Journeys of Time 21

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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#21 of Journeys of Time

Christmas arrives and everyone are planning to have a really good time with family. And some plans are prepared best when they come out of nowhere.

Apologies for being short, but it will hopefully be a good read.

This story is connected to actual lore.

Ainohi and Azuma © Me and

Alexander, Atalanta, Azula, Azura, Lyra, Magea, Phoebe, Sasha, Solan, Yin and Story © Me

Avril © Me and Ragnarakk on FA

Gui, Leona and Tenchi ©

Jove "Jupiter" © Me and Fox3087 on FA

Jane and May © Me and

Peridot © Me and SedrinTheStar on FA

Sapphire © Me and TurboMcgogo on FA

Talia © Sylvecune on FA

Tarja © Me and Clockwerk on FA

Topaz © Me and Onyxheart_Wolf on FA

Length: 1,755 words. 9,532 characters.

Time used to type: 1 hour (with corrections, editing and cleaning)

Journeys of Time 21: The Merry Christmas This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission. Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

Ever since the day of getting Gui to come and live with them in Morgova Castle, the royal family had been focusing on letting both him and Solan, the ambassador of the Shadowfrost Tribe, settle into the new culture surrounding living in a place filled with the dead, though the dead are not technically dead but more reanimated.

To Gui, the mentioning of Sas'Ha deciding to spread the meaning of Christmas to the people was a wonderful thing as Gui had grown up with Christmas being a tradition in the army during his tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. He knew very well that many might not accept this new type of celebration, but the people actually acknowledged it as not a celebration to some unknown prophecy to them, but rather celebrating the bonds they share and the ones they could share in the future.

It had not been long after the announcement that most of the realm was covered in a decor of all varieties, including some depicting their fake gift bringer, Saint Scales. The idea from Sapphire had grown on the people and in addition to Jane and May helping Azula to get out more lights by the hour than even a factory could, the castle was soon challenging the three suns for being the brightest in the sky, something they all took pride in.

Sas'Ha had taken it upon herself to cook all the food necessary as Sapphire, Wendy and Talon had done so much work last year to satisfy them all. Her culinary abilities weren't limited to just the standard table she was used to, but in addition also to some culinary creativities of hers, but she knew her family would love it.

As it was per usual around this time of year for them, most had not even spoken during the last week leading up to the awaited day, but once it had arrived, the family had come together to finally enjoy the holiday.

"Good morning, Pheeb." Avril called out to her sister while holding a wolf girl close to her, named Talia, as they both entered the big dining hall. Phoebe lifted a hand to her and actually smiled warmly, the old times of looking down at Avril having been lost in the sands of time.

The story behind the change of how everyone looked at Avril had been mostly thanks to Marcia standing up to Avril in front of everyone. Marcia had seen how much Avril enjoyed what she did and also that it had been her way of making things last longer, maybe even forever. Or the words of Marcia herself, "Why is Avril so much different than any of us? We know brother Jupiter can paint things ahead of time and even capture others in the paintings that have committed crimes, but does that really make him a bad person? How about Azura who offers to help those dying to get a peaceful passing by eating them and also making them feel like they are helping someone stay alive even after he or she are gone, does this really make her bad? Or mother, who created so many experiments, made the greatest protector of justice itself and turned away from a path of darkness, does that mean she should be frowned upon too? Avril wants to do this to keep others immortalized in their best days, and she is frowned upon for it. How can you actually call it fair when she is doing something that would make everyone else look like the biggest demons in the world?"

Marcia's words had truly sunk in and most had felt bad for how Avril had been treated, but it had been a struggle to break their habits. But today it was not a day to look down on others, but a day to strengthen the bonds. Especially when Sas'Ha called out, "Time to eat!" and everyone took a seat to enjoy the various meats and vegetables. There were also beverages and juices for everyone, minus for the newborns that sat in the laps of Jane, Magea and Atalanta, who instead enjoyed some of their mothers' milk.

The meal they shared had been quite a plentiful one, but the first surprise of the day came when Avril got out of her seat and left until the sound of wooden footsteps could be heard, getting the curiosity going in the family until they watched as a life-size wooden replica of Saint Scales walked into the room, all controlled by Avril who gave a small giggle, "Who wants to sit on Santa's lap?"

Jane had decided to make it fun and put her kid on the wooden lap of the replica before Avril sucked in something from a tube and began to speak, "Ho ho ho, little girl. What do you want for this holiday?" Everyone stood flabbergasted when he or she had heard Avril's normal voice suddenly taking on a much darker tone, but Sas'Ha quickly understood what it was and everyone seemed to enjoy it more when everyone sat in the lap of it, even Sas'Ha, who ended up being the only one to get the "coal" by having the replica lay her down over its lap and spank her, something that made everyone laugh until finally Sas'Ha was let go.

The rush to the throne room was apparent as most wanted to see what the others had gotten them. The gifts began to fly in the throne room and not before long everyone had theirs and began to open. Most of the gifts being the same as the rest, like cameras, spa treatments, instruments, sex toys, and jewelry. It wasn't many surprises at all, until everyone gasped when Avril used a neatly crafted puppet of a scarab that climbed into Talia's right hand, almost laying down there before a single flick with a finger from Avril made it spread its wings, revealing the compartment in which rested a gold ring with an amethyst carved neatly like a star, rewarding Avril with a thumb up from Topaz, as Talia looked at it with big eyes when Avril kneeled down in front of her, "Talia, ever since that visit to Portland, I have been knowing that I made the right choice of getting to know you. And you are making me so happy that I cannot stand to be without you. So, Taliatsune, would you honor me with becoming the wife of the fifth heir to the demon throne and stand by my side for as long as nature permits it?"

Talia's eyes began to water up before she threw herself at Avril and kissed her deeply, "Yes, oh yes! I will happily become your wife, Avril! I love you so much!" Everyone began to applaud for Talia and Avril, Sas'Ha smiling to everyone before announcing, "I think the best day for the wedding will be at the first of the season when life begins anew, just like their new life together will begin." Everyone agreed to that suggestion and applauded more for the now engaged lovers.

Yin, Ainohi, Jane and May looked over at Alexander sitting with Lyra and Azuma, smiling before Yin whistled, "Hey dad, catch!" Alexander didn't even pay attention, or so it seemed, when Yin tossed him a key attached to a chain and right in front of their eyes, he snatched it and looked confused at the design, "Wait, this doesn't look like a normal key." Yin smiled and nodded, "Meet us in the courtyard in a few minutes."

Like requested, the family stood outside in the courtyard with Alexander looking at a big box covering something. Yin smiled to him before turning to the box, "This is our gift to you, dad. We know how much you love Yu-Gi-Oh and that your favorite ones especially are 5D's and ARC-V, so we took a whole month of research and digital advancement to build you something combining them both."

Alexander looked even more confused before Jane and May looked at Peridot, "Think you can help us, Peridot?" Peridot nodded before swinging her arms forward to unleash her hooks that pierced into the big box and with a powerful pull, sent it flying, the bottom not attached to anything and by that revealing to them all and mostly to a slack-jawed Alexander, a duel runner like the ones used in 5D's, "Oh my gods!"

Alexander ran over and took a look and understood why it was so special, the battle disc attached was also having Pendulum zones on it, which made him hug each of the girls tightly before they heard a loud crash when the box hit the highest tower of the castle and turned into splinters, but Alexander was already too occupied with looking over the duel runner and crying, "You girls... I... I cannot thank you enough." Yin smiled before patting his shoulder, "Why don't you do like you always loved to yell?"

Alexander understood now and grabbed the helmet that had been provided before taking a seat in the machine, putting the key in the supposed ignition, only to be hindered by Yin, "That is only for use when it is time for THOSE moments." Alexander quickly understood before grabbing the throttle and gave it a test twist, noticing all the systems lighting up as he squealed, "It is actually working!" Yin smiled before Ainohi leaned in closely, "The fact is, you will be able to use it since we have arranged a tournament between each realm to strengthen the bonds and to make sure all injustice and hatred are forgotten. And with you being the entertainer you are, you are perfect for it. So, what do you say? Wanna represent Gac'Ea'Ax?"

Alexander watched both of Yin and Ainohi lean away from the duel runner as Yin called out to him, "Just shout the words and we will take it as a yes." With a hard twist on the throttle, the duel runner began to move forward and was soon driving up the wall of the castle before it launched away and at the highest point he could go, the answer called out clear over half the realm, "Let's rev it up!"

The End.