August 7 - Let’s go to the Beach! - Second Part
"paddle around, wait for a wave, and when you feel one coming about, try to stand up quick." did i hear that right? "then yell or something." "can you explain that a little further?" i asked. "you know i'm a beginner here."
Invane: Wherbe Rs
A followed up smack across his face, stopped his procedure while i pressed hard upon the gas paddle. driving fast down the road; in the direction of where the building was in front of us.
"The Thin Line," Part UU
He strolled into traffic, and raised a long paddle with a red face. the flow of fresh soldiers slowed, and then stopped. we were beckoned to proceed.
Set Me Free ch 4
He laughed coarsely as he started picking his way through whips, straps, paddles, dildos and other things. "this is the playroom, scott. i've got lots of memories from here." "i can imagine." i stepped in, hesitantly, picking up a pair of handcuffs.
The Tastiest Noms - for Zay
Gently and slowly, to conserve energy, i doggy-paddled my way back to the shore, spreading my wings to keep afloat as i got back to the massive boulder i dove from.
Beyond My Grasp 2 - Kidding Around
"'s like a bike, but with an engine in it, you don't have to paddle, you just rev it up and go vroooom and yer off!" "wooooow!" "they don't have them here?"
Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 2 - Seperated
Who knows, perhaps someday your guard captain might even entrust you with the keys to the shed where they keep the spare paddles for the fishing boats." "conrad!" sieg looked over at his mother, "it's fine."
A Jewel in the Ruff Chapter 9
Like phyllis's dungeon, the basement had been decorated in bondage furniture, hanging straps, and walls filled with toys, paddles, and other implements hooked against it.
Growing Pains
Art began doggy paddling around the fox's larger body. biro found himself able to stand up in the water. biro was feeling rather playful and began pushing water towards his friend. pushing small waves of water towards art.
Highball (2021)
Skimming along the tops of clouds, the paddle blades to his propeller created a chopping wake through the wispy tops, as felix flew north to cleveland.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 7.1 - Suspension of His Belief
He picked up his paddle. "now let's play, don't hold back." "oh...gladly," said majuma spinning the ball in her hand, "i am done playing around."
Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.8 - Banquet of Death
The boyband idol raised his paddle with a look he never had on stage. in front of his fans he was a beautiful silver wolf with the eyes of a big brother. but now he had the face of a killer.