Aslyum, Part 1

Story by NovaKitty on SoFurry

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And 1st of all, Thnk yyou to all the Fur who Volunteered for this story^^

Klaw (Ceaser)

Leviat (Arnold)

Lucaswolfox (Lucas)


Furcernary (Dusk)

Baltos Eyes

^^ hugs to all of you,

Dusk stood in a crowd of large people that were waiting to bored the "Santa Marie" for a year long cruise. Finally a vacation after years of work. he wasn't alone there either he was with a few friend she had met while waiting. first was a wolf/husky named Ceaser. Then he had Rising a Light pink with him as well. They've been waiting ofr over an hour & the ship has yet to even start boarding passengers. the three of them heard a whistle blowing & looked over at the massive ship before them. Finally they were boarding, but now they had to get through the crowd & make their way to the ship. they all started to push their way towards the ship along with many other people as well. Once they got into the flow of people heading there, it was much easier to move. They finally got aborard the ship after about fifteen minutes of walking through a hoard of people. Dusk, Ceaser, & Rising all went & found a place to sit, cause they've been staning for over an hour.

"So, Ceaser What you wanna do first when this boat gets moving?" asked Dusk

Ceaser looked over at him, " well i'm just gonna relax the cruise. Don't feel like doing anything"

Dusk smiled & looked over at Rising, "How 'Bout you"

"Hehe, well i'm with Ceaser just gonna kick back & relax" said Rising as he leaned back in his seat, trying to get more comfortable.

Dusk looked up at the sky, it was blue but was quickly getting cloudy. He hoped it wouldn't rain, that'd ruin the whole cruise. But it didn't look like it would rain, just get cloudy, & hopefully it would stay that way. He looked around at the people on the ship wandering around & happily talking to one another. there sure was alot of people on already & yet still many people boarding as well. At this rate they may stick several people in one room. Dusk sighed happily & just layed his head back in his seat & relaxed as the people continued boarding.

Arnold & Lucas walked up the deck to the front of the ship their eyes jolting from one thing to another as they explored. The ship was now getting ready to take off, & Lucas was excited Arnold a little nervous but he still had a bit of excitement. It was their first cruise & it was going great so far, they just couldn't wait to see what there was to do on the ship. The two furs wandered around for what seemed like hours to them. They hadn't found anything they thought was fun, but still there waqs alot to do. Arnold & Lucas made it to the back of the ship & they saw a swimming pool.

"Finally! something to do" said Lucas excitedly as he began running towards the pool tossing his shirt off.

Arnold walked towards it & picked up Lucas's shirt. when he got to the pool he just sat by the edge & stuck his feet in the water. The water was cold, but it felt nice after standing around on the dock for an hour. He watched Lucas swim around under the water, Lucas came up to the surface splashing water all over Arnold.

"Hey! C'mon Arnold get in the water."

"No, not right now, maybe later." Replied Arnold as he got up.

"Awwww, Why not?" Whined Lucas.

"Cause, i want to go check out the engine room" said Arnold, as he tossed Lucas his shirt.

Lucas quickly , got out of the water grabbing at his shirt but missing, as his shirt fell into the pool. Lucas picked it up & put it on, even though it was soaked.

"Well okay," said Lucas as he walked over to Arnold, "Lets get going!"


A Doctior walked down the halls of the asylum carrying a plate of food. He stoped at one of the room & opened the door & yelled, "Balto! Dinner time!"

He looked around the room now realizing it was empty. He dropped the plate & ran into the room, seeing the air vebnt had been removed from the wall. He ran out of the room, Into the hall the vent led to just in time to see Balto kicking a door open.

"Hey! Stop Now!" Yelled the doctor, as he ran down the hall after him.

Balto made it through another door by the time the doctor caught up to him. He now had two doctors chasing him, cause he had ben spotted by another on his way up to the roof of the asylum. The two doctors ran as fast as they could, as Balto went up a flight of stairs. They caught up to him and now slowly walked towards Balto as he stepped baclwrds slowly towards the ledge of the building.

"Careful now Balto... wouldn't wan to fall would you?" Said one of the doctros as he stepped closer to Balto.

Balto didn't want to listen to them, he knew too well what they were going to try & do. They used what hurt their patients the most against them. Made them only feel fear & nothing else. It was like a nightmare that you couldn't wake from.

"Oh, Balto.... just come over here & we'll get you some dinner... Remeber why y our here we're your only true friends."

Balto turned his head away from them as the doctor spoke, not this again.

"Yeah.... Remember they all left you by yourself.... everyone you thought Loved & cared for you.... We are all you've got

now.... They never loved you, & no one ever will.."

"No.... i-it's not true... you kidnapped me.." said Balto shakily,

He kept telling himself it wasn't true but they're word seemed to overpower his thoughts & make him think it was. He coudn't think of anything else, & it was slowly eating at his mind. Feeling his heart now sinking low Balto' ears lowered & he fell to his knees. The two doctors walked up & grabbed his arms, picking him up they brought him back into the asylum,

"Now. How about we get you your dinner" said one of the doctors as the doors to the asylum slammed shut behind them.

Rising, Ceaser & Dusk sat by the pool, now relaxing as the sun slowly sunk down. Stars were already able to be seen in the sky, & most of the people on the ship had already headed to their rooms to settle in for the night. Dusk looked into the distabce at the setting sun & saw the faint outline of an island. The island would be closer by the time the ship was stopped for the night, & Dusk thought it would be fun to explore.

"Hey Ceaser, Rising."

Ceaser & Rising looked over at Dusk, "Yeah?" they bothmsaid at about the same time,

"You guys wanna go & check out that island later?" Asked Dusk, as he gestured out towards the island.

Ceaser & Rising looke dout at the island, then back at Dusk, "How are we gonna get there?" Asked Rising.

Dusk got up & walked to the edge of the ship, "We'll use one of these life rafts."

As he looked over the edge he saw a raft floating in the water. He looked down the boats edge, & still all the life rafts were intacted. Who's raft was it then, couldn't have came out of nowhere. Ceaser, & Risign walkeed over to the edge of the ship next to Dusk,

"What is it?" Ceaser asked, looking over the boat.

"It's nothing" Replied Dusk as he began walking back to the pool.

Lucas & Arnold walked down the stairs to the boiler room, looking around the room. They walked to the other end of the room, & stopped when they spotted a ladder.

"Well," Said Lucas, "Here it is."

Arnold looked down to where the ladder lead. Seeingnothing he began descending down the ladder, Lucas following behind him. Once they got to the bottom, they looked around the room. The engine's loud thrumming drowning out anything they said. As they walked further into the room Arnold looked around. Something just didn't seem right. He felt like someone was watching him. But everytime he turned around to look behind him, he saw nothing. He was starting to get scared now. Arnold kept close to Lucas so he didn't lose him as they walked through the room. Lucas looked at Arnold & nodded towards the ladder. He knew that meant they were leaving. Good, Arnold wanted to get out of the room now. But as they walked towards the ladder the light s in the room all went out, leaving them in complete darkness. They could neither see, or hear now. Something was happening now but Arnold couldn't tell what, He had no idea where Lucas was so he started to feel around to see if he could find him. After a while he felt the smooth fabric of a shirt, & sighed in releif. Looking aroiund he noticed the faint light from up the ladder, & tugged Lucas towards it. They mad eit to the ladder with no trouble, & Arnold let Lucas gp up first. Once he was up, Arnold began to climb up himself. but when he was almsot to the top he felt a hand grab ahold of his shirt & pull him up. Now he stared into the face of a man wearing surgical scrubs. the masn face was partialy covered so he couldn't tell who it was. Arnold struggles to get loose & the man threw him against a wall to make him stop. Befor he lost consciuosness Arnold saw another man wearing the same apparell walk in holding Lucas by the muzzles & wrists.

Rising, Ceaser, & Dusk, Were standing next to the pool now, with two men wearing surgical scrubs walking towards them. They didn't know what to do so Rising walked over to them.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

One of the men stared down at Rising, & his gaze sent shivers down Risings spine. BEfore Rising could react the man grab him by the throat & picked him up. Now struggling he saw the other man grab ahold of Ceaser, & Dusk try to help but get pushed back into the pool. Rising no wbeing brought to the edge of the ship struggled more, trying desperatly to get away. The man hung him over the dge of the ship & then let go, Watching rising fall. Dusk climbed out of the pool in time to see Ceaser dropped off the edge of the ship. He ran at the men once he got up, but one of them simply swung at his stomach, contecting with a breath taking blow. Dusk fell to his knees, & they picked him up getting ready to toss him overboard. They threw him over but insteasd of ladning in water like Dusk thought he would, he landed in a raft next to Ceaser, & Rising. The two men jumped into the raft & then both grabbed paddles, then began paddling into the distance towards the island that DUsk had spotted earlier. They saw another raft paddling in the same direction, & figured it was more poeple they had kidnapped.

Balto Ran down the halls of the asylum trying to find a place to hide. He had gotten out of his room again & had almost made it to the front doors, But two fo the doctors were close behind him. it was hard for him to run with the straps from his straight jacket getting tangled with his legs, but he tried his best not to trip. He looked back to see how far the doctors were from him, & didn't see anyone. He sighed in releif & turned around, & was knocked backwards. Before he knew what happened he was being drug back towards his room. But instead of him being locked in it again he was drug past it, & he started struggling frantically to get out of this jacket. He knew too well where they were taking him.

"N-no.... No!! Please... Take me back to my room... Please!"

the doctors ignored him, & drug himdown the hall into an elevator. Balto watched as the elevator went down all the way to /the basement levels, & as they slowly opened the smell of blood, & rotting flesh flooded into the elevator making him gag. Once they elevator opened all the way he was drug into the basement & down a flight of stair into a room with nothing but a chair in it. The doctors put Balto into the chair & began strapping him down. He had no time to move & try to escape. They had him strapped in already & were wrapping a strap around is arm to make his veins bulge out. they turned away for a secong and when they turned back, one of them had a long needle & the other holding a pack with a clear liquid in it. Balto knew what it was, some kind o fdrug that made him & all the other patiens hallucinate so they actually seemed insane. No one here was insane, just drugged so much they couldn't think straight.

"Now.... just hold still & it'll be over soon." said one of the doctors as he shoved the needle into Baltos arm.

He winced in pain as the needle sunk in, The other doctor squeezed the pack to get the drug flwoing through the tube & into Balto. The drug took effect quickly, Balto now feeling light heaeded & his vision blurring. He saw the blurred figures of the doctors leave the room & tried to move but he was still strapped down. He felt now like he was losing consciuosness, & soon he did. He slowly drifted away his mind wandering about, all his thought clustered together.