Tying up loose ends
"well, well if it isn't my little fuck toy. how are you holding up? or do you want a second round?" laura taunted. "shut up you stuck up bitch! i've got a score to settle with you!" eric growled, his fingers curling in anticipation.
Freedom Fire Chapter 13: The Ugly
Genium is not a toy! if you try to make me into you living weapon then we end our friendship right now!" "whoa, slow down! i just want to say that you're too complicated.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.04: Enter the Lowefangs - Ep.05
Although, being kidnapped by this steaming hunk wouldn't be such a bad idea, her mind toyed. "awesome! is he around?!" the lion happily rumbled and let himself inside. "umm, not at moment.
Hallowtide: Chapter One
"can't get a fucking signal on this fucking piece of android shit," muttered stephen without looking up.
A Fox's Family (Part One)
"what the fuck do you know? get the fuck out of here already and stop playing around!" jamie shouted as he pushed again and again while vincent was being forced back each time until he had a high wooden fence against his back.
Chapter 5: True Lies
"did it ever occur to you that you're toying with another's life?" "i don't have to explain myself to you, wolf." stone said with disdain. "you weren't there when it happened."
Mystery Savior Ch. 3
When guys know that another guy is gay, the first thing that most of them think is, "does he want to have sex with me," which completely sucks. this makes them form a barrier around me, unless they want to antagonize me in some way.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 6
"no shit, here i thought it was a fucking mercedes a class!" "i'm going to lamp you one..." "is this dust... like actual dust, or is it... you know?" rap wobbled, worriedly.
Journeys of Time 21
Most of the gifts being the same as the rest, like cameras, spa treatments, instruments, sex toys, and jewelry.
Diamond in my eye 1
Neil put hanna's toy firearm up front with him as they all got inside and backed out the ally.
Escaping the Storm: Part 3
"this is an old toy of mine." "a toy?" thijs peered up from the floor, his tail flitting about excitedly. "that's right." erik leaned forwards with a smile, lowering the statue to stand upright upon the floor. "here, have a look." "it's big!"