The Needs of the Many...

This is when the missiles noticed a larger heat signature and re-targeted them instead of the kestrel.

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A Beast Learns To Live - Chapter 19

She finally looked up at him and flashed her signature smile. "dear, i don't know _that_you. i know _this_you. and i know _this_you just bought _me_flowers and _my husband_ a new book with money that was for _him_."

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Just then the computer soon detect several energy signatures heading their way.

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Now an interesting feature of this protocol is the fact that the parent's nanites have a unique signature to them, indicating that child belongs to that noah parent, which is often used to return lost children to their natural parents.

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Chapter 2: a deadly pact

"not to worry, i've locked onto his genetic signature... tracking him down will be a piece of cake now..." a large, overly decorated horsecoach drove by, escorted by numerous guards.

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Clash of the Guardians I

Earlier in the week, rai had picked up the fragmented signature as he was traveling through the mountainous sector of the mainland.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twelve

Within a few minutes, the signatures of dozens of creeper vessels appeared on the screen as well. "whatever this is, it isn't my fight," muttered nishant, preparing to turn the ship around.

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He scribbled out a quick signature when the box showed up and side-stepped towards the bagger when the receipt started to print. "you saved six dollars and thirteen cents," jacob said.

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Black and White – Chapter 3: Discovery.

Others were really shallow, like berne slade's confession: "i'm a shopaholic; i would forge my mom's signature to charge her credit card." berne was a mouse who always had the right things to wear at any given time. some disgusted us.

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Small Box

There was also a little signature scrawled on the card along with a doodled smiley face, but the canine didn't need those to know who the card was from or what it was for.

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Sunny's Battle Class: Gone Wrong

By the end of the day, there wasn't a single male student in all of jade mountain academy who hadn't fallen under sunny's signature move.

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1 - Walking to the Council [Incomplete]

She could feel the power of their auras, a signature to testify for their power as some of the most powerful dragons. but power was not the only thing she was feeling.

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