't make me release the BAT PONIES!' She loved Luna's sense of humor. Then she noticed the cyan colored pegasus and a lavender alicorn, nose still in a book.
"Wow, They do exist." Tom comments causing the others to laugh. Rainbow Dash pouted and Twilight actually looked up and blushed.
"And I didn't even have to tempted her with a spell." Celestia said with a smile. Causing Twilight to give the saddest face. That was too much for Tom and she fell over hugging her sides. It took Tom a few minutes to get a hold of herself.
"Wow, if you could weaponize that cuteness it would be a weapon of mass destruction."
"Only if it was tha Cutie Mark Crusaders." Applejack said with a frown.
"Who?" Tom asked.
"Mah sister Applebloom, and her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.They haven't got their cutie marks yet so they go crusadin' ta get 'em." Applejack shook her head at her sister's antics.
"SSSOOOO have you picking a new name Tommy?" Said a pink blur hanging from her head that she assumed was Pinkie Pie. With some focus she grabbed the pink pony with her magic and sat her down on a nearby pillow.
"I actually have, thought of it last night. I needed a new name for my new gender and wanted one that could tie to my old world. It also needed to tie to my new body so my name is Selene, which is another name for moon." All the ponies showed or spoke their approval though it seemed that Luna was very happy. 'Wonder why?' Selene thought to herself when Pinkie butt in again.
"You know what this calls for? A PARTY! And it have to be extra special since it's not only Selene's naming but I'm late for a Welcome to Equestria party. Princess Celestia may I use the ballroom?" The white alicorn smiled brightly and said.
"Of course Pinkie, anything you need is at your disposal." Selene swore she heard a squee before the pink mare just disappeared in a blur of pink. Selene looked and pointed where she went before looking back at the group and asked.
"Is she seriously going to make a party because I chose a new name?"
"Yup that pony will throw a party for anything." Rainbow Dash answered. "Honestly I'm surprised it took her this long to do one for you. Which means it's going to be 20% awesomer!"
"But why? She barely knows me. I have only been her a couple of days and in a form you didn't have a great time with from what I read."
"As long as she brings joy and laughter to somepony she is quite happy. And she wants you to be happy." Selene couldn't say anything to that.
An hour later Rarity came to Selene's room asking her to follow. Selene did and after a few minutes they had arrived at the ballroom. The unicorn opened the doors and Selene was shocked. She expected a few generic balloons or banners and maybe a generic cake. NOPE. There was tons of balloons, streamers, table cloths on what tables there were, various games, party hats, and at the far end a large banner saying 'WELCOME TO EQUESTRIA SELENE!' Pinkie came out of nowhere and blew a party horn in her face.
"YAH! Selene's here now the party can really start!" Still wide eye Selene asked.
"How did you get this all done so fast?"
"Silly Selene, I never leave home without my party cannon."
BOOM! And Selene was covered in confetti. Somehow that pink pony manage to get a cannon nearly her size out of her MANE! Selene just stood there slack-jawed a minute before shaking her head.
"I'm just going to enjoy the party and worry about physics breaking ponies later." She started to walk away when she felt something on her back and felt something put around her head. She looked behind her to see Pinkie on her back. "Pinkie, what did you put on my head?"
"A party hat." Pinkie then hopped off and Selene continued into the room. She saw all but Celestia and Luna in attendance and greeted each of them before Pinkie got the games started. First one was pin the tail on the pony and, since Selene was the guest of honor, she went first. Blind folded and spun a couple of times she cautiously moved forward with the tail in her magic and she had her wings out and found the wall. She placed the tail where she thought the ponies rear was. She took the blind fold off and saw she placed it on the ponies belly. She looked to the others and shrugged.
Many of the games were just plan childish but it didn't bother Selene as she never really got the chance to play them being born late in her parents life. Besides, Twilight and her friends made it enjoyable.
Then came the dancing. Selene tried to bow out saying she hasn't tried dancing in this body but she was no match for Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie as they pulled or pushed her onto the dance floor. She did her best and to her surprise she heard Rarity and Rainbow Dash comment she was better than Twilight. Selene eventually manage to bow out saying she was hungry. They all decided to break into the cake. It was now that Selene got her first look at the cake. It was covered mostly in brown frosting but in the center was a purple circle with a teal colored crescent moon in the center. Hugging the bottom in white frosting was her new name. Selene manage to pick up the knife and cut a piece out. She placed it on a paper plate and when she lifted it up she saw it was a chocolate cake, her favorite. How did Pinkie know? How could she possibly know? She looked at the pink pony with tears in her eyes. Pinkie's smile died and she asked.
"What's wrong Selene?"
"Nothing Pinkie," Selene took at wing and hugged Pinkie with it. "Thank you Pinkie, I don't know how you did it but thank you.".
"No problem, I always give my all to make a friend happy."
" consider me a friend?".
Pinkie nodded, "YUPERONIE!"
"Do you all think that?" The others looked at each other before Twilight spoke.
"We would be honored to be your friends." Yup, Selene couldn't help it. She cried in joy, She'd steal her man card back later but right now she needed this and before she could act all six ponies hugged her. The jolt made her lose her grip on the cake.
"NO NOT THE CAKE!" She wailed, but before it could hit the ground Rainbow Dash caught it. "Nice catch Rainbow Dash."
"Heh, no problem Selene." Rainbow gave back the plate and Selene passed out other slices to the mares with her. With everyone having there one piece Selene bit into her piece enjoying the cake and her new friends.